
Love at First Bite.

Love, it is very strange for some people, almost impossible for others to understand or even comprehend, but I found my own love at a young age. That wonderful person sadly also had to move away before I could ever get my feeling across to him.

He was my best friend, for so many years he was my next door neighbor who I watched move in. I watched then unload there trucks and I also saw him my best friend Alex even at a young age he looked stunning. So it was hard enough for me to even bring my self to go up to talk to him let alone try anything else.

My first thoughts about him where is he was a snobby rich kid or not, but those idea's were short lived as Alex walked over to me and talk to me first .

Thinking back on it I never knew why he even wanted to talk to a loner like me,but I would never change that for the world. We got off to a great start we had pretty well the same likes and dislikes, we shared story's slept over at each other's houses.

Even though his parents were kinda weird, they still treated me with kindness and respect which made me feel really happy. I honestly would never figured out what he was if it were not for what happened almost a mouth after they had moved here.

We were playing on my tree house in the back yard as we were just messing around tickling and poking each other as I ended up stabbing my self and got a big spliter in my hand. Which was not a big deal for 10 year old me as I just yaked it out with out a problem, but what happened next was what gave me a scare. My finger bleeding a good bit , I told Alex to just wait here while I get a bandage. What happened was I was pushed onto my back Alex held me down with almost unbelievable strength as he looked me in the eyes and I looked into his seeing for the first time.

Alex's eyes, where glowing a beautiful crimson red and before I could even look away he licked my next as I shivered, ny eyes moved to his mouth " Fangs?" Was the only word that came from my lips as he quickly backed off and looked away from me.

"Your a vampire then right? " I asked him as he nodded back to him. He quickly got up and was about to leave as I grabbed his hand with the same one that was bleeding."I am not scared Alex I am just surprised is all, if you want some of my blood.... take from here." He said as he offered his bleeding finger to Alex. He did not need to be asked or told a second time as Alex moved close to him and took his hand gently and placed the finger in his mouth as he sucked on it .

My body tingled a bit as he blushed. Moments later Alex took out the finger and licked it as the wound was now cleanly closed up like it was never there." You won't tell anyone right Kai? "Kai shook his head no as he smiled. " No I won't, but if you ever get an urge to drink you come to me ok I will let you take from my finger again."Kai said with a bright smile

That made Alex really happy, but what they did not see was Alex's father watching then and seeing the hole thing play out. Later on they went there ways home and enjoyed there night. Not even the next day, moving trucks covered the street as Alex was sadly walking to one unable to say anything, unable to do anything I fell to the ground and cried watching my best friend leave me.

It was the worse day of my life, worse then have my teeth drilled or getting needles, this day hurt my heart cause I really liked Alex so much I never wanted to see him leave,but I did understand why since they were found out they had to.

They clearly did not trust humans all that much for the fact that they left so swiftly. On that day Kai made a promise to himself that one day he would meet Alex again and when he did he would tell him how he truly felt about him and hopeful Alex would feel the same.

Twelve years pasted by and Kai still never seen Alex at all, not anywhere. His promise felt hopeless , but none the less he was going to keep waiting. Kai was out side the fancy 5 star hotel that he worked at, he was the door man and he worked tireless hours for so many days at a time. Though it was very enjoyable, he gets to meet famous people all the time and it's never a dull moment when you joke around with them.

On this day the owner told me to post up sooner the normal, he said we have a vip coming,  booked the hole hotel. Kai thinking to himself this was some sort of gag was just thinking someone did this to freeze his balls off as it was very cold in the mornings. "What ever I will be posted up and hour before they come." Kai said to his boss he left for the night.

The one big this he got there was his own room and boy it was great cause he would never need a home again as long as he worked here. The night rolled by quickly as Kai was sound asleep. It was about 5:30 am when Kai got up and dressed for this morning.

He headed down and stretched seeing the lovely girl at reception he waved as he headed out side with his nice warm coat and hat to keep his head from getting cold.

Not even twenty minutes of standing out there, cars rolled around the corner and stopped infrount of the hotel, 3 black card with tinted windows. Two men walked out of the back car and one from the frount as the one from the front opened the door and the other two were on either said.

The one who got out of the car? None other then Alexander Fate a famous actor, singer , well everything. He really did everything you could think of.

As he got out of the car and approached Kai, the one behind him close the door to the car and other two followed him closely. I bowed my head and opened the door letting him inside. He smiled at me as he went in and I almost had a heart attack."God he is so beautiful, God if I was not so dead set on Alex I would have wanted him so bad... well if he swung that way at least. " Kai mumbled to himself as he looked up and the cars were gone, no ware to be seen as Kai rubbed his head.

" Alright that's ok, but am starting to talk to my self I think its time for a nap." He said as he went inside ans locked up since he knew that this was the only guest that was going to be here for a while. As Kai walked to the elevator his boss stopped him quickly. "Hey look Kai, I know you going to be off for a while at this point so hears the deal. Those bodyguards of Alexander's said that they would like one person to tend to him for his stay so since your now doing NOTHING it is your job."His boss said to Kai as he sighed." And if I say n- "Before Kai could finish his sentence his boss cut him off. " They are paying you triple your wage." His boss said as his jaw dropped." SOLD!" Kai said with a smile as he danced around a bit.

