

This novel is based on how an introverted college girl (Sophia) met a handsome boy (Prince) who was her classmate and and younger brother of CEO of New Way company (hidden identity) which was famous for fashion designing. Prince's friend ( Levin) came to the college who started liking Sophia at first sight and he told him to try to ship them. But, he fell in love himself with her. And somewhere she also started loving him but could never understand herself. Their love story had started but suddenly Prince got missing and never came back for years. She saw a similar man like him in Indonesia and got into accident while chasing him behind. Will she be able to meet him? Or will the destiny part them forever? Read the novel to know this.....

Shivani_Maurya · Urban
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26 Chs


Her mother's voice came from the kitchen, "Sophia!"

She ran towards her room with the parcel and hid it in her cupboard. As she called her many times, so she came to her room to see what she was doing that she was not answering her.

"Sophia! What are you doing near the cupboard?"

Suddenly seeing her mother in front of her, she got flinch and said in a stuttering voice,"Nothing! I was just taking clothes to freshen up." and immediately shut the door of cupboard taking clothes in her hand.

"Why didn't you answer me?"

"Oh sorry! I didn't hear. Well! what are you doing here?"

"I called you three or four times but you did not answer, then I came to your room to ask for dinner."

"Okay, I get fresh."

After that her mother left from there and she took a deep breath and said in her mind, "Thank God! she didn't ask about the parcel."

As soon as she went to the bathroom, came back out.

She opened the cupboard again and took out towel from the parcel.

"It is such a big towel that I can cover my whole body by wrapping it." said while looking at the size of towel.

"I have no choice anyway except using it."went to bathroom taking it.

She freshened up and had dinner with her mother and went to sleep peacefully after finishing all the household chores.

In the college -

After all the classes were over, all participants had to do a final rehearsal for the Inter college competition, so they were busy with their practice including Prince, Joe and Lovely. They all got free at lunch time and went to their respective classes with their bags. Prince came to his class hanging his bag and sat on the seat next to Sophia. All the girls came running and started hovering around him like butterflies as if he was a flower. And anyway there is no doubt that his face is like a flower. Sophia was keeping her books in her bag without distracting her mind.

"Prince, can we all come to see your rehearsal?"said by all girls in chorus.

He smiled and approved everyone and they leave happily appreciating him.

"Will you come to see my rehearsal?"asked to Sophia making cute face.

"No! I have to go home after classes."

"Oh! So sad. Did you use the towel I gave you?"asked while giggling.

"How dare you parcel that towel to my house!"got mad.

"This is college, not your home. If a girl sees you talking to me like this, then they will create a ruckus because they love me very much."said with arrogant smile.

"Indiscriminate love."said very softly looking towards those girls who were admiring him.

"Which love?"asked raising his one eyebrow.

She said with fake smile,"Your given towel was so big that I slept under it considering as a sheet."and left taking her lunch.

"Will you come to see my rehearsal?"asked by Joe while eating lunch in the cafeteria.

"Sorry! I have to go home."

His smile faded away as she won't be able to see his performance.

She felt bad seeing his face, so she thought for a while and said,"Ok! Don't be sad. I will come as you are my best friend." Those two sentence made him happy.

Both of them had lunch and started going to their class and Joe said,"See you in the auditorium. Bye!"

"Bye!"said waving her right hand.

After the classes were over, all the girls started going towards the auditorium as soon as possible including Sophia but she was not running like the rest of the girls. The rehearsal had just about to start in few hours and she reached there. As soon as she stepped there, Prince saw her and his face lit up with joy.

"She had forbidden that she would not come, then why has she come? Maybe she doesn't want to tell."was confused.

Then, Joe came out looking her and waved his hand to get her attention. She smiled to see him which made Prince burnt in jealousy.

"So, it means she's here for him."said in angry making his fist.

"Whom are you talking about? Who has come for whom?"asked by Lovely who was a dance partner of him.

He didn't say anything and quietly went into the dressing room.

"What's wrong with him?"said after he left.

Then she noticed that Sophia was also in the crowd of the auditorium and was talking to Joe.

"Why do I see this girl everywhere where Prince is?"asked making angry mood and her fist.

