
Twisted Link: New Order

In the tranquil village of Melodin, a pair of twins with unparalleled destinies are born. While one is enveloped in the warmth of village life, the other is ushered into the splendor of royalty. They are not merely children of fate but the reincarnations of Solon and Lunos, revered divine gods choosing to walk Thaloria once more. As they grow, their paths lead them to the enigmatic kingdom of Eldenwood, set within the vast landscapes of the Thalloria continent. Here, amidst tales of alliances, love, and betrayals, they begin to uncover their celestial heritage and the pivotal roles they are destined to play in the cosmos. Bound by prophecy, their tale unfolds with Luka's memories of infancy: discovered as a baby and embraced by royalty, setting him on an altered course of destiny. Within Eldenwood's majestic bounds, these mysterious twins navigate their origins and purpose. Are they the long-awaited beacon of hope? Can they stand as the kingdom's guardians, or is their fate intertwined with something deeper and more profound? As the saga unfurls, the world watches, awaiting the revelation of their true path.

HarveyBakes · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Glimpse of Origins

In the peaceful Land of Pines, a quaint loghouse stood. Inside, a young man, Aran, was engrossed in some peculiar activities. "Aran! Aran!" Robert's voice echoed through the house. "Where's that boy? He should be practicing his swordsmanship!" With a sudden realization, Robert hurried upstairs. He paused in surprise at the attic's entrance, witnessing a scene of glowing objects and mysterious potions. "What on earth are you up to? Is this some witchcraft? The floor's a mess with books and... is that voodoo?" Robert exclaimed, baffled.

Aran, completely absorbed in his alchemy, didn't even acknowledge his father.

In this kingdom, there were titles and honors known as 'Eldriates'. Some were awarded for heroism, some for scholarly contributions, like Separius acquired, and some simply inherited their titles through noble bloodlines. But Aran? He seemed to operate outside these conventions, almost as if he was driven by a personal quest. Yet, beyond these honors, there was a far more coveted and rare distinction: the "Talents". Bestowed by the heavens themselves, these were the gifts that truly set individuals apart. And Aran? It seemed he was blessed with them all.

Elsewhere, Luka was gearing up for another round with the eccentric wizard. "Ah, that day of the week again," he mused, preparing himself. As he was about to leave, he informed Seraphina, "I'm heading to Lake Eldoria, Mom, to practice that magic you taught me."

Seraphina's voice was tinged with concern. "Alright, but eat your breakfast first. You need your strength."

"It's alright, Mom, I'm not hungry. I really need to practice now." Luka replied, heading out.

Seraphina looked at the untouched menudo, her brow furrowed in confusion. "It's unlike him to skip his favorite dish. Something's definitely bothering him," she thought to herself.

As he approached the lake, he infused a stone with magic, creating a portal that led somewhere. As he stepped through, Farzan greeted him with his usual teasing demeanor. "Back for another beating, young one?"

Their usual banter ensued, with Luka expressing his hunger and Farzan offering him food. As they ate, Farzan's tone turned serious. "Luka, tell me, how fares the kingdom? Any calamities or uprisings?"

Luka shrugged. "It's peaceful. No major events. But I'm not too fond of the king, to be honest."

Farzan's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Why? Has he wronged you in any way?"

Luka explained his grievances about the king, especially the king's absence during his mother's birthday. Farzan listened intently, then asked, "Does the name 'Sulonovaris' ring any bells? Or perhaps the 'World's Origin'?"

Luka looked puzzled. "Never heard of them. What are they?"

Farzan smirked. "I'll tell you, but only if you best me in combat. And remember, only use your enhancer skills with the sword. No casting."

Luka's eyes sparkled with determination. "Challenge accepted. Prepare yourself, old man."

Outside, the two squared off, the tension palpable. "Show me what you've got," Farzan taunted.

Luka gripped his sword, ready to prove himself. "Today's the day that I will kick you're a*s," he declared confidently.

Farzan maintained his composure and presented a challenge to Luka as the sun began to set. "Now come at me, attack!" Luka charged headfirst into the fray, a fire of resolve blazing in his eyes.

However, given the fact that his posture and movements were incorrect, Farzan was able to avoid each hit with ease.

"Oops, wrong move," pointed out Farzan, "How do you plan to defeat me with such sloppy form?"

Luka did not give up in the face of Farzan's judgment. Despite this, Farzan continued to make a few more attempts before finally calling time on the match. He then remarked, "Enough," and continued, "Now observe closely. I'll show you the proper procedures in this example. If you are successful in recreating them exactly, I will reveal to you the mysteries of Sulonovaris and the World's Origin."

As Farzan started his presentation, he led Luka through the complex stances and motions of the traditional swordsmanship. Each and every action was meticulously planned out, resembling a ballet of offense and defense, might and grace. Luka regarded the scene closely, taking in every facet of it. As soon as Farzan had completed his demonstration, Luka took up his wooden sword and attempted to imitate the movements performed by his mentor.

After completing a few repetitions, Luka boldly carried out the last move, which was called "Avida Strike."

"Not perfect, but very good for a first attempt," Farzan remarked, clearly taken aback by the quality of the work. You clearly possess a lot of talent. Let's go back to the tower at this point."

Luka's interest was piqued once more as they got back to the village. "So, about the Sulonovaris and World's Origin..."

Nevertheless, before Farzan could respond, they were disturbed by a disturbance coming from the attic of the tower. In their haste to investigate, they found a jumble of books and scrolls strewn about in various locations. Luka became hesitant as soon as he noticed movement. He voiced his concern by inquiring, "Is there a rat up here?"

However, Farzan's eye was caught by a familiar sight. He then lifted a book revealing a white owl inside. "Barnaby!" "Thank God!" said Farzan, clearly overjoyed. "Oh, how I've longed to see you! I am truly sorry for the conflict that we had the night before. I truly wish that you will forgive me." He held the owl in his arms carefully, a gentle expression on his face as he did so.

Luka smirked and teased the elderly sorcerer, saying, "So, the mighty Farzan has a soft spot for animals?"

Farzan brushed off the comment made by the kid and continued to pet his owl. Now, Barnaby, it's time for us to eat. Luka, you need to get the plates ready. We are delighted to have Barnaby back into our midst!

Farzan finally brought up the topic that Luka had been waiting so eagerly for him to discuss after they had settled down to eat. "The Sulonovaris," he said to start, "is a sacred cipher." It includes accounts from the past as well as predictions for the years to come. In the distant past, a wise sage bestowed it upon the Kingdom of Eldenwood as a gift. But as the years went by, corrupt kings abused their positions to the point where they brought the kingdom to its knees and stoked the flames of conflict. The wise sage took possession of the Sulonovaris once more, hid it, and made a solemn oath that he would not bring it out of hiding until such time as a truly good person appeared.

"And the World's Origin?" Luka queried while pressing closer to have a better look.

Farzan drew in a slow breath, his voice carrying an ominous tone. "The World's Origin is a completely different story, you know, boy. It's not merely a story or a riddle like you may think. It's..." As Farzan prepared to dig into the more profound mysteries of their universe, the atmosphere in the chamber took on a more gloomy mood.