
Ultimus Custos (The Last Guardian)

Mrs. Lucy G. Smith tried to run from her fate as the leader of Guardianes La Tierra, translated from Spanish as Guardians Of The Earth, after the Sacred Stone Of Prophecy chose her over her father. Wanting to live a normal and happy life, she decided to escape to Spain with her husband. However, as fate would have it, Erebus, the demon of darkness, who exists in the form of mist, has been wanting to come to the earth in the body of a man, so he could rule all of mankind. He sent his lover, Hekate, the demon of witchcraft, to the earth, in the company of her daughter Empusa, who was a ruthless, blood-drinking, and flesh-eating monster. Together, they invited other demons, wrecking havoc in the city, as the once peaceful city turned into a home of paranormal activities. Trapped in the war, Mrs. Smith lost her husband during the chaos, giving her no reason to run again. She decided to accept her fate and pick up the mantle of leadership as the leader of the organization. However, her father, who was still bitter over the fact that his daughter was chosen over him, accepted a deal from the same monsters his family legacy fought. With each demon having their own selfish desires of ruling the earth, which can actually come to pass if they can possess the Sacred Stone Of Prophecy, the most important relic in the Guardian's home. It can become a weapon of mass destruction in the hands of the demons, as they all target it, in order to have supremacy over humanity. Stopping this now rests on the shoulders of the Guardian. Will she be able to stop these monsters from inhabiting the earth? Will she be able to stop demons from enslaving the human race? Find the answers to your questions in this fast-paced action, suspense-filled, and thrilling novel.

Perry_Trey999 · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 15

"Are we just going to sit here and stare at each other when there's a psycho-snake-headed demon who wants me dead?" Trey said. He was tired of the whole situation. No one had said or done something meaningful ever since Mrs. Smith left the base in the company of her husband.

"I've been researching though," said Mr. Ben. He was seated behind a laptop computer he had been working on for a while now.

"Researching what?" Asked Clara who narrowed her eyes at him.

"You guys should come see it yourselves," he replied as they all joined him behind the desk.

"The Gorgon sisters," said, Mr. Gary on getting there, "interesting," he added.

"It's better to know what we're getting ourselves into," said Mr. Ben.

"I really can't process any of the words right now, what does it say?" Asked Clara.

"Well, it says- dear Trey right here just earn himself a crazy thousands of years old demon" Mr. Ben replied.

"It's not funny, Uncle Ben" Trey replied, he was getting overwhelmed with fear.

"So, the Gorgon sisters go way back in history. They were Stheno, Euryale, and Medusa Gorgon..."

"I've been waiting for someone to make mention of Medusa," said Derek.

"Let the man talk," said Mr. Gary to Derek who gave him a bow.

"...so, Stheno is the oldest of the three sisters, the most powerful and cruel. Her look kills her victims instantly unlike Medusa's. Once petrified, there's no remedy, it's death"

"So, what you're trying to say is that we do not stand a chance against her?" Clara was surprised.

"No," said Mr. Ben.

"Now I'm confused," Mr. Gary said, as he folded his hands across the his chest.

"Good news is that she can control those she wants to petrify with her looks" he replied.

"Meaning she would be more than glad to see our faces again? That's no good news. I'm not planning on becoming a legend by getting myself turned into a statue by a psycho bitch" Said Clara.

"Is there no way we can kill her?" Asked Mr. Gary curiously, "there has to be a loophole or something" he added.

"Bad news is..." They all concentrated on Mr. Ben who had been surrounded, "she was born immortal, together with her sister Euryale" he replied, making Mr. Gary chuckle nervously.

"And where does that leave Medusa?" Asked Clara who was suspecting Mr. Ben was hiding something.

"She's the only mortal amongst them, also the most brilliant one" he replied.

"So you mean there's nothing we can do about her?" Asked Derek.

"Nature doesn't work that way, there has to be something to balance the unbalance" Mr. Ben replied as they all focused their attention on him, waiting for his next statement.

"It's a long story," Mr. Ben said on seeing the expectant look on their faces.

"We have all night" Clara replied with a smirk.

"Okay. The three sisters once lived together, hunting and killing men for years until Medussa found a reason to stop" said Mr. Ben.

"Why did she stop?" Mr. Gary was curious.

"She found love," Mr. Ben replied.

"Love?" Clara was surprised.

"Yes, love" he confirmed, "as I said, she's not immortal like her other sisters" he added and then continued. "The sisters were not supposed to love, so Medusa falling in love angered Stheno, who hunted down her lover and killed him in the most gruesome manner. Medusa was mad with rage, so she left her sisters to be on her own, it marked the enmity between them. Medusa made it an everyday drill to look for a way to stop her sisters, been the most brilliant amongst them, she made Perseus son of Zeus fall in love with her by seducing her him with her beauty and was able to manipulate him into hating her sisters. As fate would have it, Perseus found out Medusa didn't love him and this made his love for her turn into hatred, so instead of hunting her sisters, he sought her life instead since she's the only mortal. Medusa fled from him but was later beheaded in her sleep with a curved sword forged by Hades, it is called 'Hades Fury'' Mr. Ben paused for air.

