
Chapter 4 - Memories...Forgotten...Regained

Human life...is somebody's toy, when all's said and done. But...I like toys...because they make children smile. So, I've decided to treat them as precious things. And I'll never give them over...to some …absurd fate.

-------------------Meanwhile in another location------------------------------

A room within a grand mansion located in a Unknown place, five people are gathered around a table, on which lays a battered and broken man bleeding from various places.

"So, did you all feel it as well, the reason we have called this meeting" spoke a man sat at the head of the table.


"Yes, he has finally awakened just like it was foretold, and come to lead us once more, in the great battle once again" spoke the same man.

Glancing over to the pedestal behind them sits a symbol that has just begun to faintly glow.

"As our leader once said he will soon seek us out once more once his rebirth comes, though he may not remember us right away as it will take time for his memories to come forth, to lead us once more."

I was the first, little one. I was the first after my father and Mother. I was the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end. The one who held the keys of death and life. But then came that clay doll, and God loved him more than me, and more than Himself. And I said he was not worthy of the Father's love, and so I was spit on the Earth, to walk in the darkness...

"Those were the last written words from him before he left after the last battle"

"How much longer shall we be waiting...!" said a female.

"It does not matter how long we must wait; the alliance will be brought back together when the two of them finally meet again, we shall not fail this time with them at our side and we shall finally reclaim our home,

The Riders of Alagaesia,

The Supernatural forces around the planet, shall come to us.

And finally, those long forgotten by time, shall once more rise again, for we are and have always been the Morningstar Alliance."


In a house in the reservoir of Forks, a teen is sleeping, thrashing around seemingly in a nightmare, but actually he is experiencing dreams of lives past, again and again going back and forth throughout time all the way back to the start, to the first time meeting him.


In another part of the city, a Girl is having a vision, a new sort of vision, instead of the future she is experiencing the past, and everything that comes with it, moments in time, long forgotten, coming back to her, slowly while she lives those lives once again, with a man cast in shadows.


Walking down the main street window shopping to see if there is anything he needed to buy, out of the corner of his eye he notices something or someone familiar, a blonde-haired man, helping in a traffic accident.

Carlisle, it has been some time since our last time seeing each other maybe I should wait and see how he is in a few days I didn't know he was in forks.


Leaving forks temporarily to feed In the shadowy depths of a forgotten forest, Lucifer roamed with grace and precision. Unlike his vampiric brethren, Lucifer possessed a remarkable ability—one that set him apart from the rest. Each time he sank his fangs into the neck of his prey, he was gifted with the vivid memories of their mortal lives—their joys, sorrows, and fleeting moments of happiness.

These memories weighed on Lucifer's immortal soul, granting him insight into the human experience and leaving him with a sense of connection to a world he once knew. As he embarked on another hunt, his hunger grew unbearable, and he knew he had to feed soon.

Lucifer's path crossed with a young man named Riley, who carried a burden of sorrow and pain. Driven by the unrelenting need to feed, Lucifer decided to take from Riley, hoping to offer him a glimpse of happiness through the memories he would experience.

But when lucifer sank his teeth into Riley's flesh, something unexpected occurred. Instead of witnessing Riley's memories, he was overwhelmed by a torrent of darkness and despair. Bewildered, Lucifer delved deeper into Riley's past, determined to uncover the source of his suffering.

In doing so, Lucifer discovered a malevolent curse that had plagued Riley's bloodline for generations—a curse seeking to gain eternal life from his lineage.

As Lucifer unravelled the layers of the curse, he realized that its malevolence stemmed from a twisted enchantment cast by an ancient and vengeful sorceress. Her thirst for immortality had corrupted the bloodline of Riley's ancestors, cursing them with eternal suffering instead of the eternal life they sought.

Filled with a newfound determination to help Riley break free from this malevolent fate, Lucifer revealed to him the secret he had guarded for centuries—his unique ability to relive memories through the act of feeding. Although hesitant at first, Riley agreed to join Lucifer, understanding that their combined knowledge might be the key to reversing the curse.

