
Type Moon System In A Foreign World

Being perfectly honest, getting reincarnated was probably the best thing to ever happen to me. It wasn't that my old life was bad, or boring or anything, it just wasn't nearly as fulfilling as this one. Every single Mystery was available to myself for purchase, or through the gacha. I had the ability to purchase Noble Phantasms or summon Heroic Spirits and Divine Spirits of the highest calibre! Despite the crappy gacha which still seemed to carry over this foreign world, and the huge problem of having to explain to people I summon that they are in a foreign world, everything seems pretty good. .... Hang on a second. What do you mean I just summoned Type Venus?

Okita_Soujii · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 3 Tohsaka Rin

"I'm sorry alright! I can't just turn off this sought of thing! It's with me till the day I die!".

Rin gave me a smile that most definitely wasn't a "smile". The sound of knuckles cracking as she "smiled" with her eyes caused shivers to crawl up my spine.

"Ara~? Perhaps that day might come sooner than you might think?".

My earlier comment, despite its suddenness, and being more than likely inappropriate, caused the tsundere standing before my to instantly turn red in the face, and swing and fortunately, un-reinforced hand towards my face.

I probably deserved it, although I this wasn't really unexpected considering her personality and all.

"What kind of pervert makes sudden comments about women's bodies the moment they summon them?".

I shrugged as my eyes darted to the side.

"It's in human nature to admire beautiful things. The beauty of a flower is ephemeral, while the beauty of a landscape is eternal. Much like the flower and the landscape, you also evoke beauty as well Rin..... Well, you certainly evoke something within-".

I dodged another slap. From the speed and wind generated from the slap, I could immediately tell that she had reinforced her hand.

The redness on her face grew to even greater heights, which only made me want to tease her some more. But considering this was still our first meeting, I restrained myself before the situation got even more out of hand.

I felt myself back up into a large tree. The sudden lack of any sort of room to dodge caused a rather.... conflicted expression to rise up on my face.

"It doesn't look as though you've got anywhere to run pervert.....".

Even though I wasn't a Mage, if could still feel the waves of magical energy coming of Rin's body like waves battering against cliff-side.

I didn't know how powerful she was considering that the only spells I had ever seen her use before were Gandr and Jewelcraft, the latter of which seemed more expensive despite the huge amount of power each gem could provide.

I held up my hands, holding them in front of me.

"Hold on there for just a second Rin..... I've summoned you here to this world so the relationship between us goes further than just strangers. If you actually kill me here, then I don't know what will happen to you once I die".

Her menacing figure halting mid-step, her eyes narrowing as the redness in her cheeks slowly faded.

"..... What do you mean, you summoned me here?".

I mentally let out a sigh of relief. So long as she was in a reasonable mood, I would more than likely be able to take control of the conversation.

"My..... Magecraft, or something rather, allows me to summon..... objects. Some examples could be this Pendant".

I took out crimson-coloured pendant from my pocket and threw it towards Rin. The moment the red pendant fell into her hands, her eyes widened and her murderous aura completely vanished.

"But this..... how is it-".

"I still don't exactly know how it works, but I can summon objects from a wide range of Parallel Worlds and Adjacent Worlds. I myself cannot travel to said worlds considering I am not a Magician, however bringing things from these worlds to me, can be done".

I could see in the "Mysteries" option that I could purchase both "Unlimited Blade Works: Emiya Shirou", in addition to "Heaven's Feel: Emiya Shirou". Just from this, it was evident that despite the startup stating that both the Parallel Worlds setting and the Adjacent Worlds setting were disabled, I could still summon from these worlds.

I let out a deep breath.

"While I didn't intend of specifically summoning you, Rin, you have been pulled from your original World and summoned here, to mine".

"Can I go back to my original world?".

Her aqua coloured eyes stared right at me, a gaze which I returned, although not with the same intensity.

"For the time being..... no, I don't believe you can".

I saw Rin bite the nail on her thumb, supporting the arm with her other one while frowning deeply.

