

This novel is based on how an introverted college girl (Sophia) met a handsome boy (Prince) who was her classmate and and younger brother of CEO of New Way company (hidden identity) which was famous for fashion designing. Prince's friend ( Levin) came to the college who started liking Sophia at first sight and he told him to try to ship them. But, he fell in love himself with her. And somewhere she also started loving him but could never understand herself. Their love story had started but suddenly Prince got missing and never came back for years. She saw a similar man like him in Indonesia and got into accident while chasing him behind. Will she be able to meet him? Or will the destiny part them forever? Read the novel to know this.....

Shivani_Maurya · Urban
Not enough ratings
26 Chs


In the morning at the hospital, the sun was shining on Sophia's face by spreading its rays, due to which she rubbed her eyes and woke up, but still was in half sleep.

Before going home, she told her mother,"I am going home to get fresh and will prepare breakfast and then both of us will eat together,till then take care of yourself. I will come soon."

After reaching home, she got fresh and prepared egg rolls, sandwiches and coffee for breakfast. When she was about to leave the house with breakfast, she got a notification on her phone and it was written that she has to go to office today and she suddenly got surprised after reading it.

She stressed,"Ah! I forgot that I have to go to work today."

Sophia fell into deep thought what she should do. Luckily, she decided,"In this circumstance ,I need to take care of my mom. So, I take two days off from school and company."

She messaged her TIC that she needs two days off for personal issues. Then, she called to Company's reception and asked,"Hello! Are you speaking from New Way company?"

The receptionist responded," Yes, who is speaking ?

"Good morning, Myself Sofia and selected for Assistant Designer post. I had to come to the job today but I will not be able to come for two days due to some personal issues, so I hope you will give this news to the President".

The receptionist said to wait her,"One minute!"

She checked the worker's list to ensure what she is saying right or not. She fetch her name and said,"Sorry mam, I think that you should talk to him to deal with this matter as you are a newbie."

"Ok, But can you give me his number?"

"I message you now on your Mail ID".

"Ok, Thank you!"

Then, Sofia disconnected the call and saved that number as New Way President. She called him, but President was not picking up his phone and it was saying, "The person whom you are calling is not answering your call. Please call after a while."

Sofia got very upset that he was not answering her phone, then she thought that she would call him later. She picked breakfast lunch and went straight to the hospital.

At the hospital -

When Sophia got there, her mother was sit on the patient bed.

"Mumma, let's have breakfast".

Sophia was opening lunch and her Mumma says,"Wow! How nice it smells. Hurry up, my mouth is watering."

She said by filling the egg roll in her mouth,"As good as it smells, it is also a tasty snack".

She was happy to hear herself praise and said very sweetly,"Good thing that you liked it".

By giving a big smile, her mummy said ,"From today, you will make breakfast everyday".

She shocked and said,"Mumma, you are taking advantage of this situation which is absolutely wrong."

"What's wrong with that? You cook good that's why I said .

She felt weird,"I don't feel like what you are saying."

Her mummy started her emotional acting.

"It's okay, But don't do such emotional atrocities to make your point".

Both drank their coffee and finished their breakfast. Then, her mother asked, "Are you not going to college?"

She said, "I have taken two days off in college. So, I will take care of you in these days."

Her mummy surprised to hear this and started shouting at her," Have you gone mad? The one who can take care of you, can't take care of herself now?Silly girl!"

Sophia was looking at her mother tearing her eyes when she was screaming at her.

"Now,what are you seeing with tearing eyes like this?"

"Nothing, All I see is that as you are getting older,you have started screaming a bit more".

Her mother got angry and warmed her," How dare you to call me an old woman?"

"If you do not call an old lady to an old woman, then what else will you say?"

Sofia was teasing her mother, but her mother became serious and her temper got high.

"Once you let me be discharged from the hospital, I will swell your butt. And you will not be able to sit, then I will say you an old lady".

Sophia started laughing and said," I was just joking and you got serious".

"Don't go on my age, It's not a topic for joke".

"Ok! Sorry,I won't call you an old woman again".

She annoyed again "You are saying so again."

She started laughing out loud and apologized her mom again. She opened the gate and went out and said,"I have to make an urgent call, so I come in a while. Till then you rest."

Sophia came out of the ICU and tried calling the president again and finally he picked up the phone.

The president said," Hello".

Sofia speaks,"Good morning sir, I am Sophia. I had called in the company, then the receptionist said that you should talk to sir. Then she has given me your number, the only thing is that I cannot come to office for two days for some personal reasons."

The President explained to Sofia and said,"Sophia! today is the first day of your office and you are asking me for leave on the very first day, what is the matter tell me? Maybe I can be of some help ".

She neglected," No sir, nothing like that. Thank you thought of me. But sir, there is some personal reasons I can't tell you".

"Ok! As you wish. But for two days only. Then after that you have to come to office everyday."

"Sure sir! I will never disappoint you in future".

Sophia became very happy that the President gave her a leave of 2 days and then, she went inside the ICU, both of them spent a lot of time together and both were very happy. Finally the first day of the holiday is over.

When Sofia woke up next morning, she saw her phone whose battery was drained and it was switched off, then put it on charging and left. When she came back after calling the doctor, she saw her mobile and there was a lot of missed calls of Joe in it .

Sophia thought," why did he called me so many times? Maybe there will be some urgent work. Let's call him and ask."

Sophia was about to call, the doctor came to examine her mother.Then, she could not make a call to Joe and left the phone on charging.

The doctor examined her mother and said,"Now your mother is fine, you can take her home."

Sofia became very happy that her mother was fine. So, she was like,"Thank you Doctor. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you so much."

Doctor started laughing seeing his happiness and started saying,"You do not need to say thank you so many times. It's our duty to treat people."

"Doctor, When can we leave from here?"

"You can take your mother from here in the evening".

At home-

Sofia discharged her mother and brought her home. On that day, the atmosphere of the house was a little different because today the daughter was behaving like a mother and the mother was behaving like a daughter.

Sophia ordered her mother,"You go and rest on the bed. I will prepare a hot and tasty food for you."

Her mother was happy to hearing that her daughter was cooking for her,"Ok my darling! Today is my day."

Her mother had to obey her orders because she was a patient after all. Both ate food, then her mother says," You have magic in your hands. The taste of food prepared by your hands is amazing."

She angered and said,"Mumma! Don't praise me too much. Now, I know that you want to masquerade me. So that, I will bring you to make breakfast every day, Am I absolutely right?"

She replied," No it's not like that... yes it's like that".Both started laughing out loud.

Now, It was dark and both of them went to sleep in their rooms.

In Sophia's room-

But Sophia was not able to sleep because she was feeling like that she is forgetting something. She was trying to think by sliding here and there on the bed but she could not remember. Then, she lifted her mobile and opened the Whatsapp and shocked after reading the message of Joe.
