
I will curse you

"NO!!!", Henry shouted, pushed the door wide open.

Irene and Mr Matthew startled but he quickly calm himself and replied, "Relax, Henry. I'm checking her temperature. She looked quite pale, and she said she's having a headache."

Henry stood by the door speechless. It was true that Irene doesn't really have colour on her face, but that doesn't make it right. His heart just won't settle down. He did not know what's wrong with him. 'This ugly b**** must have seduced my father!'

"Hmphh, ugly boar, you dare to seduce my father!! You are not worthy to be here. Just because you know some numbers and stuff doesn't make you rich you know! Get out of here! This is not a place for you. You are just some ugly sl*t!!"


A slap ran across Henry's face. Henry looked at his father, this is the first time his father hit him. For this woman. For this ugly woman!

"Fine! Fine!! Father, I will tell mother about this!" Henry stormed out of the room holding his left cheek that was now red.

Mr Matthew pull Irene for a hug, "I'm sorry for my son's behavior, I'm sorry we didn't teach him right."

Irene has this blank expression the whole time, she wasn't at the very least affected by Henry's words. She was used to it. She pushed Mr Matthew away gently and put a smile on her face.

"Thank you, sir. But considering your son's words, I don't think he would be wanting to see me again here. So, I hope you can grant me permission to leave this mansion and continue with my previous tasks like before."

Before Mr Matthew could respond, Irene already walked out of the room. Mr Matthew sighed in defeat. 'What have I done. I can't let her go back to Angelina, but because of my stupid son, we won't be seeing her anymore.'

As Irene walked out of the mansion, she felt a hand pushed her from the back, making her stumbled and fell on the floor. A few maids and butlers saw this but they pretend they don't see anything.

"Urgh, I just touched a pile of dirt! Get out, I don't want your dirty shoes in my house ever again. This is no place for you, UGLY!" Henry shouted. Now, feeling her face hot, she brought herself up and never turned back. She quickly ran away from that mansion. From that person, the one who humiliate her.

Running straight back to her house, Irene forgot what was waiting in this house even worst than being humiliated. But she can't turn back now, she don't have anywhere else to go.


The sound of front door of the house opened with force. Coming out of the house, a tall, slim figure with long black hair, wearing a stunning dark green dress. Looking at the pity sight of Irene, that figure scoffed and said, "I told you they don't want anyone like you. Go make yourself useful"

With a push, Irene cowered and continue to walk into the house she called hell. But even if it was hell, it is still her home.

Silently, another figure watched everything happen from the dark.


Late that night, it was raining cats and dogs with storms. A knock on Henry's mansion was heard. No one apparently heard it. All except Henry. 'Why is it no one opened the door. I will ask my father to fire them later'

Henry glided down the stairs and opened the door impatiently. A stench greeted Henry immediately after opening the door. He cringed and look at the messy mess in front of him.

An old beggar, with torn up clothes and crooked was looking at him with pitiful eyes.The wind was so strong the beggar was swaying, trying to stable their selves and said, "Can I please stay for the night? I will leave as soon as the first light is seen"

'One ugly go, one ugly come', Henry thought.

"No way, go away!! You will dirtied my mansion! You have no place in here. You are just an ugly, pitiful beggar!!", Henry shouted.

Watching Henry's reaction, the old beggar suddenly straighten their back and taking a wand out of their pocket. With a swing of the wand, sparkles was seen and the beggar's torn up clothes turned new. The beggar turned to be a beautiful woman. Henry was shocked. He was speechless.

Opening her mouth, the not-so-beggar's voice sound like a captivating melody, said "You don't have mercy, you treat the ugly like they are contaminated. You won't be happy. I will curse you!"