
Chapter 2

The night was still young and the Red Knight made his way back to his headquarters to track down the robber who had got away with the young girl he met lab research notes to find out what he wanted them for. Making it back to a vita cities Deshair roadway coming up on a dead end blocked off road. Moving in the shadows behind a taped up gate he keyed in a code on his digital arm hacking system. The mountain walls slowly started to crack and break quietly to an underground secret passageway that seemed to go deeper towards the core of the mountain. Once the knight was fully inside and secured he walked on a floorway leading up to a bigger area in the mountain that had a waterfall throughout the entrance with a designed platform to hold up all the metal stairs and floors. Walking over to his giant high tech manufactured computer the knight started a tracker scan to find out where the robber from before was currently at.

As he was doing scans and readings, an old man came down into the mountains from the house above on top of the mountains walking up behind the knight.

" Sir I see you've made your way back sooner than I expected" old man said.

" It seems as though the distraction was the bank robbery and that goal was to get information from Harold Stokes Lab Center and I want to know why" the knight replied.

" I see. That is strangely odd of robbers to target a Research Lab. Do you believe that there is a possibility someone else behind why they did it?" old man asked.

" That seems to be the only explanation. No ordinary criminals would just rob a place like that unless they were working for someone with bigger plans" the knight stated.

" Surely sir"

" Found it! I manage to put a tracker on the robber from the alley and the scanners pinpoint his location to be on the west side of the city over in Vita Cities construction plant. Savannah upload those coordinates to Crusader Mobile. Time to see what's really going."

Getting into his Crusader Mobile the red knight made his way to the destination uploaded leading him to an abandoned warehouse on the construction plant sight. Moving silently pass the loads and crates the crusader realized that whoever was behind the robbery had the entire slight roaming with crooks supplied with: guns, knives, and electrical gloves.

" Great. This should be fun" the knight whispered to himself, smirking as he got to higher grounds, so he could attack from the shadows.

Once he got to the top of the crates that were lined in rows and lines the knight planned his attack. He swiftly creeped through the shadows taking out thug after thug in complete silence.

Once he got down to only a hand full of thugs that were left guarding the door to the warehouse he stopped in his tracks noticing something strange. The knight noticed that each of the thugs that were left had a familiar symbol branded on their necks. Quietly moving along above the crates the knight used his grappling hook to get on top of the roof of the warehouse where he turned on his night vision preparing to drop down on his prey. He dived down from the sky dropping two smoke bombs on top of them cutting out their sight as he quicking take each of them down one by one.

Before delivering his final strike on the last thug he caught a closer peep at the symbol branded on his neck realizing that it was the same symbol of the white knight who was also his uncle clan "The Fangs".

"Where did you get that symbol?!" the knight louding whisper as the guy looked at him shook up.

"What does it matter to you freak. When the boss hear that your here your dead!" the thug shout as the knight gritted his teeth slamming the thug head down on the ground knocking him out cold.

Before he could wrap his head around why his uncle and his minions would be causing trouble just to still laboratory research blueprints for chemical temperature reactions. As the knight search the passed out thugs equipment and pockets for any other lead on who they were and what was going on he heard a loud boom come from behind the warehouse.

"What was that?" the knight thinks to himself as he made his to the back where he finds a yard supply of weapons and bombs being loaded out of trunks.

His eyes widened when he sees a little girl being tracked by the shrit across the yard and thrown against a gate.

"Hey boss! I caught this girl sneaky around on the sight. What should we do with her?" thug says.

"Don't hurt her yet. Tell me little girl. Why are you in a place like this at this time of night?" a guy with white hair ask her.

" Because you big mean guys took my father out of the house. I want him back!" she yells.

"Your dad huh? He wouldn't happen to be Michael Slay is he?" the guy grins as he waved for his men to bring him out from inside the warehouse.

"Let me go!" Michael says as he turns to see his little girl being cornered at the gate.

"No please! Don't hurt my little girl!" he begs.

" Now michael you know how I feel about outsiders trespassing on my property." the guy says,

" Yes sir I know. She is just a kid let her go Will I'm the one you want" Michael says.

Just as the conversation started to heat up the knight noticed a bunch of more thugs lined up testing their guns and blasters on bottles and other objects around the sight.

"This is bad! It's too many of them for me to take out one by one. Savannah give me a reading scan of how many more hostages are inside the warehouse."

"There is no one else sir. Just Mr. Slay and his daugther" Savannah answers.

"How am I going to get him and his daughter out fast enough without having a range of deadly weapons locked on to me" the knight ask himself.

After a moment of thinking the knight decided there was no easy way to go about this, so he got ready to rescue the hostages, while also taking down as many enemies as he could before anyone innocent or in the area could be harmed. Taking a deep breath the knight turned on his suit cloaking device as he became completely invisible dashing behind the scrapes that were laying around and behind the pillars. Once he got closer enough in range the knight pulled out his throwing knives aiming for Will and a tank that had gas smoke inside. Taking aim he fired the knives causing the tank to explode into a ball of smoke dashing into it taking down each of the thugs that was in his area. Making his way quickly through the smoke he found the little girl picking her up and escaping behind a trunk putting her down somewhere safe and away from the fight.

"What is going on?!" Will said catching the thrown knife with no problem turning around to see a third of his men were laid out on the ground.

"Who is here?! What did you do?!" Will yelled at michael grabbing him the shirt as he ordered his man to take michael back into the warehouse as the others that were left formed a circle around him.

" Come out stranger. I know you are there. Don't hide." Will says.

At that moment the knight sprung from the rooftop down going hand to hand combat with each of the remaining thugs taking one by one down, but soon was out numbered and forced to back down as Will man tied the knight up strapping him down.

"Very impression. You managed to take out a third of my best men and some" Will says clapping his hands together.

" But that doesn't excuse the fact that you are here trying to sabotage what I have going on here, Tell me who are you?" Will ask.

" I could ask you the same question. Why are you holding two innocent people hostage?" the knight growled.

" Oh, but that's where you're wrong. You are not in any possible to ask anything...Red Knight Son of the Phantom and Nephew of the White Knight" Will responds smirking.

" So you know who I am." the knight responds calmly not surprised at all.

" Of course. It would be rude if I didn't know who you were. Sadly the same can't be said about you." Will says frowning.

" So if you know who I am, then you must also know that I will stop you" the knight states.

" Oh, but thats where you're wrong again knight! You don't have any power...This isn't your safe to protect...You are nothing more than a caped freak looking to be something you're not. Your a pathetic excuse for an assassin." Will says gritting his teeth getting in the face of the knight.

The knight chuckled as Will looks at him confused.

"Why are you laughing?" Will ask.

" Because you talk a big game, but you forget that over my years as an assassin I picked up on a few things" the knight smirk.

" Like what?" Will questioned calling out the knights bluff.

" Watch your back!" the knight says a loud explosion erupts from the end of the construction causing a shockwave of the flames to scatter everywhere.