

This novel is based on how an introverted college girl (Sophia) met a handsome boy (Prince) who was her classmate and and younger brother of CEO of New Way company (hidden identity) which was famous for fashion designing. Prince's friend ( Levin) came to the college who started liking Sophia at first sight and he told him to try to ship them. But, he fell in love himself with her. And somewhere she also started loving him but could never understand herself. Their love story had started but suddenly Prince got missing and never came back for years. She saw a similar man like him in Indonesia and got into accident while chasing him behind. Will she be able to meet him? Or will the destiny part them forever? Read the novel to know this.....

Shivani_Maurya · Urban
Not enough ratings
26 Chs


She asked making disgusted face,"Who gives such a gift to anyone?"

"Me! You were crying a lot that day for the towel I used. So, I thought of gifting the new towel to you."said pointing to himself.

"Excuse me! I was not crying. It was my towel, if someone will use it without asking, then the anger will come."

"Ok! You stop getting angry and unfold the towel."said gesturing towards gift.

"What is the need to unfold it, there are no diamonds and pearls attached to it?"

"Ok! When you will use this, send me a photo."

Hearing his words, her eyes widened, "What! What do you mean by to use it and send it?"said glaring at him.

He just realised that he said something wrong, "Oh sorry! It got out of my mouth. Forget it."

She made a disgusted face and asked,"How did such a thing come out of your mouth? You are really a pervert."

"There's no such thing. I am not a pervert, that's your thought. You gave me the watch and I wore it, so it came out of my mouth....."said showing the watch in his wrist given by her.

"So you also want me to wear your gift and show it to you. Right?"

He ignored nodding his head,"Nope! It suddenly came out of my mouth."

She closed the gift back and saw that he was smiling in his dreams.

She got curious to know,"Why are you smiling?"

He bent a little to reach her ear and said softly, "If you will do this, it will be the most memorable and precious moment of my life."

Hearing this, Sophia's mouth and eyes both opened in shock and got mad,"I was thinking absolutely right that you are really a pervert man."

"If you will stop thinking about me, then only you will be able to find the file or else my brother will fire you for being careless."

He left from there after warning her. She stood there alone with that gift and said,"I also have no interest in thinking about you."

She also left from there keeping gift in the office and followed him to the elevator to find that file in which they spent more hours. As the Prince entered the elevator, he saw that Sophia was also entered in.

Just then his evil mind asked her,"Are you following me? Just a little while ago, you said that I am a pervert. And right now, you are alone with me in this lift, what will you do if I do something wrong?"said making flirty face.

After hearing his words, dreams began to appear in her thoughts that his hand was moving in front of her and before he could do anything, she shut her eyes tightly and screamed very loudly.

He stunned,"Why are you screaming so loudly?"said covering his ears with his hands.

She opened her eyes and faced reality that Prince was standing quietly on the side, the casserole was cooking only in her mind.

She got embarassed and said,"Nothing!"

"Nothing? If you had done this act outside the lift, then our company expenses would have reached Bill Gate's earnings by getting everyone admitted to the hospital."

"That's your mistake."

He shocked,"What?"

"Offcourse! I was just bewildered by your words."

"You're still stuck on the same thing?"asked getting curious.

Suddenly, the lift stopped on the 4th floor where both of them went to make the design that day. She ignored his questions and left him behind in the lift. She directly went to the sketching room and he followed her. They searched in every corner but they could not find the file anywhere, due to which she started getting more depressed and sit there on the chair. Prince came out of that room and saw a worker with a file coming towards him.

"Sir! This is your file. It was left here yesterday, so I took it and kept it with me."

He grabbed that worker's shoulder and took him to the side a little and said,"That girl shouldn't know that the file was found and you brought it to me." said pointing towards Sophia.

The worker nodded and left from there. Prince was moving the file on his finger and challenged himself looking at Sophia,"Now let's see how I bother you."

Before Sophia looked at the file, he unbuttoned his coat and inserted the file lightly inside his pants and closed the coat 's buttons back. He giggled and went inside in attitude and started acting.

"Did you see it over there?" said pointing towards an cupboard.

