
Ultimate Guiding System: Where It All Begins

Shu Feng is an orphan who ends up being a slave just because he tried to save a girl out of good will. He is force to do all kinds of ill jobs just to survive. When one day he save an old man out of goodwill AGAIN!! Then got rewarded with a strange necklace which lead to the end of his life. But just as he was about to die, the necklace save him, transmigating his body to another world. *Ding* "Welcome to Ultimate Guiding System" Will he become lucky this time? Will he save someone again out of goodwill? Let's embark on a journey where our MC will try to reach all his dreams and goals by using his system. NOTICE: This Novel would not only revolve to the Eastern Cultures and some contents belongs to the Western Culture

GreatHeavenRuler · Eastern
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98 Chs

Chapter 12: Young Miss Of The Shen Family

After Kei exits the small hut, Shen Si looked at Shu Feng with vissitudes of emotions. It was like some memories that she didn't want to remember suddenly flashes.

Shu Feng just sat not too far nor too close, he keeps his mouth shut at the moment because he can smell a story.

After a few minutes had passed, Shen Si finally come back to her senses and looked at Shu Feng warily.

"What is your intention?" She asked while getting an eye contact from Shu Feng.

Although she cannot sense any ill intent from him, she still keeps her guard up.

Shu Feng was quite startled inwardly because he even prepared an excuse if she inquire how did he find about her identity.

It's not like Shen Si was not concerned on how Shu Feng found out, it's just that she cared for her son more than anything else.


"Well, I don't have any ill intention towards you nor your son. I am just curious on why would a Human Celestial would go down to such state."

Shu Feng answered truthfully, he really doesn't care about the bloodline of a Human Celestial at all. Even if a true Celestial would appear in front of him, he would not be moved as well.

What was the use of a Celestial's bloodline if he already has the Bloodline of an Ancient.

"Sigh, It's a very long story." Shen Si sigh in relief about Shu Feng's reply.

It's not that she easily trusted anyone, it's jist because Shu Feng emmits a unique aura that would make you believe that he is a good person.


Shu Feng was eating a bread while laying on a branch of a tree behind the house.

He keeps on thinking about the story that Shen Si told him a while ago.

As he already know, Shen Si was the Young Miss of the Shen Family, one of the descendant family of the long lost Celestials. To keep their bloodline pure, the family would only marry someone with a Celestial Bloodline.

She was engaged in the Young Lord of the Lei Family which is also one of the descendants. Theres actually four descendant families.

The Shen, Lei, Mu and Dong. The four families would occasionally marry someone from each family base on their tradition.

At that time, she was picked as the soon to be bride of the Young Lord of the Lei Family due to her unparallel beauty that ranks one among the four family.

Their future son would go to the family of the male, while the daughters would go to the female's family.

In total, three girls from the Shen Family was engaged to the other families and same as through with the other three families.

This kind of tradition was not only to keep their bloodline in check, but also to ensure that a power conflict between them would not occur.

Unfortunately enough, even though she was unwilling, she cannot do a single thing.

So she run away without anyone noticing. Her family chase her all the way before the Lei Family got a gist of it.

But luck was really not on their side, the Lei Family got to know about it and a conflict was incurred.

For a woman to run away from her engagement was a huge humiliation for the man.

No one knows why Shen Si run away at that time, because she was usually an obidient and well-mannered girl in the past.

Unbeknownst to them, Shen Si already has a lover before her engagement.

He was a genius of a certain family from a certain village. He reach Battle Emperor at the age of 30! He was currently a rising star. His name was Long Kai.

Long Kai and Shen Si planned on confessing to her family about their relationship, but before they could even do it, Shen Si was suddenly engaged.

So both of them decided to run away and be together while living a simple and peaceful life.

But heavens did not give what they want. The Shen Family got to know about her relationship and got furious. They decided to capture her and detain from leaving the clan until her engagement.

As for the boy, they will execute him to show an example, even if he was a genius or not their bloodline was still much more important.

But how could Kai and Si let that happen, so they immediately fled for almost a whole two years. During their escape, Shen Si got pregnant which made the Shen Clan much more furious.

They excile Shen Si because of that and planned to murder the unborn child and the father.

But they still failed, Shen Si successfully delivered Kei to see the world.

Both of them thought that everything was already peaceful because the pursue was stopped for a whole year.

But both of them got startled when a whole bunch of cultivator surrounded their hideout.

Long Kai forcefully charge out to give his wife and son a path to retreat. Shen Si was reluctant at first but immidiately leave while carrying their son.

She was about to escape when an arrow suddenly rush towards her son. She immidiately sense it and covered Kei with her whole body making the arrow stab her back.

Luckily, Long Kai immidiately killed the archer that gave an enough time for Shen Si and his son to escape.

She remembered that scene when she looked back and saw Long Kai smiling and mumbling something.


With a loud explosion, everyone was blown out directly killing them. Long Tai seemed to used a secret technique, no one knows if he was still alive or not.

Shen Si gritted her teeth and run away as fast as possible.

She run and escape until she reach this place. She settled down here and change her name. She didn't know how far she runs.

But she knows that she needs to keep on running to keep her son safe.

No matter how hard or how tired she is, she endured it all for her son.

Every day that had passed makes her contidion much more worse due to the poison that is on the arrow that pierce her.

It was actually a deadly poison that will immidiatly suck away your life force if it came contact with you, killing the victim within a split second.

But due to her bloodline, she can still persevere for almost 13 years by paying it with her cultivation.

Telling her stories makes Shen Si cry due to the nightmare memories that she didn't want to remember anymore.

But how could a pain of watching your love one die in front of you be easily erase. Although she was not sure if he was still alive, she already accepted it all.

Shu Feng immidiately leave just to give her some time to calm herself down.

Luckily, Kei only came back after his mother calm herself down.

Seeing such scene, Shu Feng immidiately felt painful and wanted to confront the Shen Family.

But he knows that with his meager strength, he would not be able to.

Well it's not like he was somewhat related to them, it's just that it makes him frustrated after hearing how a family operates in this world.

Because of this, he cannot help but think of him as a burden due to his parents abandoning him.



Things are getting more and more hard for him now.

Because he knows that a devastating event would happen soon, and not only one but two.

'I thought I could live a peaceful and fulfilling life in this new world but it seems like my life became much more complicated huh.'

He thinks to himself while closing his eyes and laying on the branch of tree.


Somewhere at the city, a group of cultivators were walking towards the house of Kei.

Surprisingly, Young Master Song was the one leading the group.

"Are you sure that this is where that kid who crippled you went?" questioned by a middle-aged man to Song Tie.


As for their intention, it was quite obvious that they were heading towards the direction of Shu Feng with ill intention.

Song Tie laugh inwardly thinking on how he could get his revenge.

'I'll let you taste the pain that will make you wish to die.'

With that said, they continued their walk since their target was quite far from the capital of the city.