

The night was dark and stormy in Godric's Hollow, matching the turmoil that had settled upon the Potter family. Huddled in their small cottage, James and Lily Potter clutched their infant son, Harry, as fear gnawed at their hearts. The prophecy had foretold of Voldemort's imminent attack, and tonight was the night it would all come to pass.

As lightning streaked across the sky, a deafening crash shattered the fragile peace. The door to their sanctuary burst open, and in stepped the dark figure of Lord Voldemort, his snake-like visage twisted in malevolence. With a wave of his wand, a green curse shot forth towards Lily.

Lily Potter's screams pierced the air. "Not Harry, please, not Harry!" she begged as the curse hit her, and barely recached harry leaving a scar on his head and she crumpled to the ground. James, in a futile attempt to protect his family, rushed towards Voldemort, but he too fell to the same curse.

Now, Voldemort turned his attention to the infant Harry, prepared to end the last remnant of the Potter family.

Meanwhile, in a luxurious Mansion located in forks, Lucifer Morningstar stood by a grand window, his eyes fixed on a peculiar family tree. Ancient parchment adorned his desk, displaying the intricate branches of the Peverell bloodline. The significance of this document had eluded him for ages, but tonight, it seemed that the answers he sought were finally within reach.

Lucifer traced a slender finger over the parchment, his thoughts weaving through the centuries, connecting him to a past he had long forgotten.

"Peverell... such a curious name," he mused, the pieces of the puzzle beginning to fall into place.

The night in Godric's Hollow was relentless. The storm raged on, matching the turmoil inside the cottage. Voldemort's malevolent presence bore down on the helpless Potters.

In the dimly lit living room, the green curse had struck Lily, and James fell next, defeated in his desperate attempt to protect his family. Voldemort's red eyes bore into the helpless infant, Harry.

Lucifer Morningstar's eyes widened as the memories flooded back, unravelling the secret of his lineage. He knew what he had to do. He reached for a small, ornate box on his desk—the Resurrection Stone, one of the Deathly Hallows. Clutching it tightly in his hand, he felt the immense power surging through him.

"This is where it all began," Lucifer whispered to himself. "I am a Peverell, and it's time I embraced my history."

With newfound determination, he summoned the power of the Resurrection Stone, and the penthouse was bathed in a radiant, golden light.

Lucifer Morningstar appeared; a celestial figure shrouded in a golden aura. Voldemort, startled by this unexpected arrival, lowered his wand momentarily, a flicker of recognition passing through his crimson eyes.

"You..." Voldemort hissed, his voice laced with unease. "Who are you?"

Lucifer stepped forward confidently, a glint of mischief dancing in his eyes. "You may call me Lucifer. I have a particular interest in young Harry here."

He extended his hand, and the Resurrection Stone glowed brighter than ever. James and Lily Potter materialized before him, alive and well.

James Potter, bewildered, looked around. "Where... where are we?"

Lily Potter's eyes filled with disbelief. "It can't be."

"Believe it or not, my dear Potters, you've just been given a second chance. But more importantly, young Harry will grow up with his family by his side."

But it was. Their son, Harry, was alive, and the terror of the night had transformed into a sense of wonder and hope.

Voldemort, however, was not one to be deterred easily. He attempted to strike back; his wand raised menacingly. But Lucifer was faster. With a snap of his fingers, Voldemort found himself immobilized, his dark magic rendered impotent.

Lucifer Morningstar regarded Voldemort with a sardonic smile. "I suggest you take some time to reconsider your life choices, Tom. As for the Potters, I believe it's time I offered you all some protection."

He conjured a powerful, impenetrable barrier around the Potter family, sealing them from harm. The storm outside gradually subsided, and a sense of peace settled over Godric's Hollow.

"You'll find that I have a particular knack for handling difficult situations," Lucifer remarked, his eyes fixed on the grateful Potters. "Now, let's ensure that young Harry grows up safe and sound."

The Potters nodded in gratitude as Lucifer, the enigmatic Peverell, watched over them, ready to play his part in the unfolding wizarding world.

