

This novel is based on how an introverted college girl (Sophia) met a handsome boy (Prince) who was her classmate and and younger brother of CEO of New Way company (hidden identity) which was famous for fashion designing. Prince's friend ( Levin) came to the college who started liking Sophia at first sight and he told him to try to ship them. But, he fell in love himself with her. And somewhere she also started loving him but could never understand herself. Their love story had started but suddenly Prince got missing and never came back for years. She saw a similar man like him in Indonesia and got into accident while chasing him behind. Will she be able to meet him? Or will the destiny part them forever? Read the novel to know this.....

Shivani_Maurya · Urban
Not enough ratings
26 Chs


In that message, It was written have she reached hospital safely or not. This made her shocked and she was like,"Why is he asking these useless question?"

She could not digest this matter in her stomach and finally called him.

"The phone is ringing but why is he not picking up?"

In Joe's room -

His room was very clean and big. On the walls, the lots of framed certificate of winning competition were hanging.The flashing light was on which was sparkling on the glass of frame. And a cupboard was full of trophies which he had won . Overall, the environment of his house was quite amazing. He was lying on the big bed and his phone was under the pillow of him was ringing. Hearing the phone's ring, his sleep was disturbed but still he picked up the phone to see if there is any urgent work.

When he received the phone, a girl's voice came, "Hello!"

He replied,"Who are you talking to?

Sophia said,"Did you pick up the phone without seeing the name?"

He thought his mummy called him who was gone on trip with his dad. So he replied,"Mummy! Why are you calling me so late at night? I was sleeping and you woke up to me".

Sophia started laughing out loud and said," I'm talking Sophia, not your mother."

The prince got such a strong jolt that he got up and sat down.

Sophia apologized him," Sorry I called you at the wrong time maybe. Never mind, you get your sleep. I'll talk to you later."

"Oh! No problem. Anyways, I have woken up now. If I will sleep again, so it will take time to fall asleep."

"Indeed the thing was that the message you asked was not digested in my stomach, due to which I could not sleep. So, that's why I called you to ask."

Joe fell silent for a while Sophia thought that he had slept again. Then, Joe suddenly says,"Sorry, I was checking the message what I send. Because I felt like I didn't send anything wrong."

She started laughing and said,"No, you sent a message whether you have reached home safely or not.Then, I do not understand why you asked me, did anything happen that night that I do not remember?

"Actually,at that night you drank alcohol due to which you were not able to control yourself. Then, an insolent boy tried to take advantage of you, a voice of glass breaking came. Then, I and prince has saved you from that boy. It was difficult to find cab at late night, so Prince gave ride to us. Firstly, he dropped me at my house, then he went to drop you in the hospital".

Sophia said,"Then, What happened after that?"

He replied,"I do not know after that what happened. Maybe, you can know this from Prince only because he was the only one with you.

"Ok, Thank you! Do you have prince's number?"

"No, I don't have prince's number but I can find his number.

Sophia said very nervously," Find out his mobile number quickly and give it to me."

On one hand, Sophia was very restless as to what happened to her that night. And on the other hand, Joe was trying to find the Prince's number. He called his different friends and asked about the number of Prince but he did not get it. When Joe couldn't find anywhere, he asked for Prince's number on the WhatsApp group in which all the students of the class were added.

( Joe- "Does anyone have Prince's number?")

(Lovely -"What will you do with Prince's number?")

Sophia also saw that message because he sent screenshot of messages to her. She personally messaged Joe not to tell her that she have asked him to ask for the number. Joe accepted Sophia's words and did not tell anything about it to Lovely.

(Joe-" Nothing, Just I need to talk to him about something important which I can't tell. Can you give me?")

(Lovely - "Ok! I personally message you the number.")

(Joe- "Yeah I got it, Thankyou")

Joe immediately forwarded that number to Sofia. Sofia sent him an audio message,"Now you can go to sleep, I know very well how to do next work."

Joe said good night to him and kept the mobile and went to sleep. On the other hand Sophia called Prince but he did not pick up the phone and call ended.

Then she murmured in anger," Don't understand what happened to nowadays people, they don't pick up their call in one ring."

She didn't give up and tried again. But that time, Prince had picked up the phone. As the prince put the phone to his ear, Sophia started screaming,"I've been calling you for so long, can't you hear the bell?"

"Oh lizard! Calm down, I don't have any dreams that you will call me, then I have to receive the call. And anyways, I was taking a shower, so how do I pick up the phone?And yes! Why am I giving you an explanation, are you a girlfriend or a wife of mine?"

Sophia said teasingly,"And even it is not possible, then stop dreaming and come to the ground."

He doubted her and asked,"How did you get my number, or do you plan to run away with me?"

"Sometimes I feel like you think too much. So stop your bullshit, you listen to me why I call you at late night."

"Fine, I ain't got no other way."

"First of all, tell me this when you dropped Prince and were going to the hospital to drop me. Then what happened between us on the way from Prince's house to the hospital?"

Prince thought that he should make fun of Sophia by teasing her. So, he started acting,"I can't tell you what happened that night".

"Look, I am very upset as well by thinking about that thing. You don't bother me any more. Please tell me what happened that night or else I won't be able to sleep tonight".

Controlling his laughter, Prince said,"If I tell you, you will still not be able to sleep".

"If you didn't tell me, I will expose you by telling everyone how many girlfriends you made, so better tell me."

"It's okay as you wish, once you look around to see if no one is standing next to you."

Sofia was getting nervous why he was making suspense.

"You drank so much that night that you had no consciousness. When, I dropped Joe at his house, I was also taking you to drop, then you did something that I can't even imagine."

Sophia didn't believe him at first,"I think you are making up a story because as far as I am aware. Nothing like this would have happened between us."

"Well,if you had conscious, why did you call me to ask?"

"Look, I am asking you seriously, you tell me the truth. I am very upset as well.

"Yes, I'm telling the truth too, neither I am your director nor you are my heroine that I will tell you story."

Sofia trusts the prince and said,"Ok, you tell next what happened."

As the prince opens his mouth, it seems from his actions that the suspense is about to come.

"When, I was taking you to the hospital, then you suddenly unbuckled your seatbelt and started coming towards me."

Hearing this, Sofia screamed very loudly and said," Have you gone mad?"

Prince said," You tore my ear by screaming. I am not mad, you were mad at that time which has made me mad, I do not understand what to do."

Sophia gathered courage and said," I had not done anything wrong with you, had I?"

Prince spread the story a little too much and said," You did wrong, not only wrong, you did very wrong. Do you even have an idea what did you do? As soon as you came to me, you put your hands on my cheeks, I am ashamed to say further that you..."

Sophia said in shock,"Have I kissed you?"

"The way you have spoken to me, now I am sure that you intentionally kissed me."

Prince hung up the phone by making so much story so that Sophia felt that he was telling the truth and she would regret.

"He hung up."

Sophia was feeling so embarrassed and did not like what she had done. So, she thought, "Tomorrow I will go to college and will apologize to him."