She got up from the chair in a hurry and went to the cupboard to find it, but she could not find the file there. Then, Prince told him the same dialogue again, she went there and saw but to no avail. He saw that she was getting nervous for file, so he felt pity for her that he was about to return the file to her. But he saw her picking up the white paper, pencil and eraser. And was confused as to what she was trying to do.

"What are you doing to do?"asked her to drive away his confusion.

"Nothing! I will make another sketch. If I don't have that sketch, at least I'll have this sketch to show. I don't want to be embarrassed in front of the President because I promised him that I will make his sketch for him in any case."

"How did this thought come to your mind in this situation?"

She smiled and said,"If you don't have a option then you have to make the option."

He smiled being proud of her and left from there. Two-three hours passed and she was very happy that she had completed her sketch but also sad that she did not get the earlier sketch. When she reached downstairs with her sketch, she came to know that the President had arrived. As usual, Nancy came to call her that she was called by the President.

Sophia looked at her with a blank face. Seeing that Nancy asked her, "Why are you looking at me like this?"

She reminded her,"You told me the same dialogue in the afternoon too."

She chuckled and apologised to her," I am sorry for that. Don't misunderstand me. I just got order and had to follow that. But right now, you are really being called by the real President."

"Remember that you're the President's assistant, not him. Never mind. I'll go."

She got up from the chair and attached the sketch to a file and went to the President's office.

"Good evening, Sir!"greeted handing the file to him.

"Good evening, Sophia!"

"Did you finish the second sketch?"asked happily.

She strated explaining,"Sir! I have just made this second sketch just few hours ago and the first sketch was already done, but that file ...."

"Yes, I saw your first sketch, it's outstanding!"appreciated while opening the second file.

Sophia was happy but there was also a little confusion because the first sketch was lost, so which sketch he was talking about.

" Sir! The credit also goes to your brother. He had helped me a lot in the first sketch."

He was making fun of her,"Oh really! You were abusing him when we first met and praising him today, something is fishy."

"No sir! There is no such thing as you are thinking. He is still a pervert."

This line shocked and also made him chuckled.

"This sketch of yours is also very nice. You proved today that you are a very good designer. You will also participate in the upcoming events and competitions as well, I will always be in your support."

"Thankyou Sir! I will try my best in future also." said happily.

"Sir! Can I ask you where my first sketch is?"

He showed the file,"It's here. When I came to the office, I had this file on my table and looked at it."

"What happened? Why are you so confused? Did you not put the file on my table?"asked many questions in a second seeing her confused face.

He was waiting for response but she was standing muted. Seeing her silence, he understood that she had not known about that.

He chuckled and asked himself, "Did my perverted brother keep this file here?"

She listened to him and left from there in a second to find Prince.

"Now, something is going to happen." said seeing her go from there.p

She came to know from Nancy that he had gone to the second floor to get some material to make the dress. She also immediately went there and searched him in every room without taking breath. Finally, she saw him fetching something in the box in the last room where all the boxes were kept open on the floor that variety of clothes of different colours was visible. She tried to call him pricking his finger on the back. As he turned, she put both hands on his shoulder and kept on stepping forward until his back hit the wall. She started looking into his eyes which made him nervous.

"Why is she looking at me like this that she is gonna …?felt looking at her eyes and then pink lips.

"My heartbeats are increasing, why? Am I gonna die because of her glare? But I have come this close to many girls but I didn't feel breathless."

The exam's paper does not have much questions as many questions he was asking to himself. His eyes were on her lips only, then he noticed that she was opening her mouth.

And he suddenly shut his eyes tightly and felt that her heart was beating like someone was knocking on the door loudly.

"Hey! Why did you steal my file?"asked opening her mouth.

He was stunned that someone blew away the clouds of his dream and hit by the reality.

"Hey! I am asking to you. Why did you steal my file?"

"You just wanted to ask me a question?"asked making confused face.

"What did you expect what I would do?"

"Looking at the way you are clinging to me, it looks like you are gonna cross the limit."said to make her embarassed.

She released that she became too frank and then backed out with the velocity of light. He set his coat and said, "Yes! Ask what you were asking."

She got furious,"Have you thought of me as a recorder that when you feel like asking me to speak, then I will speak?"

"Where did this record thing come from? I didn't listen, so I'm simply asking what you were asking. And anyway, your mouth is not as precious that if you open it for the third time, then its value will decrease."

