
Twisted Link: New Order

In the tranquil village of Melodin, a pair of twins with unparalleled destinies are born. While one is enveloped in the warmth of village life, the other is ushered into the splendor of royalty. They are not merely children of fate but the reincarnations of Solon and Lunos, revered divine gods choosing to walk Thaloria once more. As they grow, their paths lead them to the enigmatic kingdom of Eldenwood, set within the vast landscapes of the Thalloria continent. Here, amidst tales of alliances, love, and betrayals, they begin to uncover their celestial heritage and the pivotal roles they are destined to play in the cosmos. Bound by prophecy, their tale unfolds with Luka's memories of infancy: discovered as a baby and embraced by royalty, setting him on an altered course of destiny. Within Eldenwood's majestic bounds, these mysterious twins navigate their origins and purpose. Are they the long-awaited beacon of hope? Can they stand as the kingdom's guardians, or is their fate intertwined with something deeper and more profound? As the saga unfurls, the world watches, awaiting the revelation of their true path.

HarveyBakes · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Whispers of the Mask

It had been two years since the fateful baptism that had taken place in the kingdom of Eldenwood.

"Oh, princess, we are getting closer and closer to Eldoria. The entrance to the kingdom can be found close by in that valley. Her nanny responded, "I'm sure the king misses you so much."

What does it matter, Mildred? It makes no difference to me who my father is. The only reason I am here is because my sister invited me."

Her nanny addressed her by asking, "Is there an occasion, princess?"

"Ugh, it's just his spoiled brat of a son's seventh birthday," she exclaimed. I have no tolerance for that spoiled brat of a child.

"Hahaha," the nanny said cheerfully, "you talk like an old woman, but actually, you're just a year older than him."

"Oh well, I don't care, Mildred. He's annoying."

They were startled when all of a sudden they heard rushing horses and a gang of men shouting, "Seize that fancy carriage, take all the loot!" I have no doubt that there is a good person hiding underneath. Get ready for the fight, and take care of those guards!

After then, his allies yelled out "AHOO AHOO YEAH!"

They moved their way towards the carriage. "Siege!"

The guards took up a defensive stance. "There are bandits coming, protect the princess at all costs!"

The leader of the bandits responded upon hearing the yells of the guards by saying, "So the princess is here. It's a win-win situation for the both of us, guys! "Hahaha! 

Mildred peered through the glass of the carriage as she heard the commotion and asked the guard, "Who are they, Martin? " while the guards and the criminals were engaged in combat with one another. What exactly is going on at this very moment?

Bandits are present in this area, and they are formidable. We are unable to deal with them. Mildred, you need to go outside. You can take the princess, but you'll have to leave us here.

"We can't do that; you'll all die here."

"Don't worry about it; it's our solemn duty to shield the princess from harm at whatever cost. Now get going!

On a hill near the valley, a young boy was busy reading his book under a tree in the woods when he suddenly heard something.

"Zarkom, Larkin!! Ha? What exactly is that commotion? I'm just getting used to this new trick, but it's giving me a lot of trouble." The young boy turned his head and looked down into the valley.

"Ah, yes, that's a gang of thieves up to their nasty little games once more. They certainly never learn from their mistakes.

In the center of the valley, a shadow portal opened up, and someone was approaching up and saying, "Sure, you never know your lesson, huh? You are distracting me from what I'm doing.

"Who are you, little child who just appeared out of nowhere with a funny trick? The bandit scoffed and laughed as he mocked, "I saw that trick performed by a clown back there."

"Alright, whatever. If I can win against you, nobody else will ever annoy me when I'm studying again. After saying, "Time for some warm-up," the boy, with a shady outfit and wore a mask over his face, went up to engage them in combat.

The princess and Mildred stood back and observed the conflict as it unfolded between the masked kid and the bandit, neither knowing what would happen. Even though they were engaged in fierce combat, the masked boy continued to carry himself with an otherworldly grace and engage in the battle.

"You're not going to get away with that, you little boy! The leader of the bandits teased the magician, saying, "We've dealt with wizards like you before."

