
Unending Horrors

A man finds himself trapped in a world steeped in unending insanity, where a relentless torrent of madness gradually erodes his sanity, leaving him perpetually teetering on the brink of death. As the writer, I will weave tales from my mind and craft them on the pages of your screen, delving into a narrative of randomness and horrors. Be warned, my writing may either captivate or fail to engage, but ultimately, what matters most is your enjoyment. ----------------------------- Genre: Horror, Overpowered MC, Dark, Insane MC, Random Narrative Spewed Forth from My Mind and Spined into a Compelling Narrative—Well, Maybe. Twisted Monsters and Villains. Character Development. ----------------------------- What to potentially expect: Bad Writing, Perhaps. Bad Grammar, Maybe. Bad Character, Ify on That One. No Romance, That's a Given. Uncompelling Characters, Don't Know About That One. Bad Plot, Meh, Who Knows? All This Is Going to Be Random, but Somewhat Planned. ----------------------------- I do not own any of the anime, comics, or related characters. This content is created by and owned by its respective owners. This story is intended for entertainment purposes only. I am not making any profit from this story. All rights belong to their original owners. I only own my OCs.

MrGrimmax · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Episode 3: The One Warped in Godly Gold Coils

A creature, its very essence woven from the purest of gold, adorned itself with glistening coils that wrapped around its form, sculpting it into a semblance of humanity. Its hands, though outwardly resembling those of mortals, concealed beneath their deceptive appearance talons of a primal beast, ready to rend and tear with unearthly power.

Upon its lofty head, a divine spectacle unfurled, for it bore the intricate twists and spirals of gods, cradling within its depths an otherworldly, transcendent golden light that pierced the very fabric of existence. In its chest, where the hearts of lesser beings would beat, there resided godly slits that beckoned with an enigmatic allure, offering glimpses into the abyss of nothingness that awaited within.

The feet of this celestial being, a paradox of form, appeared to embody the grace of humanity, yet they were hewn from unyielding, solid gold, as if the very earth itself yielded to its divine presence.

In an instant, the celestial being disappeared from my sight, leaving behind nothing but a swirling cloud of sand kicked up by its tremendous speed. The air was rent by a deafening BAM! that reverberated in my ears, sending shockwaves through my trembling body. My head snapped around, and there before me, I witnessed the celestial entity's hand impaling yet another grotesque monstrosity. This nightmarish creature was a morass of slimy, unidentifiable substances, entangled in a grotesque tapestry of flesh-like matter, shrouded in hues that defied comprehension.

With a swift, almost casual motion, the celestial being hurled the wretched monstrosity into the boundless distance, a testament to its otherworldly might. Yet, despite this display of power, its gaze remained unwavering, fixed upon my very form.

The chilling cold that had accompanied the presence of these eldritch beings seemed to dissipate when its gaze settled upon me. It was as though the warmth of a gentle sun enveloped me, shielding me from the frigid dread that had gripped my soul. Questions swirled within my mind, and I mustered the courage to speak to this enigmatic being, but just as suddenly as it had appeared, it vanished once more, leaving behind only the swirling sands as evidence of its ephemeral presence, along with an ancient box that rested in the center of the desolate landscape. 

Once more, that icy shiver coursed through my body, a stark reminder of the otherworldly beings who had recently graced my presence. With the celestial being having vanished into the ethereal unknown, I found myself dwelling on the unexplainable mending of my wounds. Those nasty gashes and painful fractures that had marred my flesh were now nothing more than distant memories, vanishing without a trace. I never paid much mind to it until now, but I couldn't help but wonder if it was a gift from the divine entity that tangled with the glass monstrosity.

Once more, another divine being graced my presence, swooping in to thwart the monstrous fiend that had threatened to claim my life.

Even if that grotesque beast succeeded in snuffing out my existence, it wouldn't matter much, for death had forsaken me. I'd just return, as I always did, locked in this unending cycle.

But it made me wonder, it truly did – what had brought about this change? And then it hit me like a lightning bolt: it was my prayers to God and my unwavering desire to survive, that's what did it.

"So God hasn't forsaken me," I whispered, a warm smile gracing my lips after what felt like an eternity of torment. With newfound hope, I made my way towards the small cube box, my mind buzzing with questions about the secrets it might hold. A dumb and ridiculous thought crashed into my mind: had I just been saved by God? The image of the golden creature replayed in my mind. I shook my head, dismissing these useless musings, and fixed my focused gaze on the cube resting upon the sandy dunes.

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