
Ultimate Guiding System: Where It All Begins

Shu Feng is an orphan who ends up being a slave just because he tried to save a girl out of good will. He is force to do all kinds of ill jobs just to survive. When one day he save an old man out of goodwill AGAIN!! Then got rewarded with a strange necklace which lead to the end of his life. But just as he was about to die, the necklace save him, transmigating his body to another world. *Ding* "Welcome to Ultimate Guiding System" Will he become lucky this time? Will he save someone again out of goodwill? Let's embark on a journey where our MC will try to reach all his dreams and goals by using his system. NOTICE: This Novel would not only revolve to the Eastern Cultures and some contents belongs to the Western Culture

GreatHeavenRuler · Eastern
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98 Chs

Chapter 13: Too Late

Shu Feng was waiting at the bumby road that lead towards the house of Kei.

He was waiting for someone, as for who he was waiting for, it was obviously Young Master Song.

It was a given that Shu Feng knows that Song Tie would take revenge due to two reasons.

First, he was the proclaimed soon to be Young Master of the whole city. And suffering that kind of humilation even after being in his own territory was a face-slapping situation.

Second, Shu Feng always spreads his Soul Perception into his surroundings. And a thousand kilometers away, he could feel a hostile intention to him.

Don't look down on how a mere kind of this city spanned almost more than thosand kilometers.

Because the world that Shu Feng was in right now was a million times bigger than his previous world.

Even a country from his previous world could only compare it's range to a third-rate city. That is why this world was so large and wide.


The group that Young Master led was walking for almost half a day before reaching the bumby road that leads toward their destination.

But they suddenly stopped their advance, because a young man in black was blocking their way with both his hands behind his back.

The young man was Shu Feng, it was already at dawn when the group that he was waiting for finally came.

His gaze swept across the group and ended up looking at the young man at the lead.

"It seems like Young Master Song has some business here?" Shu Feng ask while smiling politely.

Hearing his question, Young Master Song's face immidiately turn black. How can he keep calm after he brought so many people to punish him. Is he not aware of his situation right now or is he just playing dumb.

Thoughts keep on running on Young Master Song's head that only makes him burn in anger more.

Seeing his reaction, the middle-aged man beside Song Tie immidiately came to conclusion.

"Are you the one who crippled our young master?" The middle-aged man named Song Gu ask with hostility. Although he looked around his fourties, he was actually over 80 years old already.

Although he cannot see through Shu Feng's culivation which makes him wary at first but thinking that he was at First Stage Core Formation Realm with a bunch of peak stage Foundation Building cultivators boosted his morale.

Even if Shu Feng was powerful, he was at most at Second Stage of Core Formation. With him keeping Shu Feng occupied, the other cultivators could sneak an attack to them.

With all this thoughts running through Song Gu's mind, he cannot help but feel excited at the thought of killing a genius.

Alas, maybe only one of his thoughts were correct that Shu Feng was a genius, but as for his cultivation level, he was not even at the Peak Stage of Foundation Building Realm.

As for killing him, only god knows if they could kill Shu Feng or not.

"I advice you to peacefully surrender to us right now, or else you cannot bear the consequences."

Song Gu said while already deciding the outcome.

"Hump, if you don't surrender right now, I will kill you and feed you to the dog." Song Tie rebuted while feeling proud seeing Song Gu's confident face.

"You're lucky that I already let you die easily, so cherish this chance before it will go away."

"As for running away from me, it was already too late. Maybe if you didn't interfere with my business at that time, we might as well become good friends."

Song Tie keep on rumbling there and there without stopping.

"Oh?" An appease look answered them. Shu Feng was quite disappointed inside though, he was expecting Young Master Song to send someone at least a Third Stage Core Formation Cultivator.

Because at Shu Feng's current realm, only those Third Stage can battle him head on.

He was even confident in fighting someone at the Fourth Stage but he was not sure if he can kill them. Unless he used his Gluttony Sword, just then he can have confidence in killing someone at Fourth Stage Core Formation.

