
Unending Horrors

A man finds himself trapped in a world steeped in unending insanity, where a relentless torrent of madness gradually erodes his sanity, leaving him perpetually teetering on the brink of death. As the writer, I will weave tales from my mind and craft them on the pages of your screen, delving into a narrative of randomness and horrors. Be warned, my writing may either captivate or fail to engage, but ultimately, what matters most is your enjoyment. ----------------------------- Genre: Horror, Overpowered MC, Dark, Insane MC, Random Narrative Spewed Forth from My Mind and Spined into a Compelling Narrative—Well, Maybe. Twisted Monsters and Villains. Character Development. ----------------------------- What to potentially expect: Bad Writing, Perhaps. Bad Grammar, Maybe. Bad Character, Ify on That One. No Romance, That's a Given. Uncompelling Characters, Don't Know About That One. Bad Plot, Meh, Who Knows? All This Is Going to Be Random, but Somewhat Planned. ----------------------------- I do not own any of the anime, comics, or related characters. This content is created by and owned by its respective owners. This story is intended for entertainment purposes only. I am not making any profit from this story. All rights belong to their original owners. I only own my OCs.

MrGrimmax · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Episode 2: Shattered Glass

The wheels spun with an otherworldly velocity, their rims ablaze in a furious crimson glow. The entity's body was adorned with eyes that burned with the intensity of a thousand suns, ensconced in wings that radiated a pulsating, ethereal white light. Its presence caused the very fabric of space to contort and convulse, shattering the fragile threads of reality like brittle blades of grass. Within the rifts of this fractured existence, eyes brimmed with maddening, blood-red fury peered out, their malevolent gaze accompanied by a foul stench that invaded my senses, forcing my suppressed disgust to escape my lips.

A brutal and unwelcome coldness enveloped my trembling form as I beheld this maddening being. With a speed that transcended the boundaries of infinity, it materialized before me, its wings lashing out with a resounding boom that sent the glass monstrosity hurtling into the distant sands. The angelic being wasted no time, immediately pursuing its prey.

The wounds that had once burdened my body were now nothing but distant memories. Seizing this fleeting opportunity, I fled from the battle of insanity with the swiftness of Hermes himself. My breath quivered at the mere thought of being in proximity to those godlike monsters. When I dared to glance back, all I could discern was the faintest speck of their presence, receding into the distance like a wisp of dust carried away by the wind.

My lungs expanded with a mix of relief and exhaustion as I finally slowed my pace. Collapsing under the weight of my own fatigue, my back met the scorching embrace of the sandy dunes. Tears blurred my vision, and I let out a scream of frustration, an eruption of raw anger that surged through my throat, turning my voice into a conduit for unforgiving wrath. As my hand pounded against the unforgiving sand, a physical release of pent-up emotions.

"Why? Oh, why am I condemned to this realm of madness? Is it the price I must pay for taking my own life? Is it your divine method of teaching me a lesson, O God? Tell me, is this punishment sufficient? Haven't I atoned enough for my sins? Every day, I weep, yearning for liberation from this nightmarish existence. Death eludes me, for when I pass from this life, I am thrusted back into a world overrun by grotesque monstrosities. The once-flawed humans have metamorphosed into the very abominations that now haunt my vision. The false idols, the ones who thought themselves as gods, were either turned to white salt by your judgment or turned into beings of nightmare.

Please, grant me peace. I've witnessed your divine intervention, your servant's wrath against the glass monstrosity. I implore you now, can you bestow your mercy upon this humble sinner?" 

The venom that once cursed my lips when I first spoke has now turned into a plea for release. The Almighty that soars above the skies, above this earthly realm, took no heed of my words; no record came for its actions, no signs could be seen. From my sinful lips, laughter erupted, sparkling with insanity, my face morphing into an unknown expression. If I were to gaze at my reflection, the expression of insanity would be seen etched into my face, with a deranged adoring my lips. 

Suddenly, a cool, slimy sensation slithered against the heel of my foot, sending a shiver up my spine. My attention was drawn downward, and I instinctively retracted my foot, the sticky residue clinging briefly before I shook it off. As I rose to my feet with an unexpected surge of energy, my senses heightened, and I scanned the area for the source of that unsettling touch.

The grains of sand beneath my feet felt cooler and more welcoming than before. My body seemed rejuvenated, shedding the weight of fatigue that had once burdened it. My gaze honed in on the spot where the peculiar sensation had originated, but to my surprise, there was no trace of the strange substance.

It was as if the encounter with the mysterious slime had been a fleeting, surreal moment, leaving me with a sense of unease and wonder. The absence of any visible evidence only added to the enigma, leaving me with an unspoken question in the back of my mind.

Suddenly, the echoing cadence of approaching footsteps reached my ears, drawing my attention. Slowly, I pivoted, my heart quickening its beat as an unforeseen scene unfolded before my eyes.

Here's another one!

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