
Ultimate Guiding System: Where It All Begins

Shu Feng is an orphan who ends up being a slave just because he tried to save a girl out of good will. He is force to do all kinds of ill jobs just to survive. When one day he save an old man out of goodwill AGAIN!! Then got rewarded with a strange necklace which lead to the end of his life. But just as he was about to die, the necklace save him, transmigating his body to another world. *Ding* "Welcome to Ultimate Guiding System" Will he become lucky this time? Will he save someone again out of goodwill? Let's embark on a journey where our MC will try to reach all his dreams and goals by using his system. NOTICE: This Novel would not only revolve to the Eastern Cultures and some contents belongs to the Western Culture

GreatHeavenRuler · Eastern
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98 Chs

Chapter 14: Maybe It Was Three Devastating Events?


A load explosion resounded throughtout the hall where a middle-aged looking man sitting on the throne slammed his fist on the arm of his sit.

"What did you say, my son died?!" His name was Song Tai, father of Song Tie. He was currently the Head of the Song Family.

"Y-yes, Family Head." A man in his forties replied while trembling in fear.

After Song Tai heard the whole report, he became furious due to his son's death.

But he immidiately toss the matter behind his head, he had a lot of son so why would he sorrow.

The thing that made him furious the most is that someone dared to kill his son in his territory. It's like someone slap his face without showing any mercy.

He didn't act out of impulse knowing that the enemy killed one of his elder only using two moves. And base on his estimations, he can kill his elder in one move but chose to kill all the small fry first.

With just the report, he immidiately deduce Shu Feng's strength.

'I think the enemy is at least a Fourth Stage Core Formation Cultivator like me.' Song Tai thought to himself.

"Let this matter rest for now, we need to deal with the Head of the Bai Family first. Sooner or later, our Song Family would reign this city." Song Tai ordered to the man in front of him.

On the contrary, the man who was kneeling was flabestered, although the family head has a lot of son, Song Tie was the Young Master of the Song Family after all. And most of all, killing Song Tie was a direct slap right into his face.

But thinking about it deeply, he just nodded his head and cupped his fist before taking his leave.

After the man leaves, a black shadow appeared beside Song Tai.

"Are you sure that you cannot se through his cultivation even with your strength?" Song Tai ask to the shadow beside him with a hint of fear and respect.

"Yes, it seems like he was at least at the Fourth Stage of Nascent Soul Realm. Or maybe he is using some treasure to hide his cultivation level. But even if it was the latter, his background must be unfathomable in order to have a treasure that can even hide his cultivation level from me."

Hearing this, Song Tai felt his scalp tingle. He was cursing his son for offending someone like him.

"Don't worry, just focus on killing the Head of the Bai Family, I think he doesn't have any care for what is happening in this city so you don't have to worry." The shadow beside him said and disappeared right after.


Shu Feng was still resting in the same branch of a tree even after causing a commotion.

As for whether the Song Family would take revenge or not is not of his concern at all. It's just that since he entered this city, a foreboding feeling has been bugging him.

He wants to know what is the cause of this feeling so he did not leave at the moment.

'Come to think of it, the Song Family waging a war against the Bai Family is very unexpected. It was like someone was instigating the Song Family because with their strength alone, it would not be enough to trample the Bai Family.'

Shu Feng though while feeling a sense of crisis. So after lying for some time, he immidiately sat crossed leg to cultivate.


Inside the house, Shen Si was in a deep thought. She was thinking about the future of her son would be and after some time, her eyes seemed to glow as she think of a good idea.

"Kei, come here. There is something your mother wanted to tell you."

Kei immidiately run to his mother's side with a smile hanging on his face.

Seeing his smile, Shen Si felt a bit of reluctance deep inside her. She didn't want to see those smile disappear, yet she didn't have a choice.

Sooner or later, Kei would discover about her secret so it would be bettet to settle it right now.

"Kei, your mother won't live for long and already hanging on my last breath, so listen carefully."

Before Kei could react on what is his mother telling him, Shen Si immidiately proceed on telling him about her identity and the things that happened in the past.

"I won't live for the next day, because the poison that was inflicted on me would explode soon enough, I am very grateful to have a son like you, Kei." Shen Si told him while tears keeps on flowing in her face.

Looking at his mother, Kei cannot help but feel reluctant on everything that he heard.

He did care about his background at all. All he cares about is his mother and nothing more.

And knowing that she would soon perish, he became more indignant and wanted to find a solution.

"Don't worry mother, I would go out and find another herb to cure your poison."

"Your mother will not live for so long, even if you collect all the Energy Herb in the mountain, it would still be useless."

Before Shen Si could reply, a voice just siddenly interrupted her.

Shu Feng knows that this would happen, but he didn't expect it to happen sooner.

He moved beside her and check her pulse again. The same status screen appeared in front of him again.

