

        This is it. This is the story of the Fear of the night. The one who started everything. The original hero of them all: The Red Crusader. Everything began on a rainy night in Vita City, young 10 year old Benjamin was at home with his mom and dad having a family dinner. Benjamin mom was a professor at Jane Hale University and his dad was a philosopher. They was talking about how they were planning a get away for just the three of them to go to Hawaii. Benjamin of course had never been to Hawaii and still was only 10 so it would be a fun experience for him they thought.

          Right in the middle of their dinner the power went out leaving the house completely dark. Benjamin's dad got up taking out his phone turning on his flashlight to go see what was going on and to also get a actual flashlight for his wife and kid. Benjamin's dad went over to the power box in the back of the house in a closet to see if he reset the entire generator, but it didn't work. Even though being a philosopher Benjamin's dad also had his ways when it came to engineering and construction.

           Back in the dinning area Benjamin's mom was trying to make her way to the front of the house to see if anyone else's lights went off on their street. Benjamin of course got up to see where his dad went and just as he creeped across the room he heard a thumbing sound and then the sound of glass shattering. Starting to get fearful of what was going on Benjamin called out for his mom but didn't get any response. Just as he turned to see where she was he saw her get knocked to floor as he hid behind a corner. A figure came in the room with a gun aimed at her as he demanded to know where the safe was at. His mother looked at the figure in fear and confusion as she didn't know obviously what he was talking about.

         The figure got angry as he slapped Benjamin's mom across the face and Benjamin gritted his teeth starting to come around from the corner, but when his mom saw his figure she waved her hand for him not to move so he listened. Wondering where his father was at Benjamin snuck out the living room area to the back of the house where his father was being held up against the wall with a gun to his head by two other figures that once again demanded to know where the safe was but he kept his mouth shut. The figures jumped his dad beating him up then dragging him to the front one tying him and Benjamin's mom up. Moments later all that could be heard was stuff being torn apart and other things being thrown around.

         Once all was done and the figures didn't find what they were looking for one manage to come across where Benjamin was hiding and grabbed him pulling him to where they was holding his mom and dad. Benjamin's father demanded that the strangers didn't hurt their son and to leave him out of it. Taking eve to his father demands the strong figures agreed dropping Benjamin before they went on to shoot killing both of Benjamin's parents just then a loud siren was heard from outside coming from all directions. Noticing that they were being cornered the figures throw a smoke bomb down disappearing leaving Benjamin there to cry over his parents dead bodies as police officers came storming in all too late.

          The ambulance was called and the police officers took Benjamin down to the station for safety and protection asking him questions regarding what happened, but he didn't know anything. After trying everything they could at the hospital officers had came back to the station that night informing young Benjamin his parents were dead thus starting to look for a new home for the little boy right away. Now is the tell of where it all started for Red Crusader.