

This novel is based on how an introverted college girl (Sophia) met a handsome boy (Prince) who was her classmate and and younger brother of CEO of New Way company (hidden identity) which was famous for fashion designing. Prince's friend ( Levin) came to the college who started liking Sophia at first sight and he told him to try to ship them. But, he fell in love himself with her. And somewhere she also started loving him but could never understand herself. Their love story had started but suddenly Prince got missing and never came back for years. She saw a similar man like him in Indonesia and got into accident while chasing him behind. Will she be able to meet him? Or will the destiny part them forever? Read the novel to know this.....

Shivani_Maurya · Urban
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26 Chs

The caring side of him

<p>"I would like to request to Mr. and Miss Freshers to show their ramp walk as a couple", the host requested to them.<br/>Prince sudden response of accepting request of the host made Sophia shocked and she said to him with a fake smile,"Actually, I don't know how to walk." <br/>"What! You don't know how to walk, then how do you go from one place to another? Or do you use teleport?"He was enjoying it to tease her.<br/>She got irritate from his jokes,"It's not the time to make fun of me. Sorry, I am going and you should ask to Lovely".<br/>He always tries to avoid Lovely,"She is not Miss Fresher, you are."<br/>He pulled her towards himself and stood hand in hand like couple. She was trying to free herself but didn't success. <br/>The song started and they did ramp walk like model. Everyone was anticipating them by saying,"They are looking like Mr. Prince and Miss Princess, a perfect couple made for each other."<br/>Someone said,"Yeah, they are looking very perfect with each other."<br/>Lovely heard it and got jealous of her. She left in anger to have feast. As soon as they come off to stage, Sophia pinched to his hand and he shouted, "Are you mad?"<br/>She stared at him and said,"You deserve this". <br/>She left with Joe to have food. At the area of feast, the song was playing and students were enjoying their feast with friends. Lovely came with wine to congratulate Sophia but her motive was to embarrassing her in front of everyone. <br/>"Hey Sophia! Congratulations, you are Miss Fresher of our college".<br/>"Same too you. You are also Miss Beauty of our college", said with cheesy smile.<br/>By moving the glass of wine to her side,"This is for you".<br/>She rejected by saying,"No, I do not drink."<br/>She tried to manipulate her,"But, it's just a wine of glass. Please drink it for our friendship."<br/>Sophia agreed and drank it forcefully. Lovely was smiling deep down inside and thinking in her mind ,"Now, look further what happens because I have mixed alcohol in your wine and you will be insulted in front of everyone."<br/>Sophia was feeling dizzy and Lovely pretended being worried for her,"Are you Ok?"<br/>"Yeah, I am okay. Maybe, I have drunk first time that's why I am feeling dizzy. Don't worry, you should go and enjoy your party."<br/>She left and went towards a boy who looked like insolent. She said to him to embarrass her by pointing at Sophia.<br/>That boy went by taking his glass to Sophia who was drunk and put his hand on her waist. She tried to avoid him but not able to do it. He was taking her to outside from party, then suddenly the glass of wine dropped down and broken into pieces. Hearing the sound of breaking glass, everyone started looking at them and humiliated her how she is clinging to him. When both Joe and Prince saw him taking Sophia, they immediately came running, hit him and rescued her. <br/>She was babbling to Prince,"Thankyou for saving me. You beat him like a superhero, now you are my hero."<br/>After saying all of these, she hugged him and he felt something different. Joe didn't like it and said Prince to leave her because everyone were watching them.<br/>Every girl was saying," How brave and caring he is. I wish, I was in Sophia's place." <br/>Lovely lost her temper and left to home by driving her car. Now, it was the time who will drop Sophia to her home, Prince or Joe.<br/>Joe said, "I will book a cab and will drop her".<br/>"But, you will not get any cab at this night. So, there is no other option to you except agreeing with me. Don't worry, I will drop you and Sophia safely."