"So that's it?" Asked Clara.

"No," he replied and then continued, "The Gorgon sisters always look out for each other, no matter the enmity amongst them, so Stheno and Euryale took it upon themselves to hunt Perseus down. He knew it would be difficult to get away from the two predators and also thought it suicidal to face them, even when he was able to find a way to kill them temporarily"

"Temporary death?" Derek was confused.

"I've never heard of such a thing" Trey added.

"You're still a kid" Mr. Ben replied with a chuckle.

"Stheno, in particular, was a real threat. She's killed more people than both Euryale and Medusa combined" Mr. Ben said making Clara gasp, "Perseus was able to strike a deal with Hades who forged him two daggers, just like Hades Fury. The only difference is that it won't kill them, it will only put them in a temporary sleep as long as the dagger remains in their hearts." He replied.

"So, Perseus succeeded in stabbing the two sisters with the dagger?" Asked Mr. Gary.

"Yes," he replied.

"Last time I checked, Stheno was alive," said Clara searching Mr. Ben's eyes for answers.

"Yes. Whoever pulled out the dagger struck a deal with Stheno" Mr. Ben replied.

"The deal is about her getting the stone of fear," Derek said thoughtfully.

"Exactly, and she won't stop without getting the stone. Once she gives her word, she'll do whatever it takes to fulfill her promise," Mr. Ben said.

"So, she's trying to pay her debt by delivering Trey and the stone into the hands of the individual?" Asked Mr. Gary.

"Who no doubt wants to use it for something evil" Clara added.

"Exactly" Mr. Ben confirmed.

"This is a lot to take in," Trey said, he's now scared, knowing the type of danger he's exposed to.

"I think we're missing something," said Clara curiously.

"What's that?" Mr. Gary asked looking in her direction.

"Perseus," she started, "how was he able to stab Stheno and Euryale without, you know, turning to stone" she pointed out.

"Brilliant!" Mr. Ben exclaimed.

"No one thought about it," said Derek.

"Yes, and that's our loophole" replied Mr. Ben, searching through different dark webs for more information.


Mrs. Smith unlocked the door that lead to the coffee shop's back exit. Richard followed closely behind as she lead the way. The exit leads directly into their apartment. The two never said a word to each other throughout the drive home. They both have different thoughts on their minds.

Mrs. Smith switched on the light when they got to the living room. Richard monitored each of her movements from the corner of his eyes.

"Uhmm... Will you... Uhmm have some... Coffee? It calms the system" she said nervously.

"I'm okay," Richard replied sharply. Mrs. Smith inhaled sharply and dropped her handbag on the dining table together with her phone which buzzed, but she didn't even steal as much as a glance.

She went into the bedroom and removed her combat suit before putting on her pajamas. She returned to the living room with a pillow and duvet which she clutched tightly to her chest.

"Uhmm... I'll take the couch, you can have the bedroom" she replied nervously.

"Can you just stop making this weirder than it already is?" Richard replied. She didn't know if she was supposed to be shocked or not, she felt like she had been expecting it all along.

"I don't think I know you anymore" Richard's voice jolted her from her thoughts. "I look at you and I see a different person" he added.

"I wanted to tell you about my family, but I was scared of your reaction" Mrs. Smith replied with a shaky voice, "I'm still me, nothing has changed" she added.

"That's where you get it wrong, Lucy!" He replied, "everything changed tonight, Lucy. Everything changed the moment I saw you pull those stunts in the warehouse" he added.

"I'm sorry Richard, I love you so much, I don't want you to be exposed to danger" she begged.

"Oh yeah, I'm not exposed to danger. It was so fun knowing I almost had my heart ripped out by the psychos at the warehouse" he replied sarcastically. "You speak of love Lucy, do you even know what that means?" He asked looking directly into her eyes. Lucy said nothing but sobbed.

"Love is about trusting one another, including telling secrets to each other. We're not teenagers for Pete's sake!" He said, almost yelling, "You think I won't be able to handle your secrets if you had told me? Or were you scared I would report you to the authorities?" He asked, "I love you, Lucy," he said in a calm voice, "I will never do anything to hurt you. But..." He trailed off, "I'm not sure if I know you anymore, something has changed" he added, shaking his head.

"I'm trying to protect you" she replied sobbing, "I felt if knowing it will expose you to danger" she replied amidst sobs.

"Did you hear yourself?" Said Richard, "did you even listen to what you said?" He asked again. "I should be the one protecting you, not you protecting me, goddamnit!" He yelled.

"I'm sorry Richard, I love you and I can't afford to lose you. I can't imagine a world without you" she said almost tearfully. "I promise to tell you everything you need to know" she replied trying hard to stop the tears in her eyes.

"Don't you think it's a bit too late for that?" Asked Richard. "It's fine," said Richard, walking towards the bedroom, "I'll pack my things and live tomorrow morning. You can continue your guardian whatever they said you're the leader now" he scoffed.

"I gave up the position!" She called after him, "for you" she added, Richard froze.

Hmm... Stheno is more than what the guardians were thinking. She's a ruthless supernatural who will stop at nothing to get what she wants.

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