

Lucifer Morningstar strolled gracefully through the dense forests of Forks, Washington, his preternatural senses guiding him unerringly towards Carlisle Cullen. It had been centuries since he had last seen his progeny, and the reunion promised to be interesting.

Finally, he caught a glimpse of Carlisle, leaning against a tree with his golden eyes gazing into the distance. The sight of his creation stirred emotions in Lucifer that he had thought long buried. Carlisle turned his head as he sensed Lucifer's approach, his lips curling into a soft smile.

"Lucifer, it's been so long," Carlisle said warmly, his eyes reflecting the eternity he had lived.

"And yet, you still look as youthful as the day I turned you," Lucifer replied with a smirk, his hands tucked casually in his pockets.

They spent the evening reminiscing about their past, sharing stories of the worlds they had seen and the lives they had led. Both vampires now had a unique bond, having shared the gift of immortality and the burden of outliving mortals.

As the night deepened, they decided to go on a hunt for blood together. The thrill of the chase filled their senses, and they revelled in the hunt, their movements fluid and graceful as they tracked their prey. Sharing this experience with Carlisle made Lucifer feel alive in a way he hadn't in ages.

With their thirst sated, Lucifer set out to find a suitable residence for himself in Forks. His impeccable taste led him to a stunning mansion nestled on the outskirts of the town. The realtor couldn't believe his luck, showing the extravagant house to the enigmatic man with eyes that seemed to hold the wisdom of centuries.

"This will do nicely," Lucifer purred, sealing the deal effortlessly with a glance and a charming smile.

In the following days, Lucifer discovered that he had descendants in Forks – the family of Jacob Black. He decided to pay them a visit, intrigued by the fact that his bloodline had survived and intertwined with the supernatural world.

As he approached the quaint cottage where the Blacks resided, he noticed a group of youths gathered in the front yard. Among them stood a striking young woman with spiky hair and knowing eyes - Alice Cullen.

Lucifer couldn't help but feel a strange sense of familiarity with Alice, something beyond their intertwined souls through time. The encounter with Jacob and his family was heart-warming, and he saw shades of his own immortal life in their interactions.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, the sky turned a deep shade of crimson, and the stars began to shimmer. It was then that Lucifer felt a tingling sensation in the air, as if destiny itself were about to intervene.

Suddenly, a voice echoed all around, Alice's eyes glazed over – the prophecy of a professor he long forgot.

"When twilight meets eternal night,

A battle ignites with heavens' light.

Angels and demons shall collide,

On Earth's vast canvas, worlds do bide.

Two souls entwined through time and space,

Bound by fate, they'll take their place.

Reborn in twilight's tender grace,

Their destinies, they must embrace.

Two souls entwined through time and space,

Bound by fate, they'll take their place.

Reborn in twilight's tender grace,

Their destinies, they must embrace.

The Morningstar, once an angel bright,

With power vast and ancient might,

Shall face his kin in deadly fray,

In twilight's realm, they'll find their way.

The blood-brother, hybrid-born,

Vampire-wolf with fate adorned,

His howl will echo through the night,

A guardian fierce in the upcoming fight.

The third, a maiden, gifted sight,

Her visions pierce the veil of night,

A reincarnate, a soul combined,

With dragons old, she'll be entwined.

The mystery fourth, concealed from view,

A link between the old and new,

With power yet unknown to all,

Shall rise when twilight's shadows fall.

Dragons soar with wings spread wide,

Their ancient riders by their side,

They'll take to skies with fiery breath,

As battle rages unto death.

Heaven's gates and hell's domain,

Shall clash and merge in crimson rain.

Lucifer and Mikael, kin of old,

Their ancient feud shall now unfold.

But in twilight's realm, a spark ignites,

Of hope and love that fiercely fights,

In bonds of kinship, they'll unite,

To face the darkness and find the light.

When stars align in prophecy's grace,

The chosen ones shall take their place,

With courage, heart, and strength to wield,

They'll shape the fate of this twilight field.

Yet shadows loom and doubts do creep,

As destinies intertwine and leap.

For in this battle's ebb and flow,

Who'll stand triumphant, none shall know.

But through it all, in twilight's sway,

They'll find their path, come what may.

In prophecy's embrace, they'll find,

The power to shape their fate and bind.

Now, as this prophecy unfolds,

In twilight's realm, new tales are told.

The chosen ones must heed the call,

For in their hands, lies fate's enthral."

The celestial words hung in the air, a weighty destiny settling upon Lucifer's shoulders. The stars glistened with newfound purpose, casting their glow upon him and his companions. It was a prophecy filled with peril and hope, destined to shape the course of their intertwined lives.

Lucifer looked onto Alice and Jacob, who stood a bit away from him, their eyes filled with wonder and uncertainty. He knew that the battles ahead would be trying, but the prophecy had kindled a sense of determination in him. Together, they would face whatever darkness awaited them.

he pondered the prophecy's implications; he couldn't help but wonder about the mystery fourth soul bonded to him. Who could it be? What role would they play in the coming storm?

As the night deepened, the stars whispered ancient secrets, and Lucifer found solace in the knowledge that he wasn't alone in the impending storm. He had his blood brother Jacob, his fated mate Alice, now immortal and the enigmatic fourth soul yet to be revealed.

In this new world, where pasts intertwined, destinies collided, and darkness lurked in the shadows, Lucifer Morningstar stood resolute, ready to face whatever came his way. For he knew that in the end, it would be his choices that defined him, and the bonds he formed that would guide his path.