As usual, both of them started fighting with each other like dog and cat.

"It is useless to talk to you. I will go and tell President that you stole my file."

"Oh Hello! I have no habit of stealing other's things. And if I had stolen that file, it wouldn't have been there on the table in the office."

"If you didn't steal that file, how did you get that file? Because you did not got the file in the sketching room."

"So, when did I say that I got your file?"

She said caressing her hair,"My temperature is getting high. Before it explodes on you, tell me the whole story or else I will end your story here."

"I didn't know that introverted girls are so hot minded."said in a low voice.

"What are you muttering to yourself?"said in anger.

"Nothing! When I came out of the room after tiring from searching, I met a worker and he gave me."

Sudden question came out of her mouth,"Then why didn't you give it to me?"

"If I told her the truth that I wanted to bother her, I don't know what she would do to me. There is no option, so I have to make an option of lie, motivating by you."was talking to himself in his mind and started giggle."I saw you making another dress and you spoke a motivational line, which motivated me a lot…."

"To steal file."said interrupting him.

"To not disturb you and your popped idea."

"You have ruined my mind." left after saying this.

"You've ruined my mind."said imitating like her. After that he got busy with the work, he had come for.

Sophia left for her home by booking a cab. As Prince walked into his brother's office with the box of cloth material, he saw that he was about to open the gift he had given to Sophia.

He immediately threw the box which was in his hand and snatched the gift from him.

Mr. Park was stunned by his actions,"What are you doing?"

"I haven't done anything. You are doing it."

"What am I doing?"said making confused face.

He made a fun of him,"You would know what you are doing."

"This box was kept here, so I was just looking what's inside."explained what he was doing.

"Mr. Park! Never touch the things of others. Got it!"said like grandmother.

He looked at him with blank face,"Are you talking like this to me?"

"Is there anyone else in this office besides you?"said while peeking here and there in the office. This made his brother upset.

"Sorry brother! I was just joking. Actually it was a gift from my side to Sophia because she gave me this gift."said showing his wrist watch.

He was getting curious,"Well! what's inside it? I wanna know."

"Why are you so excited than me? I won't tell, it's personal."

"I have a feeling that something's going on between the two of you."

He laughed at his imagination,"Between me and her?" "Never."said with serious face.

"It's because she doesn't like you."gave the reason.

"I don't like her either."

"Then why are you giving him a gift?"

"Because she also gave me. I don't want anyone to do any favour to me."

He tried to understand him,"She gave you a gift because you helped her, but you're giving her a gift because you feel something with her."

"Yes ! There is a feeling with her."said with fake smile which arose the smile on his brother.


The word said by him faded the smile on the face of Mr. Park and said holding his head,"I can't explain you. You go from here."

After that he left from there with that gift.

At Sophia's home-

Sophia's mother was cooking in the kitchen, then there was the sound of a bell ringing.

"It seems that Sophia has come. I open the door quickly."came running from kitchen wiping her hands on apron. When she opened the door, there was a delivery boy.

"Hello! Good evening ma'am! I am from New Way Company. This is a parcel for your daughter, you give it to her."

"But why did her parcel come here while she is still in the company?"

"No ma'am! She has left from there and had forgotten this stuff in the company, so I have got an order to parcel it to her home."

"Ok! Thankyou! I'll give it to her."

Her mother took that parcel and was about to open it, but she remind that she had put something on the stove, so she went to see it in the kitchen leaving the parcel on the table.

Again, there was the sound of the bell ringing.

Sophia was at the door this time. Her mother opened the door and she came in.

"You were cooking?"asked looking at apron.

"Why are you glaring at me?"

"Didn't I ask you to rest?"asked her with blank face.

"Don't worry. I haven't fully recovered but I am better than before. So, I have made something delicious for my tired daughter." and left to kitchen.

She was taking off her sandals, then her mother told her,"Sophia! Your parcel is lying on the table."

She was confused,"My parcel? Mom, I didn't order anything."

His mother said in a loud voice,"This parcel has come from your company, he told that you had forgotten this in the company."

She was still confused as to what she had forgotten in the company. Without wasting much time, she opened the parcel and surprised.

"If mom sees this, I don't know what will happen."started fluttering.
