
I don't remember

"I thought you were looking for me because I skipped the teaching. That a relief, I'm glad you're not, sir" Irene smiled.

Mr.Matthew still processing what she just said.

"Where was that fire? How did you survived it?" he questioned.

Irene answered truthfully, "I don't remember much about my childhood, sir. Madam Angelina picked me up after the fire. She said I'm the daughter of a maid there. So….."

'So there was possibility for her to be Rudy and Veronica's daughter! Angelina is known to be wicked and always jealous of the pair. She might lie to Irene. Hmm this is getting complicated. I let it go, for now', Mr.Matthew thought.

"So…why did you not attend to my son? Do you want him to be even stupider?"

Irene let out a small laugh and smiled sweetly trying to get off the hook, "Can he?"

Laughed out loud, Mr Matthew took Irene to his mansion to start her duty again. He like her. This girl is interesting.

Walked into the mansion, they were greeted by the butlers and maids. Walking to his son's study room, they was flabbergasted by the condition of the room. Books everywhere on the floor, furniture not in place, a table was flipped, table lamp broken and a limp body buried under a pile of books.

Mr Matthew rushed to his son's side.

"Hey, hey! What happened?" he asked.

"Hmm, sh-NOT-beau…", Henry mumbled. He turned to the side. Mr Matthew sighed of relief. He thought something happen to his son. This is his only heir!

Irene looked at the idiotic face. 'Well, minus the terrible personality he has, he IS quite handsome. The perfect jaw, manly face with those eyes….Damn..Those eyes…those blue…'

"What are you looking at, you ugly?!"

The question bring Irene back to reality. He caught her staring! Irene blushed and lowered her head. Mr Matthew just shrugged it off and said, "Now that you are awake, please be ready for the lesson, I'm going to be here too."

Henry look at his father with pleading face, "Can you not? You will just be making fun of me after all. Just go do your work. You don't need to be here, father"

"No. I will be here. God knows what you will be doing to her if I'm not here. So, I want be make sure you won't slack off. Hmphh, just because I spoil you doesn't mean you can get away easily."

Irene just watched to the father and son duo banter about useless stuff. She then looked around the room, and started to tidy it up without the duo noticing. That what she do, a maid that clean the house. That how she been living for 10 years now.

After Madam Angelina took her, she started as maid right away. Madam always cold while treating her maids but she was cruel to her. Irene once broke an arm when Madam Angelina pushed her from the stairs. Just the sight of Irene, she can't stand. Why?

Feeling the environment of the room a bit cleaner, the father and son noticed that Irene was tidying. Henry looked at her and smirk, "Hey, you missed this spot,"

Mr Matthew nudged him with an elbow and cause Henry to doubled-over holding his stomach where was hit. His father later smiled and said, "You can stop, just start teaching this boy." ruffling Henry's hair.

Henry glared at his father and move the target to Irene who was smiling. The smile quickly vanished when meeting with a piercing blue eyes.

Moving closer to them, with book in her hand, Irene sat down after both of them. She started her lesson immediately and try her hardest to ignore the death glare by Henry.

"Hmphh, ugly skank, what do you think you will get", Henry spoke softly but was heard but his father. Mr Matthew slapped Henry's back causing him to straighten up and keep his mouth shut.

After a torturous lesson, Mr Matthew called it a day and let Henry off the hook. He stay behind to have a talk with Irene.

Walking out of the room, Henry looked back and saw his father put his arm around Irene's shoulder. He stopped walking instantly. 'What is he doing? Is he cheating on mother?'

He close the door slowly and left a gap to peep. 'I need to find out about this,'

Henry can't hear what they were talking about, but with the smiling and the laughing, they were having a good time. Suddenly Henry felt a tinge in his gut. 'What is this feeling?'

While he was with his thought, Mr Matthew move his hand to Irene's cheek. He smiled and bring his face closer to Irene. Henry froze and the pain in his heart intensified. 'No..NO..NOO!!'