But in the end, it would be their choices, their bonds, and their love that would determine their fate. Where worlds collided and souls intertwined, Lucifer Morningstar stood tall, ready to face whatever the future held.

And so, the journey continued, as the stars and prophecy paved the way for an epic battle that would shape the course of their lives and the very fabric of the universe.


As the days passed, the weight of the prophecy lingered in Lucifer's mind. He couldn't help but wonder about the identity of the mysterious fourth soul bonded to him. Who could this enigmatic individual be, and what role would they play in the impending battle between heaven and hell?

He sought counsel from Alice, who had an uncanny ability to see glimpses of the past, present and future.

"I sense a presence, a soul connected to yours," Alice murmured, her brow furrowed in concentration. "But it's elusive, hidden from view. There's power there, immense and untapped, waiting for the right moment to reveal itself."

Lucifer nodded, absorbing her words. He trusted Alice's visions, but he also knew that some things were beyond even her sight. Regardless, he had faith that the mysterious soul would make themselves known when the time was right, he didn't know why, not yet.


One evening, as the world settled into its usual serenity, Lucifer found himself walking through the mansion's elegant corridors, a sense of disorientation washing over him. He paused, gripping the edge of a table for support. The world around him blurred, and a rush of fragmented memories assaulted his senses.

Flashes of lives long forgotten danced before him – moments of triumph and anguish, loves gained and lost, ancient battles fought on realms beyond mortal comprehension. It was as if he was reliving fragments of his existence as the fallen angel, the devil, and countless other personas he had taken on throughout time.

As the memories swirled, he felt a strange sensation, as if a thread of his soul was being tugged, pulling him deeper into the recesses of his mind. He stumbled, feeling his connection to the present world slip away. He was falling, not just physically, but into the abyss of his own memories.

In this liminal state, he heard voices – whispers of forgotten oaths and promises, a celestial choir of angels and the resounding thunder of battle cries. There were echoes of his bond with beings beyond mortal understanding, of cosmic conflicts that had shaped the very fabric of existence.

And then, he saw him – a figure bathed in light, a radiant presence that filled his heart with a sense of familiarity. It was himself, but not as he knew him in this lifetime. He was someone else, someone ancient and powerful, a soul that had walked alongside him through eons of existence.

Their connection was palpable, a tether spanning across time, and he understood that there was more to this bond than what his current life had revealed. He was entwined in a dance of souls, across lifetimes and dimensions, facing challenges and sharing moments far beyond the scope of his present memories.

Lucifer's breath caught as the realization washed over him. He was not just the fallen angel, nor the man he had become in this world. He was a tapestry of countless experiences, a being whose existence spanned eternity.

As the memories faded, and the world around him began to reassemble, he found himself back in the familiar surroundings of the mansion, his heart pounding. He clutched his head, trying to make sense of the whirlwind of revelations he had experienced.

In the wake of these revelations, Lucifer knew that his journey was far from over. The battles that lay ahead would test his resolve and the strength of his bonds, but he faced the challenges with a newfound clarity and purpose.

Where ancient souls met, magic thrived, and the boundaries of reality blurred, the tale of Lucifer Morningstar took on a deeper meaning. His shared memories and the echoes of eternity within him became a beacon of hope, a reminder that he was not alone in this cosmic tapestry of existence.

With the path ahead uncertain yet brimming with possibility, he stood ready to face whatever the future held, armed with the knowledge that his bond, forged across lifetimes, would guide him through the twists and turns of his destiny.


As Lucifer delved deeper into his fragmented memories, a subtle shift began to ripple through the mansion. Unbeknownst to him, the dragon eggs hidden in a quiet chamber had started to react.

The first egg, with scales of deep crimson, quivered ever so slightly. A faint glow emanated from within, as if responding to the echoes of Lucifer's ancient past. The connection between the dragon egg and the being it was destined for was being rekindled, like a spark in the depths of time.

Meanwhile, the second egg, adorned in shades of emerald green, began to emit a soft, ethereal light. The air around it seemed charged, as if the memories Lucifer was unearthing were flowing like a current, resonating with the spirit of the unborn dragon within.

The two eggs, side by side, seemed to share a silent communication, a recognition of the significance of the memories resurfacing in Lucifer's mind. The dormant dragons within these eggs had once shared existence with him in a realm far beyond the world of Forks, and now, they stirred in response to the awakening echoes of their intertwined past.

As Lucifer's connection to his forgotten memories deepened, the eggs' reactions intensified. The crimson egg pulsated with vibrant energy, and the green egg emitted a gentle hum that seemed to harmonize with the very fabric of the universe.

It was a moment of convergence – the rediscovery of ancient ties that transcended the boundaries of time. The dragon eggs, like vessels of destiny, awaited their moment, sensing that their destinies were entwined with Lucifer's journey of self-discovery.

Outside the chamber, Lucifer remained oblivious to the ethereal dance unfolding within. Yet, somewhere deep within his soul, he felt a resonance, a whisper of recognition that stirred emotions beyond explanation.

Where ancient souls met and the boundaries of reality blurred, the dragons' eggs stood as witnesses to the awakening of memories that spanned across eternity. The echoes of the past were being heard once more, shaping the tapestry of a story that stretched beyond the confines of the present.


So, as you can see there are a few worlds in this fic,

So far, I have introduced,

Twilight (obviously)

The inheritance cycle (Eragon)

Harry potter (this one is within the fic, but it won't be prevalent for a while, and Lucifer will have a 'deep' connection to the world once he regains his full memories which won't be for some time yet, while we may see him got to the wizarding world it won't be anytime soon)

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