..... To be perfectly honest, it was quite cute.

"Before you can think of anything else, might I say that, while I have brought you here against your will, you are free to do whatever you want..... Other than kill me that is".

My words, despite their attempt to defuse the situation somewhat, seemed to leave a large amount of tension in the air. To be perfectly honest I was slightly scared of what this tsundere's response would be.

She might just hit me, which in of itself wouldn't be that bad, but hitting me with a reinforced hand would definitely break something in my body.

She opened her mouth-.

"I..... understand the situation".

She sighed. I could see her shoulders slump slightly, obviously indicating that she had accepted the situation, for now at least.

Rin wasn't the type of person to kill them for doing something stupid that impacted her life. When Archer betrayed her, she didn't hate the Servant for doing such a thing, but instead opted to look for an alternative at the first chance she got.

She partnered up with Shirou, and obvious idiot when it came to Magecraft over Shinji. Despite the latter being an absolute piece of shit, she knew that it was more rational to side with Shirou, who had summoned Saber, over Shinji who wasn't even a proper Master.

Both Shirou's and Shinji's personalities aside, the talent that Shirou possessed for Magecraft was abysmal. In his own words he was a "one-trick pony", while Shinji had the entire Matou Family assisting him, even if that assistance came from a 300 year old piece of shit.

I took of step forward, noting that Rin didn't step back or even turn to look at me.

"This..... is difficult for you. To be ripped from your normal life and forced into a strange new world....".

..... Wait a second? Didn't that just happen to me too?

"However, to be best of my abilities I want to try and make the transition as easy as possible. My Magecraft can summon random objects so I have summoned items such as Black Keys and Runestones from various different Worlds. I myself cannot use them, but you are free to experiment with them as you see fit".

Rin lifted her head and blinked a couple times as she tilted her head in confusion.

..... Once again, such a simple action provided a cuteness that seemed almost supernatural.

"Wait..... you can summon things like the Church's Black Keys?".

I nodded and pointed to the pile of stuff sitting underneath the tree a couple metres away from us.

"Yeah. Other than the Black Keys, there is an Elixir Of Love, a Hydra Dagger and about a dozen or so Runestones..... I wouldn't think you'd be interested but there are also some Mystery Masks, but they only have cosmetic uses.....".

I felt a pair of hands roughly grab my shirt, pulling me towards the pile of stuff sitting underneath the tree.

I didn't exactly know where Rin was going with this, but whatever, I guess.

"This Hydra Dagger, is it actually coated in the poison from a Hydra?".

I nodded.

"I think so yeah. If I recall, it should be an extremely young Hydra though. Like the size of a basketball or something..... Why?".

Rin ignored my words and just pointed to the Elixir Of Love. I could see her cheeks redden slightly can her voice become slightly louder as if to hide her embarrassment.

"T-This Elixir Of Love! Do you know who made it?".

I nodded again.

"Yeah, it was made by a Magus who had the Rank of Pride in the Clock Tower. I don't remember his name but his drugs were strong enough to almost warrant him a Sealing Designation. The Elixir is potent enough to work against Servants, so it is pretty powerful".

I strange expression rose up on my face as I saw Rin smile at the stuff on the floor. In all honesty the most useful thing I had summoned at the moment, other than Rin was probably the Black Keys.

I mean, the Hydra Dagger was definitely the most useful when it came to killing, however in terms of usability, the Black Keys took the cake.

I didn't even know if I had the capacity for Magecraft, so items that were related to Magecraft had very little usage to me right now.

..... Wait a second-.

"Hey Rin, let me ask you something.....".

The beautiful girl stopped gazing at the radiant coloured Runestones in her hand and turned to face me with a strange expression on her face. It seemed sought of angry, but at the same time sought of happy?

I don't know. Interacting with tsundere's was like playing Russian Roulette.....

I looked down at my body before lifting my head up to look towards her.

"Do I have Magic Circuits?".