
Type Moon System In A Foreign World

Being perfectly honest, getting reincarnated was probably the best thing to ever happen to me. It wasn't that my old life was bad, or boring or anything, it just wasn't nearly as fulfilling as this one. Every single Mystery was available to myself for purchase, or through the gacha. I had the ability to purchase Noble Phantasms or summon Heroic Spirits and Divine Spirits of the highest calibre! Despite the crappy gacha which still seemed to carry over this foreign world, and the huge problem of having to explain to people I summon that they are in a foreign world, everything seems pretty good. .... Hang on a second. What do you mean I just summoned Type Venus?

Okita_Soujii · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Chapter 2 Type Moon System

I blinked.

It was the only way I could process the information that was literally hovering a few inches away from my face.

That crimson coloured screen with the tiny little words "Type Moon System" written at the top of it. It wasn't the words themselves or the terminology behind them that confused me, just the fact that it said "Type Moon System" rather than just "System".

Off the top of my head, there was only one sought of "Type Moon" that came to mind, and surely this System wasn't actually referring to the same "Type Moon" that I had in-.

[New User Binding Confirmed.....]

[Thirty Saint Quartz has been given as a New User Gift. Please use them as the User sees fit]

My eyebrow twitched.

There was only one kind of System where the gacha salt that the players produced actually outweighed the returns that the players received. This was definitely-.

"-the same Type Moon.....".

I sighed.

Leave it up to the "Type Moon System" be actually be more of a gacha than anything else. I hadn't even looked at what the System could actually do, but I just knew that eventually my tears would become the power source for this.... abomination.....


The crimson coloured screen appeared before me. There was only two options on the main screen, the first being "Mysteries" and the second being "Summons". From what I already knew about the expanded Type Moon universe, the former was quite broad while the latter was well.... obvious.

Lifting a finger and pressing on the "Mysteries" option, a much larger list expanded downwards from the initial option, causing my eyes to widen and just how many different categories there were available to me.

"There is "Magecraft"..... "Mystic Eyes"..... "Elementals"..... "Phantasmal Beasts"..... "Divine Spirits"..... "Heroic Spirits"..... "Ghost Liners"..... "Noble Phantasms"..... "Authorities"..... "Humans..... "Dead Apostles"...".

The list went into even greater detail but I didn't want to get distracted just by looking at all the categories and stuff. What I really wanted to know, was whether or not the "Mysteries" listed here were available to purchase, or whether or not I would have to save up until the next Anniversary or something.....

Clicking on "Heroic Spirits", numerous different Classes appeared in front of me. Clicking on the Class at the top of the list, the "Saber" Class, another list dropped down beneath the original one.

"..... "Artoria Pendragon"..... "Arthur Pendragon"..... "Miyamoto Musashi"..... "Fergus Mac Roich"..... "Rama"..... "Sigurd"..... "Suzuka Gozen"..... The list goes on and on..... Wait a second..... Holy shit! 100,000 Saint Quartz to purchase outright?! Even in my previous world just getting in the four digit range was enough to consider someone a Whale! And now you want me to become a Leviathan!?".

A look of disgust appeared on my face.

I was someone who definitely couldn't be called a free-to-play player, but I was by no means a Leviathan.

..... Just thinking about how much money I would have to spend to even accumulate 100,000 Saint Quartz made my head hurt a little.

I let out a shallow breath.

"Let's just take a look at some of the other "Mysteries" available. Surely they can't all be so outrageously expensive?".

Over the next half hour or so, my face contorted into shapes and forms so agonised and distraught, that even "The Scream" would pale in comparison to the amount of metaphysical pain I felt wreak havoc throughout my mind.

Everything.... was so fucking expensive!

"Mysteries: Noble Phantasm: [Zabaniya: Delusional Heartbeat]: 120,000 Saint Quartz".

"Mysteries: Elementals: Nature Spirit: [Bodhi Tree Spirit]: 75,000 Saint Quartz".

"Mysteries: Phantasmal Beasts: [Hippogriff]: 200,000 Saint Quartz".

"Mysteries: Concepts: [Concept Of Death]: 1,000,000,000 Saint Quartz".

"Mysteries: Magecraft: [Modern Formalcraft]: 1,000 Saint Quartz".

Overall, the cheapest item was still one hundred Saint Quartz to purchase outright. I wasn't exactly sure what would happen if I were to purchase it, considering that while some of these things, like the "Zabaniya: Delusional Heartbeat" would be given to me outright, others, like the "Concept of Death" might be a little different considering it was something that didn't have a physical form.

Would I be given the knowledge of how such a "Mystery" works? Would I then be able to imbue the "Concept Of Death" on others just like the former Grand Assassin could?

Or was I immune from the "Concept Of Death"? There were different ways I could perceive some of the things that were available for purchase, so I was wondering exactly just what each would entail, in the event that I somehow gained the Saint Quartz necessary to buy them.

I scratched the back of my head.

