
Twisted Link: New Order

In the tranquil village of Melodin, a pair of twins with unparalleled destinies are born. While one is enveloped in the warmth of village life, the other is ushered into the splendor of royalty. They are not merely children of fate but the reincarnations of Solon and Lunos, revered divine gods choosing to walk Thaloria once more. As they grow, their paths lead them to the enigmatic kingdom of Eldenwood, set within the vast landscapes of the Thalloria continent. Here, amidst tales of alliances, love, and betrayals, they begin to uncover their celestial heritage and the pivotal roles they are destined to play in the cosmos. Bound by prophecy, their tale unfolds with Luka's memories of infancy: discovered as a baby and embraced by royalty, setting him on an altered course of destiny. Within Eldenwood's majestic bounds, these mysterious twins navigate their origins and purpose. Are they the long-awaited beacon of hope? Can they stand as the kingdom's guardians, or is their fate intertwined with something deeper and more profound? As the saga unfurls, the world watches, awaiting the revelation of their true path.

HarveyBakes · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Gods Arrangement

"Checkmate!" The words came out of Solon's mouth in frustration. "Oh my, Lunos, you've done it again! This is your 356th victory! When will I finally get lucky at Pai Sho? It would appear that you are doing very well in this game at the moment.

"Just luck, brother, just luck," Lunos retorted with a grin on his face.

"You're not having any luck, Lunos. You must certainly have some kind of secret code."

"All right, let's go for another round. This time, there's no question that I'll come out on top. We shall not give up until I am victorious! Solon yelled as they continued to play their beloved game.

"Crashh!!" As they continued to play above, all of a sudden, Thaloria emitted a very loud noise.

"Oh, what is that loud noise I hear?"

"Solon, come here, take a look at them," Lunos said while pointing to something. Oh my goodness, what is that? A sight too lovely. I am interested in going there.

"Do you notice something, brother?"

"Yeah, I guess so. It's a little too fancy to be an entertainment room."

"No, you can't get at things, are you? They are now constructing a castle there. What I'm trying to get through to you is that despite the fact that these beings have no power of their own, they are nonetheless capable of accomplishing a lot. But without power, there is no use in doing anything."

"Huh, and what gives you that idea? Take a look at these, brother. The work that they are doing down there is very spectacular. But you are right in a roundabout way. Perhaps what they require most of all are some blessings. Solon indicated his agreement with a nod and stated, "Actually, I'm curious about what they would be capable of if they had powers."

"All right, Lunos, let's organize a meeting with the so-called 'Octacrons.'" Bring them together, and we'll hold a gathering close to the first branch on the tree of destiny.

"Alright, alright. However, what if they disagree with you?

"Brother, they will come to an agreement. They will do that."

Later on, their godly allies, the Octacrons, who contribute to the upkeep of the Order of Realms, got together.

"So, what's that important thing for a divine meeting that you gathered us here in the midst of my slumber, Solon?"

"I wanted to speak with each and every one of you about something very important. Now, I want all of you to turn your attention to them," Solon said while pointing to Thaloria. The other gods scrutinized it, attempting to decipher what Solon was trying to say.

"Now, have you noticed what it is that they are doing now at this very moment? Do you agree that it's lovely? However, there is something that I would like to offer them. I feel sorry for them since it seems as though they are putting in a lot of effort only to make that thing. They still remember and praise us, even though the things they are capable of doing are limited, right?"

"What I'm thinking is giving them a gift, a blessing, so that the work they need to do will not be too hard for them."

"What if they decide to utilize it for themselves all of a sudden? What if they do not appreciate us in the same manner as they have in the past? If that's the case, it's going to be impossible for us to pull off, right?

"All right, I see what you're getting at. So I shall carry out the plan. I won't be spilling them out and handing them over to those beings. We, as gods, will bestow blessings upon the land. They are going to work hard to earn it, as they should. In addition to this, we will continue to watch and guide them. We will unleash our powers across all of Thaloria and will open their bodies and minds in order for them to be able to take in the power that they desire.