"Today I'll show you how close I am to Prince."said smirking and left to dressing room.

"Sophia! My rehearsal is about to start and I have to change the dress too."

"Ok! Hurry up. All the best ."said showing her thumbs up.

The rehearsals started in few minutes and all the participants were waiting in the dressing room for their turn. First came a group consisting of five boys, they showed break dance perfectly and got a big round of applause. Then it was the turn of Prince and Lovely.

"Now two magnets are about to come."said by her mockingly.

The curtain opened and both of them were in their positions. As the song started, both of them also started moving their hands and legs. Everyone started hooting because of their perfect salsa dance, Sophia could not stop herself too from being excited.

While dancing, something was going on in Lovely's mind and she smirked towards Sophia. As soon as their dance was over, they were in the position like very close to each other's face. Prince was little bent who supported her hypotenuse body with his left hand on her back and holding her left hand with his right hand. Both were taking deep breaths, looking into each other's eyes. There was no expression on his face even though she was very happy to see him from close. Before the curtain closed, she reduced the distance between her lips and his face. She immediately pecked on his cheek in the manner to be visible to all specially to Sophia.

She looked at her smirking who was totally shocked. The kiss receiver was completely stunned, stood like a statue, he could not understand how to react so he made her fall on the stage removing his hand. Seeing the action of her, those students who were hooting earlier, suddenly started laughing due to which she got angry. She immediately got up and left from there. The curtain closed but the students' mouth did not close from laughing including Sophia. The next performance was of Joe and a girl. She waved her hand to get his attention as she was very excited to see his dance. Their performance was totally romantic and emotional which made everyone eyes full with tears. Everyone gave them a round of applause standing up. The rehearsal of all participants was not over but she had to go home early, so she left after informing him.

At Sophia's home -

"Why are you so late today to come home?"asked by her mother.

"Nothing ! Just stopped to watch the rehearsal of the dance."said politely.

"Which dance rehearsal?"

"For Inter college competition."

"Then, Prince must have participated?"asked curiously.

"Why are you being so hasty?"asked making blank face.

"There is nothing like that, I am just asking how did he do?"asked smiling.

"He made his dance partner fall."said chuckling.

Her mother started laughing and Sophia also joined her. She had lunch and left for her office.

At company -

There was a notice on the notice board that a meeting has been held at 4:00 pm and it was compulsory for everyone to attend the meeting at the specified time in the meeting room. When Sophia entered the company, she read this notice and started thinking what will happen in the meeting. When she looked at her watch, it was 3:55 pm. She took the lift without wasting any time and went straight to the meeting room. When she went inside, some people were sitting there including Prince. She went to the seat next to him and sat down peacefully without saying anything.

Just fifteen seconds later, President and his assistant Nancy entered and everyone stood up to greet him.

"Sit down, everyone."said while sitting.

"Today, I kept the meeting because we have to select the four best designer from our company. After a few weeks, that dress will be presented by those designers wearing themselves at an international venue."

Sophia was excited to achieve that opportunity but suddenly got sad after hearing that designer had to do ramp walk by wearing his own dress .

A man interrupted,"President, if someone makes a lady's dress, how will he present it?"

Every man was agreed to his point.

Mr. Park explained,"This time we have kept this rule that gents will make gent's dress and in the same way ladies will make ladies ' dress and they will present it through modelling. The four best designers who will be selected will have two gentlemen and two ladies."

Everyone applauded after hearing this.

"Rest of the details will be given later to you by Nancy. All the best everyone."said with full of energy and smile on face.

After that everyone left, only President, Nancy and Sophia were left there. She got up from her chair and went near the President.

"What happened, Sophia? You should be happy that you have got such a good opportunity to showcase your talent."asked worriedly.

"I go from here."said by Nancy and left from there.

"Yes sir! I know that I should appreciate this opportunity. But I will not be able to participate in this. I am sorry."said looking down with unhappy face.

"Why?"asked the reason behind that but she was standing there silent.

"I know that you are a good sketcher and I am sure that you will be able to make the dress very well too. I don't think you should miss this chance."tried to convince her.

"Tell me, why are you refusing?"asked her again.
