

This novel is based on how an introverted college girl (Sophia) met a handsome boy (Prince) who was her classmate and and younger brother of CEO of New Way company (hidden identity) which was famous for fashion designing. Prince's friend ( Levin) came to the college who started liking Sophia at first sight and he told him to try to ship them. But, he fell in love himself with her. And somewhere she also started loving him but could never understand herself. Their love story had started but suddenly Prince got missing and never came back for years. She saw a similar man like him in Indonesia and got into accident while chasing him behind. Will she be able to meet him? Or will the destiny part them forever? Read the novel to know this.....

Shivani_Maurya · Urban
Not enough ratings
26 Chs


At last she opened her mouth and explained her problem as to why she was refusing.

"Sir, I don't know how to ramp walk."said making pout.

He started chuckling hearing her problem,"You have made a rotten mouth for such a thing? Don't worry. Everything will be perfect."tried to encourage her.

"Sir, I do not able to walk properly wearing block heels, then how can I walk wearing pencil heels?"

"But I have an idea. If you approve, I can implement it."said with last hope.

"Yes, tell me."

"I will design my own dress but if Nancy presents it as she is very beautiful and a good model, then maybe I can participate in it. "explained her idea.

"Sophia! I can understand your problem but the entire responsibility of this event is on Nancy's shoulders, even she is the host of this event."said placing his both hands on her shoulders which made her flinch.

Then, he realised that she was not feeling comfortable so he removed his hands and she said,"Oh! Then there's no way for me to present my dress."

After much deliberation, an idea popped up in Mr. Park's mind,"I have a great idea so that this problem will never come in your future life too. How about if Nancy teaches you ramp walk?"

"Sir! I don't think I can do."said with no confidence.

"But, I think you can do."encouraged her like a big brother showing his fist to her."

She was about to say something again but he did not let her speak and put his point in front of her,"Now, I am not going to listen to you. You are participating in this event and you will be the model of your dress. I go and talk to Nancy, she will teach you in two-three days."said leaving the room.

She sighed and also left from there. President called Nancy to his office and asked her to teach Sophia the ramp walk. She agreed without any hesitation as she could never refuse his order. After that she came out of the office and went straight to her and said like teacher, "From today I am your tutor. So be ready to learn ramp walk tomorrow."

The happiness were shining in her eyes and said politely like sweet student,"Ok Miss!"

Both started giggled and went to do their own work. Sophia went to the cafe on the ground floor before going to the sketching room to drink coffee where she found Prince who was making coffee.

He noticed her and asked, "Have you also come for coffee?"

She hummed to answer him.

"I was making coffee for myself, so I'll make one for you too."said very sweetly.

"Why is he behaving like a loving husband today? Something is fishy."asked to herself in her mind.

"Are you not thinking of killing me by putting poison in the coffee?"asked making blank face.

"Then, make it yourself."said arrogantly.

"I didn't even ask you to make it."said arrogantly as him.

She asked him giggling while making coffee,"Well, tell me. Why did your face get discolored when Lovely kissed you?"

"What do you want to say to me?"asked confusingly.

"I want to say you that you should have been happy that she kissed you. But you have made her fall. Did something happened to you at that time?"

"Don't think too much nonsense. At that time, I was not able to understand how to react, so my hand just slipped and she fell."

"What was the point of thinking in that? You are used to all these things, aren't you?"asked smirking.

"You are making me angry now. I told you before that I have never crossed my limit with any girl. And she is my friend, nothing more than that."cleared her mind and went away with his coffee cup in anger.

Sophia also made her own coffee and went to sit in the library and started reading some books taking a sip of coffee. After that she went to make her sketch for the dress. As usual, all the people of the company were busy in their respective work. At the time of evening, everyone started going to their homes after doing their work until the whole office became empty.

The next morning, all the participants were getting ready for the inter college competition. There was a lot of hustle and bustle in the auditorium and the arrangement was done very well. All the students were sitting on chairs and talking until the competition started. The teachers and participants from other classes have arrived. After a while, the judges were welcomed and then the competition started with the round of applause and whistle of excited students.

"Oh god! Looks like I'll be late today."said by panicking Sophia.

She ran to the college door gasping and came in showing her college ID. When she saw the whole arrangement, she sighed reminding herself that no studies were going to happen on that day because of the inter-college competition. She crawled to her class and came back to the auditorium putting her bag on her seat. Everyone enjoyed the competition a lot and encouraged all the participants by clapping and shouting their name. Eventually, the competition was over and it was the judge's turn to award the prize to the winner. The first position went to Joe and her dance partner, the second position was taken by Prince and Lovely and last third position achieved by other college's participants. After that Principal of the college said few words and encouraged every participant saying that they performed very well. After the end of the event, everyone started going to their respective classes to get their bag because the college was over. Sophia walked out of the crowd to Joe to congratulate him.

"Congratulations to both of you. You have performed every moves very smoothly."said shaking hand with both of them.

"Thank you so much for our appreciation!"said by her.

"She is Jessica, my classmate."introduced her to Sophia.

"And she is Sophia, my best friend."told to Jessica.

After that she went to change her dress and Sophia stopped Joe pulling his shirt's sleeve and said softly," She is very beautiful."

"Yes! She is." said with blushing smile.

"Why are you being so shy?" asked noticing her face.

"Who's blushing? I'm not."said to turn things around.

She started teasing him and he ran away. After that she went to her class where the last seat was crowded with girls as if Panchayat had been kept.