As Lucifer and Riley uncovered the malevolent curse, they realized that its source lay within a hidden ancient artifact. The cursed object was hidden in a nearby cave, and they had to find and destroy it before nightfall to break the curse.

The cave was fraught with perilous traps and obstacles, but with Lucifer's grace and Riley's determination, they navigated through them swiftly. Drawing upon the memories Lucifer had consumed, they deciphered the puzzle guarding the artefact's location.

Upon reaching the cursed object, they encountered the vengeful sorceress guarding it. In a quick but intense battle, they managed to outwit her and destroy the artefact, severing the curse's malevolence.

As the sun set on the horizon, the curse was broken, and Riley felt a surge of newfound power coursing through him. Instead of eternal suffering, he now possessed the unique gift of drawing strength from the memories of his ancestors.

Lucifer and Riley emerged from the cave, victorious in their day-long quest. The forgotten forest echoed with a triumphant sigh of relief, and the bond between the vampire and the man grew even stronger as they celebrated their success.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and purple, Lucifer turned to Riley with a sombre yet hopeful expression. "Riley," he began, "with the power I possess, I can grant you true immortality. You would no longer age, and your life would stretch on indefinitely."

Riley looked at Lucifer, touched by the sincerity in his offer and Riley knew Lucifer genuinely wanted to bring him happiness. However, after careful consideration, he shook his head with a soft smile.

"Thank you, Lucifer," Riley said gratefully. "Your offer is tempting, but I've learned that life's beauty lies in its fleeting nature. It's the impermanence that makes every moment precious and meaningful."

Lucifer nodded, understanding Riley's perspective. He had relived countless memories of both joy and sorrow, and it had taught him the value of embracing the transient nature of existence.

"I respect your decision, Riley," Lucifer replied, admiration shining in his eyes. "You've taught me that there's profound strength in accepting life's ephemerality. Your choice is a testament to the wisdom you've gained through this journey."

With a bittersweet smile, Lucifer clasped Riley's shoulder. "Our paths may diverge for a while, my friend, but our bond will remain eternal." Riley nodded, grateful for the wisdom and camaraderie they had shared. "Thank you for everything," Riley said. "I'll treasure these memories forever." Lucifer nodded, his eyes reflecting the moon's gentle glow. "And I, too, will cherish the memories we've made. Farewell, Riley." With that, they parted ways, their hearts intertwined, knowing that one day, their journeys would lead them back together, under the same moonlit sky.


Back at the Cullen residence.

In the vibrant heart of the forest, amidst the ceaseless rhythm of life, resided a girl named Alice Cullen. Her existence was far from ordinary, for she bore an extraordinary gift that set her apart from the rest. Not only could she peer into the forgotten past, but her visions also stretched into the present and future, unravelling the threads of time in mysterious ways. These visions were not mere glimpses; they were immersive experiences, allowing her to live the lives of others as if they were her own.

One fateful day, as Alice delved into the distant past, she found herself entwined with an enigmatic figure through the corridors of time. His name was Lucifer Morningstar, a celestial being who walked the realms of both heaven and hell. Their souls became inexplicably bonded, connected across the eons, forging a link that transcended the boundaries of time and space.

In one of her visions, Alice was transported to a bygone era, where she assumed the identity of Isabella, a brave and free-spirited woman who lived in the 17th century. As Isabella, she experienced the joys and tribulations of a life that seemed distant yet strangely familiar. The connection with Lucifer was palpable even then, his presence lingering like a faint echo throughout her experiences.

In another vision, Alice found herself living in the bustling present, embodying the persona of a contemporary artist named Elise. Through Elise's eyes, she explored the complexities of modern life, navigating the intricacies of love, art, and ambition. In this time, the bond with Lucifer grew stronger, revealing glimpses of their intertwined destiny.