Looking closely, the poison soared to a whooping 84%. And her bloodline is slowly declining.

It seems like she already used the last bit of her ability to suppress the poison.

As for the Energy Herb that she take the last time, it was useless. Completely useless.

The reason why she vomits the poison was due to her continuously suppression all these years that made the poison came out with the help of an Energy Herb.

But even with it, it still didn't manage to completely detoxify the poison.

'She is using the last trace of her bloodline to suppress the poison, but doing so would make her a normal human and die at a much more shorter time.'

If she just let her bloodline to suppress the poison, she would definitely live for a few more days.

But she instead use the last bit of her bloodline jist to make her complexion turn to a normal human making her seemed alright.

'Sigh, if maybe her bloodline was that of a true Celestial, then the poison would not cause any harm to her.'

Shu Feng was in a dilemma on what to do, even if he wanted to cure the poison using a pill, his System Points is still not enough to buy a pill that could completely cure her.

Although he could buy some detoxification pill to temorarily cure her, she would still die in the end. So it is better to let things go on the way.

"Why would you say something like that to my mother, Brother?" Kei shouted with a hint of anger.

Shu Feng looked at him and felt sorrow deep down.

At least he didn't experience what Kei was feeling right now because he didn't even manage to catch a glimpse of his parent's face.


Shen Si wanted to reprimand Kei about his attitude when Shu Feng immidiately slap Kei on the face.

Shu Feng of course didn't use his cultivation or else Kei would die.

Both Shen Si and Kei was stunned. They didn't expect it. Shen Si wanted to apologize to Shu Feng if her son offended him. But before she could apologize, another slap landed on Kei's face.

"I slap you two times not because you are angry at me.

The first slap is to wake you up to reality. Remember this, nothing ever goes as planned in this world.

Your mother will die sooner than later and yet you still hope to save her with your strength!

What qualifications do you have!

You are too weak to save her!

I slap you the second time for you to revive your resolve. You are the son of a unrivaled genius and a Human Celestial!

Instead of crying here and getting angry, you should find a way to become strong and take your revenge to those who bully your mother and father!"

Shu Feng suddenly spat those words while not holding anything back.

What can he do, although he understands him a little because he was also crying back then, but reality will always wake you up.

Day and night he awaits for his mother and father to get him but nothing ever go as he wants.

He can't even manage to hug nor experience any warmth that he wants.

He is not even sure if they are still alive or dead.

All this things made him to slap Kei more. He manage to experience his mother's love and yet the first thing that he do is cry and not resolve himself to take revenge?

After he said that, Shu Feng immidiately walk out and disappeared in the darkness.

He wants Kei to reflect on the things that he said.

Shen Si who was silent was completely shock at the sudden burst of Shun Feng.

When she looked at his eyes, she could feel a tinge of sad and loneliness. But she didn't acquire because they are not even related.

Shen Si looked at her son who was dazed and reflecting at the moment.

She cannot help but feel grateful at Shu Feng's words.


Hours had already passed and it was already dark outside.

Shu Feng who was lying on the branch of the tree was looking at the dark sky with millions of stars.

He can see himself with two another person beside him.

They were smiling but he it's just a pity that the other people's face was a blur.

'UG, do you think it is still possible for me to go back.'

"Yes, as long as you have sufficient strength, going back to your previous world is possible."

Shu Feng immidiately sit up and stared in front of him with a shock face written all over his face.

He cannot help but feel overjoyed inside him. Just thinking about going back and finding his parents was already enough for him to jump in joy but he restrained hisself.

But before he could continue his celebration, Kei already came out of the house and went directly to his direction.

"I apologized for my previous behaviour, brother Feng." Kei came to his side and bowed his head.

"It is alright, I just want you to know that without strength you cannot do anything. So what is your plan right now." Shu Feng said without looking at his direction.

He thought that this kid would venture the world and grow strong day by day.

With his bloodline that he got from his mother and his father being a genius that reach Emperor Realm at the age of Nineteen was more than enough for him to become strong.

Strong enough to contend the Shen Family.

"Yes, I decided to follow Big Brother Feng from now on." Kei said while looking at Shu Feng with full determination.


Complete silence..

"I am still young and ignorant. It was all thanks to Big Brother's teaching a while ago that I can wake up and have the resolve for revenge.

My mother also told me to follow you because she said that you are someone with a good heart and someone who will reach the greatness." Kei said while bathing Shu Feng a lot of praises.

'Sigh, I thought only two devastating event would occur. Never would have I imagined that there will be a third.'

What can he do, fate is unpredictable after all. He just thought that Kei would lose his mother and become an orphan.

But it didn't come to his mind that he would instead turn to be a babysitter in the end.

'Maybe it is better to ket him cry at that time and didn't give him a piece of advice.' Shu Feng thought while sighing to himself.