Behind his mask, the young man in the mask smirked and asked, "Wizards, you say? You haven't seen anything yet that compares to this." He cast a strong spell with only a fast movement, which left the bandits in awe of his abilities.

As the battle raged on, the masked boy, displayed extraordinary skills, effortlessly countering the bandits' every move. His movements were fluid, and his attacks were precise.

"Ha? Where did that brat go? Did he bolt off and run with his tail? What a coward," the bandit leader grumbled.

Suddenly, a flash of shadow appeared, swift as lightning, and the bandits were easily defeated in a short period.

"Weaklings," the boy said with a disdainful tone.

"Ughh, what happened, boss? That brat! I'll kill him!" the bandits groaned in exhaustion and pain.

During the course of the conflict, the princess could not help but be perplexed by the unfamiliar lad who was attempting to defend and safeguard her.

The masked boy then approached the guards, preparing a glass of potion. He handed it to them, saying, "Drink this."

The guards, puzzled, asked, "Who are you?" The boy simply replied, "Just drink it."

The guards drank the potion, and their wounds healed instantly. "Oh, what kind of potion is this? It's quite different; healing potions can't heal like this instantly. Just wait, boy, let us thank you."

The princess emerged from the carriage, questioning, "Oh, what happened? Who's this brat, Martin?"

"Ma'am, he's the one who beat those bandits. If not for him, all of us would have died here," Martin explained.

"Oh, thank you, sir," she bowed and thanked him, a smirk on her face. "How can we pay you?"

"Who's that? So cool!" Mildred approached the princess and teasingly asked, "Is my little girl in love?"

"No, Mildred, not for a brat. Kids are annoying!" the princess retorted with an angry tone, but deep inside, she blushed.

After a while, the carriage arrived at the majestic castle of Eldenwood. "Oh wow, this place still fascinates me," Mildred said with awe.

"Ughh, nothing's new here. Still the same," Elowen remarked. "Alright, let's go. We won't last long here either."

The two of them proceeded to the central hall of the castle. As the door opened, a welcoming aura surrounded them.

"Let us celebrate, for my youngest daughter is now here! Oh, Elowen, how Daddy missed you so much!" Aldric exclaimed, rushing down from his throne to hug the princess. "Mwah, mwah, mwah! Daddy misses you so much. You sure spend a lot of time with your mother. Your daddy misses you too."

"Now we will have a celebration tonight for my daughter is here. We will feast and eat."

"Ughh, Father, no need to do that. I'm just here because sister invited me."

"Elowen, manners please," Mildred interjected.

"It's alright, Mildred. Alright, folks, we have to celebrate, okay?" Aldric declared with a hint of sadness in his eyes.

In the evening, a grand celebration unfolded in the kingdom's royal courtroom. Noble people attended as if it were a grand party, full of fun and enjoyment.

Later, after the party, Elowen went to the king's room. "Father?" she called.

"What is it, dear?" Aldric asked.

"I'm sorry for what I said earlier. It's just that over the years, you didn't visit Mother."

"I miss you too, Father. But even though Mom always said not to hold a grudge with you."

Aldric, with teary eyes, said, "I'm so sorry, dear, for having no time for you. It's just that things in the kingdom are quite messy. You understand, dear. My job is to maintain peace here. I hope you truly understand. But I promise, dear, on your stay here, I'll make sure to give all my time to you. I miss you too, sweetheart." He hugged his daughter tightly.

"I love you, Dad. Can I ask a favor?".

After Elowen handed the mask to her father, she looked at him with a mix of anticipation and curiosity.

"Father," she began, "can you find out who owns this mask?"

Aldric took the mask in his hands, examining it closely. The intricate design and the mysterious aura around it hinted at a story waiting to be unraveled.

"Sure, dear. But it won't be easy, but don't worry. I know someone who can help."

The king went out of the room and shouted, "Cedric! Cedric!"

As the guards rushed in, the king commanded, "Bring Separius to me, all at once."