"As a reward for attending this gathering, I will allow you to select a region with a specific race to bless and guide. This is important because we are unable to support all of them. There are only two of us."

"The two of us will guide that land in the heart and center of Thalloria, alright."

Now that the time had come, the gods started out selecting certain regions and individuals to inhabit Thaloria.

As they began to choose, Lunos approached his brother, "Solon, let me ask you something. Will you let me choose my land too? I want a specific land, and I'll let you guide the people near the heart. It's only that I want to point them in the right direction," he said as he pointed to the area on the eastern side.

"Alright, alright. You are free, brother; but, take care to watch out for them and make it a point to nurture and lead them.

"Yeah, I vow to protect them and safeguard Thaloria from threats, and even if it costs my life, I will protect them," Lunos declared.

"All right, we'll call this meeting to an end. Is there anyone who disagrees with me?" Solon let out a shout. The Octacrons as a whole were of the same opinion and applauded. On the other hand, an unexpected person walked up to the meeting.

"Oh, what in the world was my oldest son, Xariel, doing here? What's the business, son?" Solon asked.

"Uh, father, I overheard your conversation in the meeting. Could I make a suggestion to you?

"Yes, son, go ahead and speak. We are pleased to hear that."

"All right, father. What if we leave this place and go down there to guide them?

"No, son, we can't go to them and just leave the Celestial Realm." Keep in mind that Lunos and I are responsible for controlling the two spheres. If the two of us and the Octacrons also go down there, it will bring complete and total chaos ."

"Okay, father, but what if I go down there?" Xariel requested.

After giving it some thought, Solon responded, "Okay, son, I agree with you, but there is one condition."

"What is it, father?" Xariel gave a response.

"Bring your brother, Saphiel, to Thaloria."

"But why, father?" Xariel questioned with confusion

"Because I don't want the commotion to fall solely on your shoulders. It is essential that you keep the order down there. Regarding Saphiel, I want him to address them all and explain the power that we give to the land. You are to go to Thaloria, keep the peace there, and do everything in your power to make your father proud. You, Xariel, are my oldest son, thus I submit Thaloria to your care. Now get going! Solon let out a shout.

Xariel and Saphiel descended to Thaloria, where they accepted their positions as guiding and instructing the natives of the land regarding the talents that had been given upon them.

"Now, Octacrons, we will begin by blessing this land, and we thank you for all you have done. We are going to pour all of our powers into that land. Is that clear to you now?" Solon declared.

A god approached him and questioned, "Wait, what will we call this power?"

As they released the power, Solon announced, "We call it MANA," and at that moment, the country of Thaloria sparkled brightly and was blessed.

"And that's the story of the world's origin, young one," Farzan said as the story came to a close.

"Consequently, this is the reason why I am unable to cast mine by only imagining it. I have to get a sense of the environment. Now I get what you mean."

"I will focus on getting stronger and better at working out my top priority. Luka laughed teasingly as he thanked the old wizard, saying, "I must thank you, old hag; you sure do know a lot of things as a smelly geezer."

"Hahahah, okay, okay, I get it. I will take a bath soon. Now go. I'm sure your mother's finding you," Farzan replied.

As Luka was leaving the tower with the fresh knowledge, he arrived home, gave his mother a hug, and told her, "Mom, I will protect you, and I'll make sure that I'm strong enough to do that."

His mother pondered to herself in confusion, "Huh, something definitely seems different about Luka." He's turned into such a sweet boy. The minds of children are difficult to read."

As Luka went to his room, he had this thought go through his head: "Soon I'll become strong, and my goal is to be the strongest!"

So this concludes the first arc, the Introduction arc, and the following chapters will be action-packed. I'll just take a break and continue to support Twisted Link: New Order. Harveybakes

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