
Type Moon System In A Foreign World

Being perfectly honest, getting reincarnated was probably the best thing to ever happen to me. It wasn't that my old life was bad, or boring or anything, it just wasn't nearly as fulfilling as this one. Every single Mystery was available to myself for purchase, or through the gacha. I had the ability to purchase Noble Phantasms or summon Heroic Spirits and Divine Spirits of the highest calibre! Despite the crappy gacha which still seemed to carry over this foreign world, and the huge problem of having to explain to people I summon that they are in a foreign world, everything seems pretty good. .... Hang on a second. What do you mean I just summoned Type Venus?

Okita_Soujii · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 1 Nani?

"Where the fuck am I?".

Glancing around this dilapidated hut, I couldn't help but curse out loud as my eyes wandered throughout the room. Unrecognisable pieces of clothing covered the floors and a small bucket of water sat peacefully in the corner of the room.

From the faint sound of water droplets coming from the bucket, I surmised that the roof of this hut probably had one or two holes in it.

..... From just a quick glance I could see that it had multiple holes in it.

Kicking off the thin sheet that covered my body, my eyes were drawn to the pale, cream coloured skin on my legs. It was a pair of legs that were devoid of any sort of small blemishes, or freckles, or even minute-sized scars.

"These legs..... are definitely not mine".

I wiggled the toes attached to said legs.

I blinked a couple times and reached out towards these foreign looking legs, as if they were some sort of precious porcelain or something rather. If this was some sort state where I was actually hallucinating while I was sleeping, I would probably have to go see a doctor once I woke up.

But still..... The level of realism behind this dream was astounding....

I honestly couldn't tell whether I was dreaming or whether this was actually reality.

Hmm. Maybe I should pinch myself and try see whether or not I'll wake-.

"Ow shit! That fucking hurt!".

I pinched the back of my leg as hard as I could, to the point where I almost drew blood.

The sudden increase of strength in my body caused me to reel back and gaze down at the slightly purple skin on my lower leg. It didn't look that bad, but the amount of strength I put behind such a simple pinch seemed more ridiculous considering the lack of any sort of muscle in my arm or hand.

It wasn't ridiculously muscular some some people's arms were, nor was it the veiny sort of arm, where the muscles seemed compacted rather than just overwhelmingly large.

..... They were kinda squishy. And soft too.

I felt a small ache in my temples, causing me to sigh and ignore that little bit of information while I rubbed the sides of my head.

"Okay.... so probably not a dream then. However, this is definitely not my body. So, assuming that this is reality, and the body I am currently in, isn't my original one, then that can only mean-".

Isekai'd. I've more than likely been isekai'd.

Another small sigh escaped my lips.

Getting transmigrated certainly happened out the blue. I mean, I didn't get hit by a bus or get stabbed by some sort of crazy ex-girlfriend stalker or whatnot. Isn't that how people are generally reincarnated in light novels and shit?

It wasn't as if I was teleported to another world or anything. If so I would probably still have my original body and everything.

The last thing I remember was going to sleep after playing Mahoutsukai no Yoru last night. I'm pretty sure I finished the game, cause I had a little bit to drink before practically passing out on my bed.

"But when I woke up, I found myself here. In this..... abode of mine".

To be perfectly honest it was probably less embarrassing to call myself homeless than live in a dump like this.

There were holes in the roof, pieces of broken glass in the corner of the room, small animal droppings near the bucket and mold growing on the pieces of wood that held up this..... "construct".

It seemed more sanitary to live outside, rather than in this literal shithole.

"I wonder what type of person would chose to live in a place like this though. I mean, I wonder if the original owner of this body was like..... crazy or something?".

Standing up, I hopped over the dirty clothes and broken pieces of glass that marred the wooden floorboards before opening the door to this abode, instantly feeling the smooth press of wind against my cheeks.

I was going barefoot since I couldn't see any sort of footwear in the house, and I stepped out onto the soft, yet slightly prickly blades of grass that grew directly outside the house. They were slightly damp to the touch, but not so much as to my the soles of my feet wet or anything.

Taking in a deep breath I felt as though I could sense how pure the air was here. There was nothing notable in my line of sight other than a relatively large lake visible just through the treeline, and a small apple tree that grew directly beside my "house".

It was a pleasantly picturesque setting, despite the very.... ugly interior design of the hut.

It seemed kind of peaceful. That is until-.

"Li Hao, you bastard!".

"Haha! I thought you said that I was free to use whatever weapon I wanted, Yang Shen!".

The gentle atmosphere was suddenly ruined by the sounds of young men fighting near the lake. The echoes of vicious grunting, and the piercing sounds of metal slicing through air completely dissipated any sort of peaceful atmosphere that this small grove once knew.

A look of befuddlement appeared on my face.

Getting reincarnated and finding some poor maiden being attacked by bandits and whatnot was a common theme in all isekai light novels. Often, said maiden would be some sort of noble, or respected figure in the Kingdom.

.... Additionally, they were usually young and extremely beautiful.....

A strange sense of possibility started rising up in my chest. Perhaps this was the beginning of my popular phase?

"Let's go check it out.... I mean, if there isn't anything wrong then I'll just keep wondering around. If not, than it might just be the duty of a passerby to help, or get help when someone is in trouble.... Hmm, yes, let's go with that".

Walking through the forest, I quickly came to the source of said fighting. The image of me valiantly rescuing a quite and innocent princess died as quickly as it had arisen, seeing that the source of the conflict was only between two young men.

A slightly depressed look rose up on my face.

"Perhaps it was too good to be true. Asking for a potential waifu to appear within the first hour seems unreasonable..... Perhaps if this were some sort of isekai where the main character has a status page, or even a System it would-".

A bright red coloured menu appeared in front of me. As if appearing through some sort of command or special word or something.

"Dismiss", I instinctively said.

The bright red screen completely vanished, and I blinked a couple times before rubbing my eyes and glancing around the forest.

The possibility of this being a hallucination or even some sort of mirage seemed unlikely considering the circumstances.

I hoped I wasn't just imagining this, or even worse, just dreaming that this was all happening in my head, but glancing up towards where the top of the metaphysical screen once was, I spoke once more.


My vision was overtaken by the image of a bright red coloured screen, a slightly translucent one considering I could see through the screen itself.

[Reading target coordinates.....]

[Connection to adjacent worlds and parallel worlds setting: disabled]

[Connection to imaginary number axis and minus reality setting: enabled]

[Connection to 「 」: disabled]

[Root Access denied. All functions, excluding those related to Magic and Mysteries that exceed Magic, are available]

[Type Moon System: enabled]

My eyes widened and my words hitched in my throat as I struggled to speak what was on my mind.

I was shocked. Surprised to an unfathomable degree. Even seeing a man walk of water or be brought back from the dead would be less shocking the small red screen hovering a few inches away from me.

The only words that could escape my lips was-.