For the foreseeable future at least, I was more than likely not going to need the "Mysteries" option. Even if it was the option I was more interested in, it seemed like I was going to have to look at the other option that the Type Moon System gave me.

The "Summons" option.

Clicking on it, I could see the metaphysical image of Galahad's shield appear in front of me. It was a a sight that I myself was quite accustomed to, considering I had thrown thousands, upon thousands of dollars into that shield, but this one was..... slightly different.

On the shield itself, the word, "Humans" was written. It seemed sought of transient, or temporary, considering that the rest of the shield was completely solid and was formed exactly as I remembered it.

The single word in the centre of the shield occasionally vanished, before quickly reappearing. Even though the screen itself was translucent, the word "Humans" seemed almost ephemeral, in a way. Almost as though it would vanish the moment I took my eyes of it.

"..... Perhaps..... this is some sought of rate-up?".

The font was exactly the same as the "Humans" sub-option in the Mysteries option. Even though I didn't have any sort of basis to believe this, some part of me knew that this was a "rate-up".

"System. Is this a rate up for things in the "Humans" tab?".

There was silence for a moment, and no response came from the Type Moon System. I couldn't help but frown and let out a sigh before turning my gaze back towards the screen.

It was 3 Saint Quartz for a single summon. Very much like it was in my old world.

I wasn't really the type to summon on a banner just for the sake of it, but considering I literally had nothing, there was only one way to go from here.

I clapped my hands together and rubbed them with enough vigour and force to make it feel as though the palms of my hands were on fire.

This was my own personal ritual for summoning in my old world. Something that I didn't tell my friends or younger siblings who also played the game.

..... Magecraft grows weaker the more people know it right?

Letting out a deep breath, I pressed on the "10 Pulls" option, immediately ridding myself of any other option temporarily.

I didn't really know how the System judged rarity or quality of an item, but seeing three lines of light, spinning rapidly over the shield of Galahad caused my heart to almost skip a beat!

"A character!"

In a flash of light, I noticed something appear several feet in front me. The growing smile on my face was suddenly cut short by the appearance of a small plate of steaming hot, mapo tofu.

My mood might've been ruined, if not for the fact that the Type Moon System had already started rolling for the second item.

My unhappy mood completely vanished in the blink of an eye as another three lines of light appeared above the shield!

Another bright flash of light appeared in front of me, revealing that the thing I had summoned was-.

".... Is that Rin's Pendant?".

I picked up the crimson coloured gem, holding it up by the chain as I gazed towards it.

I didn't even know if I had the talent to become a Mage, but I could still feel an enormous amount of power being contained within this small gem. There wasn't anything I could really compare it to, but it still caused the hairs on my arms to raise slightly, even though I was holding it in my hands.

Turning back towards the screen, I frowned deeply seeing that nothing else I had summoned was either a character, nor something actually useful.

"Black Keys..... Elixir Of Love..... Hydra Dagger..... Mystery Masks.... Another Black Keys..... More Mapo Tofu..... Runestones.....".

I let out a sigh before shrugging my shoulders. Beside me was the whole pile of summoned items that, despite their usefulness, where completely worthless to me in the current moment.

I mean, the Mapo Tofu tasted pretty good, but other than that, everything was pretty much useless for the time being.

That was until-.

"Wait! Is that fucking gold!?".

Seeing the white coloured lines above the shield of Galahad suddenly flicker gold, my once broken and fragmented hopes and dreams suddenly came springing back to life with the advent of these sparkly golden ring.

A bright flash of light, far greater in intensity and duration appeared before my eyes. I heard a small thud, much louder than all the previous summons, and the sound of a voice enter my ears.

"Ow! What the hell? Where the hell am I?".

A voice. A female voice, was one that I was very much familiar with.

As the light subsided, the figure of a beautiful young woman appeared before me.

Long, slightly wavy black hair, tied into two side-up-ponytails. It might've seemed sort of childish, but the majority of her hair still hung loose despite her twin-tails behind tied up with two black coloured ribbons, giving her a sought of elegantly, beautiful type-vibe.

Aqua blue eyes and practically flawless facial features. Regards of whether a person was from the East, or from the West, this young woman would be considered extraordinarily beautiful by both of them.

A red coloured turtleneck and a rather.... visually stimulating black coloured skirt could be seen on this woman's body. The knee-high black stockings where a pleasant bonus although just normal black socks would be equally as good considering just whose legs they belonged too.....

The young girl rubbed her backside for a moment before lifting her head and staring straight up at me. Her aqua blue eyes stared into my own eyes, the colour and shape of which eluded me considering this wasn't technically "my" body.

Her eyes widened and her mouth opened, but before she could say anything, I spoke-.

"Before you say anything about how you got here, or just why you were brought here, know this!....".

Rin stared at me silently, even as I paused for a moment to take a breath.

"You have the most beautiful pair of legs I have ever-".

It wasn't even a moment later that I felt a hand collide against the side of my face.