"Why are the girls standing making crowd there? Is anyone selling makeup items at cheapest price?"asking to herself seeing the situation.

When she went to get her bag, she saw that Prince was sitting there.

"Is there only he left in this world among all boys that they always stick with him like fevicol?"

She picked up her bag and went to her house after that she left to company as time passed.

In the company -

"I never thought that I would ever become a designer. As I love sketching so from today I will try my best to make the dress for myself." motivated herself upon arrival in the company.

After that she started scratching her mind to get ideas to make beautiful dresses. She had made the sketch only halfway when she was called by Nancy to teach her ramp walk.

She took her to the auditorium and showed her the ramp walk in full detail. As if Nancy was wearing heels, so she also lifted her ankles and walked seeing downward to her feet. She was trying to copy her but couldn't do.

She noticed her mistake and showed doing again,"Not like that! You have to look in front, not down."

"Ok!"said and tried again. She was trying to walk looking forward and was just about to fall after three steps that she put her heel down.

"Do one thing! Don't practice on your feet right now. Ok?"adviced her.

After this, Nancy got a call that she had to prepare for the event.

"Ok! Yes, I am coming now." said on call and hung up.

"Just practice like what I have told you, after that I'll teach you tomorrow."said to her and left to doing her work.

She started practicing alone but to no avail. After few minutes, she got tired and left to home as it was already the time to go.

Two-three days passed as usual, Nancy used to make her practice every day but alas she could not learn despite trying a lot.

Sophia was practicing alone in the auditorium but she got tired of practicing for so many days and thought of giving up.

"I'm so tired that I can't do it anymore. I go to President right now and will tell him clearly."said hanging her tired face.

She reached downstairs and went to office of President. She has scanned the whole office but she could not find the President and turned to go back out that her head hit to the chest of someone's big boy which made her flinch. When she raised her neck to see his face, she immediately backed away.

"What are you doing here?"said sighing.

"I should ask you this, what are you looking at in the office with your big eyes?"asked with serious face.

"I was looking for the President and you?"

"I was watching your actions."said moving his face forward.

She was about to leave when he asked his second question to her,"Why were you looking for him?"

"None of your business."said arrogantly.

"Okay! I will tell my brother how you spoke to me in his absence."warned her using his own brother.

"I don't care."said without fearless.

"Oh really! Let me call to my brother."said dialing the number of him.

She immediately stopped her grabbing his wrist and told him everything,"I don't have the courage or confidence to learn ramp walk anymore."

"So you wanna give up?"said shockingly.

"I don't have any other choice."said making pout.

"It was you who taught me that if you have no other option then you have to make a choice."tried to remind her own dialogue of her.

She said very clearly,"But, I don't know which option to make."

He said smirking,"Me"

"What do you mean to say?" asked him confusingly.

He said smiling,"You'll find out tomorrow."

After that he left from there making her confused.

At Sophia's home-

"How was your day today?"asked by her mother as soon as she entered the home.

"Hectic as ever."said with no energy.

"It's ok. Let's have dinner watching your favorite comedy show."tried to console her.

Both watched the complete comedy show and then went to sleep.

In the next morning, she got fresh and started clinging to her mother coming out of her room.

"Mom! Today is college's holiday, why don't we go for a walk somewhere?"asked making a cute face.

She said smiling,"Ok! Let's go shopping."

She got very excited after hearing the name of shopping and said,"You know what I eagerly waited for this day."

Her mummy warned her"No need to fly high or else I won't go."

She locked her mouth and sat down to have breakfast. After having breakfast, both of them got well dressed and happily went to do shopping in the mall where they buy a pair of clothes for themselves and came back home in the afternoon after having good street foods. Both were so tired that they immediately went in and fell on the sofa.

"Sophia! You have to go to your company too."

She replied humming.

"Get fresh! You are drenched in sweat."said caressing her hairs.

She got up with her exhausted body and fell on bed because she was feeling very lethargic. Her mother also got up and started doing household chores. After half an hour, she went to her room and saw that she was still lying on the bed and started scolding her.

"You crazy girl! Have you seen the time? You only have fifteen minutes to get ready."said in angry mood.

When she heard the time, she immediately got up and went straight to the bathroom.

"Mummy! Give the clothes from the wardrobe."shouted from the bathroom.

"Why didn't you think when you went inside running away?"said carrying her clothes in her hand.

She quickly got ready and headed straight for the company. When she reached, she rested in the library for a while to catch her normal breathe and then went to select clothes to make her dress.

She was talking to herself,"There are so many colored clothes here, I do not understand which one to choose."

Then her eyes captivated a baby pink colour cloth and took it. Then, she chosen a lot of materials to apply to her dress like white pearls, baby pink colored net cloth, a bright cloth studded with pearl etc.

She sighed and said looking her box filled with materials,"Now, I have all the materials to make the dress. So, now I must go to the sewing room."

She went to the sewing room and showed her sketch to the staff member and started making the dress with her.

Only thirty percent of dress got ready that she had to leave that work in the middle to do her practice,"Ah! Now I have to go to do practice." said to herself in her mind.

"Thank you for your help. Now let's make the dress tomorrow."said to that worker.

"Ok mam."said very politely.

She went to the auditorium but there was not even a fly.

"Why didn't Nancy come today? Never mind. I start my practice."asked herself observing the empty auditorium.

She started her practice as usual, then suddenly a big body entered with a bag in his hand. She got flinched and panicked as she didn't saw his face till then.