Lucifer, however, had more plans in store. He had called for the remaining Deathly Hallows to come to him—the Elder Wand and the Invisibility Cloak. With these artifacts in his possession, he held immeasurable power.

a few days later

Lucifer Morningstar, accompanied by James and Lily Potter, strode confidently into the grand marble hall of Gringotts, the wizarding bank. Goblins bustled about, but they paid special attention to the trio. They knew, as did many in the wizarding world, that something extraordinary was happening.

Lucifer approached the counter, where a senior goblin awaited him. "I require an inheritance test," he declared in a voice that brooked no argument.

The goblin, knowing better than to question, nodded and motioned for them to follow. They descended deep into the bowels of the bank, to a chamber filled with ancient tomes and magical artifacts.

The inheritance test was a complex and mystical process, one that delved into the very essence of a wizard's lineage. As Lucifer underwent the test, the truth of his ancestry was laid bare.

"By the founders of Hogwarts," the senior goblin muttered in awe as the results were revealed. "You are the founder of the Peverell bloodline, linked to Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Salazar Slytherin themselves."

Lucifer nodded, his eyes never leaving the parchment that confirmed his connection to the most esteemed witches and wizards in history.

With the Peverell inheritance now firmly established, Lucifer Morningstar stood before the wizarding world as its true heir. His decision was clear.

"I hereby declare Harry James Potter as my heir to all houses, that i Lucifer Morningstar belong to." Lucifer announced with a sense of authority that left no room for dispute.

The Potters exchanged amazed glances, realizing the significance of this declaration. Their son, Harry, was now heir to the four Hogwarts houses, and by extension, to an immense legacy and might of magic.

As the news spread through the wizarding world, a sense of anticipation and hope rippled through the ranks of witches and wizards. The Founder of Peverell had arisen, and in him, a new era of magic was poised to begin.

But Lucifer Morningstar knew that his role was far from over. With the power of the Deathly Hallows and the heritage of the Peverell bloodline at his disposal, he would shape the destiny of the wizarding world in ways even he could not predict.

And so, the story of the enigmatic Lucifer Morningstar, and the remarkable young Harry Potter, continued to unfold, casting a brilliant light over the realm of magic. Yet, there was a secret that Lucifer harboured, a revelation that would change everything.


In a remote, dimly lit forest near the village of Godric's Hollow, a group of cloaked figures moved with sinister purpose. Death Eaters, their masks concealing their identities, closed in on a small, secluded cottage—the home of Frank and Alice Longbottom, and their infant son, Neville.

Inside the cottage, the Longbottoms had been living in fear, knowing that they were among Voldemort's most wanted targets. They had fought valiantly as members of the Order of the Phoenix, and their resistance had earned them a special place on the Dark Lord's hit list.

As the Death Eaters approached, their wands at the ready, a sense of dread settled over the Longbottoms. They had prepared for this moment, but the odds were stacked against them.

Meanwhile, Lucifer Morningstar, having completed the inheritance test at Gringotts and declared Harry as the heir to the four Hogwarts houses, had become increasingly aware of the brewing darkness in the wizarding world. The knowledge of Voldemort's horcruxes weighed heavily on his mind, and he understood that he couldn't stand idly by.

In a flash of celestial magic, he disappeared from Gringotts Lucifer appeared at the edge of the forest, unseen by the approaching Death Eaters. He sensed the impending danger and the presence of dark magic.

Without hesitation, Lucifer stepped forward, his presence cloaked in an aura of divine power. He raised his hand, summoning the winds and swirling leaves to mask his approach.

Inside the Longbottom cottage, Frank and Alice Longbottom prepared for a desperate last stand. They knew that the Death Eaters would show no mercy. Neville, their precious son, lay asleep in his crib, oblivious to the impending danger.

The Death Eaters burst through the door, their dark cloaks billowing ominously. Spells flew, and the Longbottoms fought with all their might, but they were outnumbered, and the odds were against them.

At that critical moment, Lucifer Morningstar emerged from the shadows, his presence a beacon of hope amidst the darkness. With a flick of his hand, he summoned a powerful gust of wind that knocked the Death Eaters off their feet, sending them sprawling.

The Longbottoms, momentarily stunned, watched in astonishment as the mysterious figure in the darkened forest came to their aid.

"Who are you?" Frank Longbottom exclaimed, his wand still at the ready.

Lucifer's eyes gleamed with an otherworldly light. "Call me Lucifer, a guardian of sorts."

