
How can you be this stupid?

With a swing of her wand, she cursed, "You shall never wake up from this sleep. You will fall in deep sleep while your soul wondering around endlessly. Only the last person that was called ugly by you, will be able to break the curse. If and only if she loves you as who you are."

With that, Henry felt his conscious leaving him. His whole body felt weak, he can't move.


Henry's body felt on the floor. The next morning, the butler who was on duty was shocked and immediately informed the master and madam.

They tried to wake him up in various ways, but there's no response. Mr Matthew and Madam Eliza sighed in defeat. Hopeless. They should see this coming. With Henry's personality and rude attitude, of course he was bound to get curse sooner or later. They should have took some precautions against witchcraft because in this world, anything could happen.

Henry's soul watched his body being moved by the butler and was put on his bed. His soul wondering around the bed. Watching. He tried touching his mother but it went through her. He tried screaming for help but no one notice. He sit next to his lifeless body.

"What did I do to deserve this? Just because one ugly beggar turned up to be a witch, I'm more or less dead. I want to live. I will break this curse. What was it that she said? Last person that I call ugly? Hmm, isn't that the witch? Where should I find that witch. I never see her before."

Henry sighed. He doesn't know where to start. Still thinking, he went out of the mansion, hoping the witch show herself before him again.

"Witch oh witch, where do witches live?", Henry looked around the town and his eyes suddenly locked moss-green one.

'No one can see me, right?', he thought.

He quickly ran towards Irene who immediately started to run too. Irene ran into the woods near the town.

"No!! Stop! Hey, you ugly seducer!!", Henry bellowed. With that, Irene stopped running.

'How dare this man call me a seducer and insult me at the same time. I don't even do anything with you father, stupid!', Irene shouted in her mind. She turned to look at Henry. Only then she noticed that Henry's body was semi-transparent. Gasping, she covered her mouth, shocked.

"Y-you…Wh-what? No!! Stay back!!! or I-I'll scream!!!", desperately keeping her distant, Irene can't take her eyes off Henry.

"Shut up, will you? I was cursed. So shut up, you ugly"

Irene shut up, calmed herself and found her courage back, "Ha! Haha, HAHAHA!! You deserve it! HAHAHA!!"

Laughing out loud, Irene stopped and stepped back when she saw Henry closing in. Henry ignored her and went through Irene's body.

"As you can see, this is my soul. I don't know why you can see me though. I can't grasp the situation yet, but since you can see me, why don't you help me. Okay, ugly?"

Irene scoffed.

"That, young man, is not how you ask for someone's help. Call me ugly and I will really leave you right here right now,"

Henry glanced at his back, 'Why above all people, only her? Did she has connection with the witch? Or….'

"Do you, by any chance, cursed me? Ha, you got gut despite being ugly.", Henry questioned.

"That's it. Go find someone else to help you", fed up with Henry's attitude, Irene left him and walked away.

"Eh? W-wait…", before Henry could stop her, she was gone. 'Now what?'

Watching from a far, the witch found amusing how stupid this boy was.


Wondering helplessly without clues, Henry went back to his sleeping body. His mother, Madam Eliza stayed beside him all day. Trying to touch his mother's hand, it went right through her. Henry sighed.

Suddenly he felt a breeze came from behind him. He turned and found the same witch that cursed him standing right in front of him.

"Y-you!!!", shouting, he tried to strangle the witch but he couldn't touch her. Henry became angrier.

"I gave you a chance and you blew it. But since you entertained me, I will give you one more but this time, there is time limit. One week. If you can't break the curse, you will be sleeping forever,"

"W-wait! How can I make you say you love me?? I don't even know where you live or who are are," asked Henry.

The witch who was just leaving, startled and facepalmed. She turned to Henry and said, "How can you be this stupid?"

Sorry for being late. I will update regularly next week, after my exams. I promise. T-T

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