As for those at the Fifth Stage and higher, he could only escape. As for wheather he would be injured or not depends on his luck.


A massive explosion could be heard at the road, causing numerous people to gather and watch what was happening.

Shu Feng directly attack using his Basic Chaos Blast at the very minimum of its strength, wanting to eliminate those side characters in an instant.

Caught off guard, every Foundation Realm Cultivaror immidiately turn into meat paste from the explosion.

Only Song Gu and Young Master Song was alive. At that split second when the Chaos Blast was casted, Song Gu immidiately cast a barrier made of his Energy Essence to cover Song Tie and himself.

Those who are close at the parameters immidiately head towards thw commotion.

Including Kei and his mother who could barely walk using a sturdy wooden stick as a support.

When everyone saw this scene, they were in awe. Killing so many Foundation Building Cultivators in a one move was unheard of.

For them, Cultivators were like a god, they are after all very powerful.

But seeing someone killing their assumed to be gods in a one move diverted their common sense to their own belief.

Of course Song Gu was the one who is stunned the most.

Seeing his companions die at a single move from the cultivator in front of him makes him feel regret and fury.

How can someone not be in rage if their companions died just like that.

He cannot accept it but what can he do, in front of a absolute power he could only submit.

Actually, it was already their luck that Shu Feng casted his skill at the minimum of its power, or else even those buildings and innocent lives would be in danger.

And that was one of the most thing that Shu Feng didn't want to see happening.

As for the reason why did he immidiately attack, that was because he didn't want to hear their craps anymore.

In his previous world, he already met a lot of 'Young Master' type of person.

They like to brag the most and their pride was very unreachable.

But once they kick a metal plate, they would immidiately crouch like a frightened cat.

Even the 'subordinate' type was the same, they are the one who do all the job, while their Young Master would laugh and mock at the back.

Shu Feng was already sick of those scenes in his previous life, how much more that he is here encountering that kind of scene again but he has a power right now.

Attack now, talk later.

That was his counter for the 'Young Master' type of a person. And looking at the result, it seems very effective.

"Yeah you're right, it was already too late. Too late for you to be given a chance to live.

I already let you off the hook the last time hoping that you would change that attitude of yours.

But you didn't even cherish the chance I gave you and become worst instead."

Shu Feng deliberately said while walking towards their direction with a serious expression.

Being forgiven once was a man's mercy, but twice is a fool's thinking.

Why would you forgive someone who was after your life even though you already given him a chance?

Only a fool would let him off the hook the second time. Because if you give them another chance, it would only got worse and might as well lead to your doom.

It was better to remove the root of the problem before it grows.

That is what he learned in his previous world. Living in that kind of environment taught him many things.

Although he didn't kill, he still witness someone killing another person in the pretense of removing the root of the problem.

"Senior I–"


Before Song Gu could finish his sentence, both him and Young Master Song died just like that.

As for the barrier that Song Gu conjured the last time, it was already broken by the previous attack.

Shu Feng cast the same power of the skill just like before, fearing that any more powerful than that would cause a harm to the innocent citizens.

It also manage to kill them because of the short diatance between them.

Everyone was silent that even their heartbeat could be heard.

No one can react at the moment due to the sudden death of Young Master Song.

Even Song Gu who was known throughtout the city was killed just like that.

"Oh my gosh, Young Master Song died. Even Elder Song Gu died just like that!"

With that sudden exclamation, every single person came to a upheaval and heated discussion.

But one of them was not, it was Kei. He was looking at Shu Feng with his eyes full of admiration.

And seeing his son like that makes Shen Si remember something.

'Like father, like son indeed.'

Then she turn her gazed at Shu Feng with an amazed expression, he didn't expect him to be this powerful.

But thinking on how he manage to discern her origins made her think that it made sense.

How can someone weak be able to detect her bloodline with just their first meeting?

So the news of the death of Young Master Song and Elder Song Gu soon spreads all through the city.