"Good, now put your new uniform on and get to work ."Kai's happiness ended as he sighed and got what he needed and changed cloths. He headed up to the top floor as he saw the 2 guards standing at Alexander's door. As I walked past them they said nothing they did not even move.

As he entered the room he looked and saw Alexander on the couch. " Hello sir, I was assigned to you. I am here to get you anything you want or need. "Kai said as he bowed his head to him as Alexander looked over and smiled." Good to meet you, well I can guess that you know my name. So let's cut this down to make it easy ok, call me Alex does not matter what anyone else says just.  I much rather being called by that name then my full one to formal for me." Alex said as he took a breath and began to speak again.

" Now what is your name? I did not catch it and you look have this look about you that I can't get over. " Alex said as he laughed." Well, your name kinda reminds me of someone I knew a long time ago, but my name is Kai. I know its weird most people say it." Kai said as he rubbed his head looking away from Alex as he stood there in almost awe as he grabbed his and shoved him to the wall as he covered his mouth.

"No... it can't be you dad said...your ..."Alex was so confused as Kai was more worried then anything else as he was unable to move even though Alex was much smaller then him. Alex had one way to making sure he was right about what he was thinking. " Listen here ok. You are going to cut you finger if you don't I am going to make sure you never have a job again. " Alex said in a very serious tone of voice as Kai nodded and Alex let him off the wall as Alex pretty well vanished from how fast he moved.

Kai thought he was seeing things as he shook his head. Taking the knife that Alex got for him. He looked at it and sighed." This won't cut shit. Fuck it." Kai said as he walked over to the kitchen area and growled as he took the knife and drove it threw his palm as he held back a scream of pain as he stumble back Alex seamed to be there to catch him before he fell. The knife that now was stuck in his hand dripped blood.

" You wanted my blood right? " Kai said as Alex looked a bit shocked, but nodded." Yes I have to be sure of something before I say anything else." Alex said as he covered Kai's mouth as he pulled the knife from his hand putting it on the counter.

Alex took the bleeding hand and started to lick up the blood. The pained seamed to dim where he was licking as he shivered a sensation he had not felt in a like time. Alex on the other hand, eye's glowing licked that blood healing his wound in the prosses as he got all the information he could need, even old memories as he started to cry.

"It's really you Kai , it's been so long. I though my dad had you killed."Alex said as he hugged Kai tightly as he blushed and he groaned." I'm glad to see you two Alex.... but your kinda crushing me .... you have gotten much stronger. " Kai said as Alex blushed letting him go." Ya, I have gotten better at a lot things and well. As you can tell I am pretty well a star to everyone since they are all attracted to me. It's a vampire thing. " Alex said as Kai nodded as he hugged Alex.

There's something I have wanted to tell you for such a long time. I um....it's kinda hard to get out. " Kai said as Alex smiled. " Well then we both do then, let's both said it at the same time sound good?" Alex said as Kai nodded " Alright, ready?"He asked as Alex nodded .




"I love you!" Theu both said at the same time as a bright blush covered there faces as they stared at each other  "That was unexpected. " Alex said as he smiled and touched Kai's cheek as Kai leans into it as his smiled grew.

"Your hand is still cold as hell." Kai said as they laughed. "You really know how to ruin  a moment don't you." Alex said as he flicked Kai's nose as he covered it." Nooo that's mine." Kai said as Alex laughed." That's what you get now. Sit, we have so much catching up to do it's not even funny. We are going to have a long night tonight." Alex said as Kai nodded and sat next to Alex as they spent most of the night talking about what they had been doing up until now and just remembering the past and laughing so much.

"Ok ok, now we should get going , it's already getting late." Kai nodded as he got up and looked at Alex who frowned." You going back to your own room? " Alex said as Kai rubbed his head." Well, I don't have to I just don't knew where t-" Kai was cut off by Alex."

My room of corse like how we did when we were younger." Alex said with a smile as Kai blushed more and just nodded." Oh um, ok sounds good. " Kai said shyly as he followed Alex back to his room as he gulped feeling only a bit worried since we they just confessed there love for one another.

As they walked into the room there was a large queen sized bed with gold and white sheets , a night stand on both sides with lamps on each as Alex walked over he sat on one sigh as Kai sat on the other and before Kai could think, Alex was already undressing behind him as he was almost scared to look at his long lost friend.

He hear Alex get under the covers as Kai followed suit and got into bed with him. They were face to face as Alex's hand touch Kai's cheek, which made him blush.

"You blush so easy I love it about you, don't worry I won't try anything funny. Not now at least." He said to Kai as they both laughed as Kai touched Alex's hand as he slowly drifted off to sleep, Alex falling right behind him as this was the happiest day for both of them.