
Uchiha With Glasses

Reborn in Naruto and become Uchiha Shisui brother, the descendant of Uchiha Kagami. You can read 20+ chapters ahead of everyone on p@treon. P@TREON - p@treon.com/lessaservantofcosmos (just replace the "@" with "a") Disclaimer : I don't own Naruto or it's characters neither this fanfic. The image used in the cover isn't mine. This is Chinese fanfiction. I'm just translating it. I'm just changing the name and some grammar. I'm trying to make it more understandable. All right reserved to the author 天榜女装 (for the fanfic), Tite Kubo (for Bleach), and Masashi Kishimoto (for Naruto)

Lessa_Grace · Anime & Comics
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233 Chs

201.Uchiha Sasuke vs. Kidomaru

A thank you for being my patron:

"Deva Path":

-Victor Gonzalez

-Mathias Zink

"Animal Path":

-Umar Jawed

"Human Path":

-Codeseed g

-Sayemal Reaz

"Outer Path":



-BlueFern XO

-Anil Singh


You can read 20 chapters ahead of everyone on p@treon.

P@TREON - p@treon.com/lessaservantofcosmos

(just replace the "@" with "a")

ps: Please support me on P@treon. I can really use your help!


Uchiha Sasuke vs. Kidomaru.

"Boom boom boom~"

The two rushed towards each other, engaging in intense hand-to-hand combat!

Kidomaru, with his six arms reminiscent of a spider, may appear intimidating but proved to be quite agile in close combat. However, he was quickly overpowered by Sasuke!

"The Lion's Barrage!"

Using his innate physical prowess, Sasuke slammed Kidomaru to the ground.

"Crack, crack~"

Metallic fragments from Kidomaru's body began to crack. This was due to his unique ability to secrete a sticky gold substance through his sweat glands, which then metalizes his skin to significantly reduce physical damage.

"Its not easy breaking through my spider sticky gold, you do have some skills!"

After the initial exchange, Kidomaru realized that his opponent was not to be underestimated.

Curse Mark—


Sensing something amiss, Sasuke activated his Sharingan, noticing a sudden surge in the opponent's chakra, nearly fivefold!

Kidomaru's body was covered in bizarre patterns.

"The real battle begins now!"

Biting his finger and forming hand seals, Kidomaru summoned a massive spider. The spider's abdomen swelled and, upon cutting open, released a swarm of smaller spiders!

"Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique!"

Sasuke unleashed a massive fireball, incinerating many of the smaller spiders. However, their numbers seemed endless.

Switching tactics, Sasuke executed a more potent fire technique.

"Fire Style: Dragon Flame Jutsu!"

A straight flame shockwave carved a path through the sea of spiders.

With Sharingan locked on the giant spider, Sasuke prepared his next move while running and forming hand seals. Lightning began to condense in his palm—


The potent lightning blade pierced through the giant spider in one strike, eliciting cheers from the audience.

"That technique, isn't it Hatake Kakashi's signature move?" Rasa pondered, acknowledging Sasuke's prodigious talent.

"An A-rank jutsu, and that Sasuke kid has mastered it!" observed the Fourth Raikage, recognizing Chidori's extraordinary power and its potential for further development.

"As expected of Sasuke!" Naruto exclaimed, feeling a mix of admiration and a burgeoning sense of rivalry.

Fortunately, before the exam, he begged his father to teach him Rasengan.

"I shouldn't lose to the opponent!"

"Kidomaru, what are you doing!"

Tayuya also yelled aloud.

"Damn it! I can't keep my hands anymore!"

Kidomaru's eyes tightened, and he had to increase the output of the curse seal.

They saw the patterns on his body spread out, and the flesh of his whole body changed!

The hair grows longer, the skin turns brownish-red, and a third eye grows out of the forehead!

Curse Seal State Two!

A metal substance was spat out from the mouth, forming a huge bow and arrow!

"This chakra feels very familiar!" Fourth Hokage, who familiar with sage chakra can't help but to compare it "Is it another experimental body made by Orochimaru?"

Sasuke's eyes tightened, and he didn't dare to be careless.

He immediately used the power of the Quincy.

A spirit bow condensed in his hand!

Both weapons are bows and arrows.

For ninjas, this is a very rare skill.

Everyone was very surprised.

Itachi focused his eyes on his dear brother the whole time.

"Where did Sasuke's power come from? Yuki-sensei...?"

At this time, both sides of the battle have exerted their full strength!

The spider war bow is cracked!

Kidomaru took the lead to shoot a sharp metal arrow!


Sasuke used a flying scythe.

He moved his steps quickly to one side.

While avoiding the opponent's bow and arrow, Kidomaru shot a group of arrows.



Kidomaru stood up and jumped away.

The second arrow was shot again.

The end of the arrow is connected to the spider silk thread.

He can change the trajectory of the arrow through Chakra.

They saw the metal arrows follow Sasuke!

"Rain of Light!"

Sasuke shot a large number of light arrows in one breath, setting fire to metal arrows.


He shot down the opponent's arrows from the air!


Kidomaru was shocked.


Sasuke used his scythe to quickly walk around behind the opponent.

Another wave of arrows shot Kidomaru to the ground.


Kidomaru vomited blood, and the curse on his body gradually dissipated.


Kurenai entered in time and stopped the duel.

"Winner! Uchiha Sasuke!"

There was a burst of enthusiastic cheers from the audience on the stage.

But Yuki looked indifferent.

He had expected such a result long ago.

As experimental subjects, Sasuke is obviously a better material.

Konoha won the first battle

Although Rain Shinobi was defeated, no one in the room dared to take it lightly.

Everyone can see the power of the curse seal displayed by Kidomaru.

The combat power is absolutely impressive!

"Huh! Forbidden Technique, huh?."

Onoki snorted coldly.

In fact, he can't wait to let his Rock Shinobi learn it!

The screen flashes again--

"Next match, Haruno Sakura vs. Gaara."

Kurenai announced the list for the next round of the duel.

"Yoshi~ It's finally my turn. I must perform well!"

Sakura made a small fist.

She waved to Yuki-sensei in the VIP seat.

"Come on, little Sakura."

Yuki-sensei casually encouraged.


Sakura suddenly seemed to have a buff, so excited!

Gaara, on the other side, looked at it and felt confident.

"Like this kind of naive and foolish girl, can't I defeat her every minute and every second"

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