<br/>He was suspicious of him,"Why are you behaving different now? Are you not planning to kidnap us?"<br/>"Don't think too much. If you are coming, then sit in the car. If not, I'm taking her with me."<br/>"Ok! Ok! , I am coming with you, If you run away with Sophia, then her mom will kill me." Prince made Sophia sit and fixed the car belt. Joe sat behind them, Prince drove the car and left.<br/>"Joe, Tell me the direction of your apartment."<br/>"Are you going to loot my house?" made fun of him.<br/>He said teasingly,"I am not interested in a boy's house."<br/>"After dropping you, I am going to drop her in the hospital."<br/>He was feeling something strange,"How do you know that she had to go there?"<br/>Prince stuck with his question and suddenly he saved himself by saying,"She told me at the time of ramp walk.<br/>She said in her sleep,"How much do you guys fight? Can't you be silent?"<br/>Both of them hushed. Joe was leading the way and Prince was driving in that direction. <br/>Joe by pointing at his home,"That's my home."<br/>"Your house is as big as mine house." got impressed with his house.<br/>"Thanks for your help. And yes Sophia should arrive safely. Ok!"<br/>"Are you warning me?"<br/>"Whatever you think, I don't care. I care about only her."<br/>He left to the direction of Hospital and was thinking,"Why does he care about her so much?"<br/>After scratching his mind too much, he only realised, "Offcourse, he will care about her because he is her best friend."<br/>Suddenly a thought came in his mind,"But why I am worrying about her? I have so many relationships but I didn't care so much for any girl."<br/>He used all mathematical formula, but no use.<br/>"Never mind, she is lucky that she got me to taking care of her."<br/>Finally, they reached and he got off from the car, went to other side of the car to wake up Sophia. He opened the door of car and tried to wake her by pricking his finger but nothing happened as she was sleeping soundly. But, he didn't give up and shouted in her ear very loudly that she got scared and immediately got up. <br/>She shouted at him,"What are you doing? Is this the right way to wake up someone?"<br/>"If you won't wake up with simple trick then I had to scream with my throat slit. And you still didn't forget to shout even in drunk."<br/>She didn't hear him carefully and asked,"What did you say?"<br/>"Nothing, I will leave you inside."<br/>She said,"No thanks, I can walk by myself and can explain everything to my mom."<br/>She was walking staggeringly and he laughed seeing her.<br/>"You are not able to control yourself, how will you control your mom's taunts?"<br/>She always used this dialogue,"That's my business, none of your business."<br/>He didn't listen to her. She was just about to fall, then he kept his hand on her waist and rescued her from falling. He put one hand of her on his shoulder and took her to the hospital. By looking at the caring side of him, Sophia melted and got impressed. When they reached to ICU, her mother was shocked by seeing both of them together. Sophia's mother could not believe her eyes and started rubbing her eyes and said,"I am not dreaming, right? <br/>Sophia said in a state of intoxication,"Mumma! Why are you rubbing your eyes?"<br/> Her mother got shocked and asked,"You have drunk. Who is this boy with you ?"<br/>"Aunty! I tell you what happened, someone has given alcohol to her by misunderstanding and she drank in one shot."<br/>"She always do like this and Who are you?"<br/> "My name is Prince and I study in Sophia's class."<br/>"Oh! I remember, Sophia was talking about you once. You are the same boy who is after my daughter."<br/>He shocked by hearing,"Aunty! There is nothing, what you think. The thing is that, she always fights me because of which I get upset."<br/>"Yes! It is, she sometimes fights even with me."<br/>Sophia got tired and she fell asleep on the couch. Prince went towards her and wearing off her heels and then he covered her body with the sheet so that she would not feel cold. By looking at his caring side of him, her mother was feeling very happy. <br/>" Aunty, I have to go now. Good night!"<br/>" Come to see me again at my home."<br/>He smiled to her and left. Then, Sophia and her mother slept.<br/> #</p>