The Death Eaters, recovering from the sudden assault, unleashed a barrage of curses towards Lucifer. But with a wave of his hand, their dark magic dissipated harmlessly into the night.

In an instant, Lucifer's wings unfurled, their obsidian feathers catching the moonlight. He descended upon the Death Eaters with an elegance and power that defied explanation. With each stroke of his wings, he created a shockwave that sent the dark wizards tumbling.

Frank and Alice Longbottom, their hopes rekindled, joined Lucifer in the fray. Together, they fought with a newfound strength, their determination to protect their son lending them power. Spells of light and darkness clashed, and the forest resounded with the echoes of their battle.

Lucifer, his celestial abilities unmatched, disarmed the Death Eaters with ease. He didn't seek to harm, no not yet, but to subdue and incapacitate. In mere moments, the Death Eaters lay defeated and powerless.

Breathing heavily, Frank Longbottom looked at Lucifer with gratitude. "Thank you... for saving us."

Lucifer offered a nod, his gaze shifting to the still-sleeping Neville. "Your son has a significant role to play in the future of this world. Keep him safe."

Alice Longbottom's voice trembled with emotion. "But how can we ever repay you?"

Lucifer considered their question carefully, his thoughts turning to the life he had forged in America, far from the dangers of the British wizarding world.

"You may repay me by joining my family in America," he said, his voice filled with sincerity. "I have offered the same to the Potters, a chance for a fresh start, away from the darkness that haunts this land."

Frank and Alice exchanged glances, their hearts heavy with the knowledge of what they had been through and what lay ahead.

"We accept," Frank said firmly, a sense of determination in his eyes.

Lucifer nodded, a sense of fulfilment washing over him. "Then let us depart. Your future awaits."

As they left the forest behind, Lucifer Morningstar, the guardian of the Peverell bloodline, led the Longbottom's toward a new chapter in their lives, where hope and safety awaited them in the land of opportunity and rebirth.

----------------months later------------------

In the serene setting of Lucifer's private training grounds, James, Lily, Frank, and Alice stood before him, their determination mirrored in their eyes. They were ready to learn, to embrace the magic that had been dormant within them.

Lucifer Morningstar, the master of both wizarding and celestial arts, stood at the centre, his black wings unfurled, a symbol of his divine power.

"Now, my friends," he began, his voice steady and reassuring, "it's time to unlock the full potential within you."

For hours, they trained under Lucifer's watchful eye, honing their skills, learning new spells, and delving into the depths of magic that few had ever explored. It was a transformational experience, one that would prepare them for the challenges that lay ahead.


in a crib, withing the same mansion, young harry was sleeping next to Neville, his eyes glimmering a brilliant shade of green.

In a distant land shrouded in mystery, Harry Potter stood before a magnificent dragon's nest, not quite the baby he currently is. The mother dragon, fierce and majestic, had entrusted him with a precious gift—an egg pulsating with magic and possibility.

Lucifer Morningstar's influence reached even here, as he sensed the bond forming between Harry and the dragon egg. It was a connection that transcended words, a promise of greatness and destiny, even within a dream.

As Harry cradled the egg in his hands, a sense of purpose filled him, harry continued to sleep peacefully unaware that beside him a golden egg had appeared, little did he know that this egg held the key to a future that would reshape the wizarding world. And the years to come would change drastically.

And the secrets of the Peverell bloodline, intertwined with Lucifer Morningstar's legacy, were yet to be unveiled, Unknown to Lucifer a certain black-haired witch had an almost fanatical look on her face as she woke.

Things change, The perevell bloodline in this reality started with lucifer, but due to his memories he doesn't know that just yet.

As you can guess harry will be the fourth person with alice, Lucifer and jacob, eventually.(he is still going to hogwarts eventually just not as people expect him to be, and most definitely Dumbldore won't expect.

Harry's soul bond is open for now ideas can be thrown at me, IT will NOT be hermionie though, (though she wont be with Ron either...Ron might not play much of a part in this story.)

Jacob and Neville will also have a soul bond eventually, i was thinking of pairing Jacob up with someone from either the harry potter series or, teen wolf.

Thought's, comment and reviews are appreciated.

FanFicWriter030creators' thoughts