
Twisted Link: New Order

In the tranquil village of Melodin, a pair of twins with unparalleled destinies are born. While one is enveloped in the warmth of village life, the other is ushered into the splendor of royalty. They are not merely children of fate but the reincarnations of Solon and Lunos, revered divine gods choosing to walk Thaloria once more. As they grow, their paths lead them to the enigmatic kingdom of Eldenwood, set within the vast landscapes of the Thalloria continent. Here, amidst tales of alliances, love, and betrayals, they begin to uncover their celestial heritage and the pivotal roles they are destined to play in the cosmos. Bound by prophecy, their tale unfolds with Luka's memories of infancy: discovered as a baby and embraced by royalty, setting him on an altered course of destiny. Within Eldenwood's majestic bounds, these mysterious twins navigate their origins and purpose. Are they the long-awaited beacon of hope? Can they stand as the kingdom's guardians, or is their fate intertwined with something deeper and more profound? As the saga unfurls, the world watches, awaiting the revelation of their true path.

HarveyBakes · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Origins Unveiled

In the heart of the wizard's tower, whispers of the World's Origin circulated like ancient winds. While tales of this history were common knowledge among the folk of Thaloria, passed down through generations, the true essence of this tale was known to a select few. Nobles and members of the church spoke of it, but even their accounts were mere fragments of the vast tapestry of events that transpired.

As Luka settled into the comfort of the tower, the room dimmed, and a mystical light began to dance around them. Farzan cleared his throat, his voice echoing with the weight of ancient wisdom. "In the beginning, the universe was nothing more than an endless expanse of void. Just vast, infinite nothingness. Yet, from this void, an event of unparalleled magnitude occurred."

Luka leaned in, captivated by Farzan's words, but the wizard suddenly paused. "Wait, just a moment. Before we delve deeper, I need some tea. All this talking makes me thirsty!" He chuckled at his own interruption.

Luka groaned in mock frustration. "Of course you'd need a break just as things were getting interesting!"

Farzan returned with his tea, taking a moment to savor its warmth. "Now, where was I? Ah, yes. From the void, a single root emerged. Over eons, this root grew and expanded, evolving into a colossal tree. To shield itself from the void, the tree encased itself in a protective barrier. However, solitude can be a curse. Over time, the tree, seeking companionship and purpose, birthed three magical realms."

Luka's eyes widened in anticipation. "Three realms?"

Farzan nodded. "Indeed. The first realm, the Empyreal Atrium or the Celestial realm, became the abode of gods and divine creatures. The second, Thaloria or the Living Realm, is where we currently reside, a domain for humans, other races, and all manner of creatures. The third, known as the Nether Depths or the Abyssal Realm, is the realm of the deceased. Those who led righteous lives find solace in the Seraphic Garden, a paradise. Those judged unworthy are condemned to SHEOL, a place of torment."

Luka pondered for a moment. "But where did humans originate?"

Farzan chuckled, "Ah, young one. Humans aren't the sole inhabitants of Thaloria. Numerous races dwell here. Some you know of, and others remain hidden, possessing powers beyond comprehension. Originally, Thaloria was barren of intelligent life, with only plants and animals. The tree, in its eternal wisdom, extended its branches into Thaloria, giving birth to humans and other races. Its intention? To observe their interactions, their coexistence."

"And the Celestial realm?" Luka inquired.

"In the Empyreal Atrium, divine gods took form, emerging as spirits from the very heart of the divine tree. Each god held a specific purpose – to guide, nurture, and protect the beings of Thaloria. The gods blessed the world, established rules, and introduced the concept of mana to Thaloria."

Luka's curiosity was insatiable. "And among these gods?"

Farzan leaned in, his voice a mere whisper, "Among them, two stood out, possessing power and wisdom that could alter the very fabric of existence. They were chosen by the divine tree itself to lead the pantheon and guide the world."

Luka, on the edge of his seat, asked, "Who are these two?"

Farzan smirked, "Ah, that is a story for another time."

Luka's anticipation was palpable, his eyes wide, awaiting the continuation of the tale. The wizard's tease had left him on the edge, and Farzan's jovial laughter filled the room.

"HUH??" Luka exclaimed, his tone a mix of frustration and intrigue.

Farzan chuckled, "Got you there, didn't I? And I bet the readers too!" He winked

mischievously. "Now, give me a moment, young one. All this storytelling has left me in dire need of a break." With a playful wink, he added, "I need to take a quick piss."

As the wizard disappeared momentarily, Luka was left with his thoughts, the suspense building with each passing second. When Farzan returned, he took a deep breath, readying himself to dive back into the depths of the tale.

"Ah, where were we? Right, the two powerful gods. These divine beings, they were unlike any other. Brothers by blood and destiny, they emerged at a time when the world needed them the most," Farzan began, his voice echoing the reverence the two gods commanded.

"In the early days, as the tree sought to illuminate the world, it birthed a magnificent sphere. This sphere, however, soon split into two, one bathing the world in daylight and the other cloaking it in the serenity of the night. But there was a caveat. The two spheres must never merge again, for their union would unleash unparalleled chaos upon the realms."

The weight of responsibility was immense, and while many gods possessed immense power, none dared to step forth to control these spheres. That was until Solon and Lunos, brothers bound by destiny, emerged from amongst the divine assembly.

"'Use our essence, O Divine Tree,' they proclaimed. 'Let us be the guardians of these spheres. Even if we falter, let the weight of our failure end our existence.' Such was their bravery and commitment," Farzan's voice held a note of admiration.

And so, Solon and Lunos took charge of the spheres, now known as Sol and Luna, embodying the day and night respectively. Their roles didn't end there. The Divine Tree bestowed upon Solon the guardianship of the Celestial Realm, the realm of gods and divine spirits. Lunos, with his calm demeanor, was given charge of the Abyssal Realm, guiding the spirits of the departed.

Luka, trying to understand the gravity of their roles, inquired, "So, they were like heroes?"

Farzan shook his head, "No, Luka. They were not just heroes. They were far above that, architects of balance and order in the realms. Their tale is one of sacrifice, duty, and an unwavering commitment to the world."

He continued, "One fateful day, while both sat atop the Celestial Realm, a disturbance caught their eye. From their lofty perch, they witnessed an event in Thaloria that would forever change the course of history. And this, my boy, is where their true journey began."