But it was the visions of the future that weighed heavily on Alice's heart. She saw herself and Lucifer entangled in a cosmic struggle, facing challenges that threatened the very fabric of existence. The fate of worlds rested on their shoulders, and the weight of such a responsibility was both exhilarating and daunting.

As Alice grappled with the gravity of her visions, she sought solace in the company of her adoptive family, the Cullens. Though they couldn't fully comprehend the extent of her connection with Lucifer, they offered unwavering support and love. Alice's gift of foresight proved invaluable in protecting her family and the world from potential dangers that loomed ahead.

Their intertwined journey was not without its trials and sacrifices. The forces of fate conspired to keep them apart, testing the depth of their bond at every turn. But Alice and Lucifer remained steadfast, their love bolstered by the knowledge that their souls were bound beyond the reaches of eternity.

In the end, Alice Cullen's extraordinary gift and her soul's connection with Lucifer Morningstar became a testament to the enduring power of love and the enigmatic nature of time. Their story transcended the boundaries of the mortal realm, weaving a tale of passion, sacrifice, and destiny that echoed through the ages.

As Alice's visions continued to guide her through the past, present, and future, she embraced her role as a guardian of time's secrets. Through her experiences as Isabella, Elise, and the cosmic struggles with Lucifer, she came to understand that the threads of destiny were interwoven, and every choice rippled across the tapestry of time.

With her soul bound to the Morningstar, Alice's journey became a dance through the ages—a symphony of memories, moments, and love that defied the confines of mere mortals. And as she embraced her cosmic destiny, she knew that their connection would endure, an eternal flame that burned across time and space, forever intertwined in the celestial dance of fate.


Back at the Black residence.

In the secluded house nestled within the tranquil reservoir of Forks, an enigmatic teen named Jacob Black lies asleep, cocooned in the embrace of haunting dreams. As he slumbers, he seems to be ensnared in a nightmarish labyrinth, where the threads of time intertwine and unravel. Each night, he traverses through a tapestry of past lives, a recurring odyssey that takes him back and forth across the eons, to a point even before his mortal existence began.

Unknown to the world, Jacob Black harbors a remarkable secret, one that binds him to a being of extraordinary nature. Across the annals of time, he is linked to none other than Lucifer Morningstar himself, their souls woven together as brothers through the passage of centuries. In each life, they find each other, destined to share an indissoluble bond that defies mortal comprehension.

In the ethereal realm of dreams, Jacob's consciousness floats weightlessly through the river of time, encountering fragments of his existence in myriad forms. As he traverses these temporal currents, he witnesses moments of joy, sorrow, and love that he once experienced with Lucifer. Each dream offers glimpses into their immortal companionship, a connection that surpasses the confines of mortality.

In one dream, he finds himself in the era of medieval knights and castles, where he and Lucifer are gallant warriors fighting side by side on the battlefield. Their loyalty and courage are unmatched, and their brotherly bond serves as a beacon of strength amidst the chaos of war.

In another, Jacob's dream guides him to the bustling streets of ancient Rome, where he and Lucifer assume the personas of philosophers, engaging in profound discussions about the cosmos, fate, and the human condition. Their intellectual camaraderie spans through the ages, transcending the boundaries of time.

Yet, amid the grandeur of these extraordinary lives, Jacob also encounters moments of darkness and loss. In a haunting dream set in the backdrop of the Salem witch trials, he witnesses the pain of separation as he and Lucifer are torn apart by the unjust accusations that plague the town. The sorrow they endure together leaves an indelible mark on their souls.

As the dreams continue to weave their tapestry, Jacob's awareness expands, and he begins to comprehend the significance of his connection to Lucifer. They are more than mere brothers-in-arms; they are kindred spirits who find solace in each other's presence throughout the expanse of time.

The dreams, however, do not always follow a linear path. There are instances when Jacob's consciousness plunges into moments of profound reflection, contemplating the origins of his bond with Lucifer. In these fragments of introspection, he comes face to face with the enigma of their union—a connection born not just from shared experiences but also from the intertwining of their very souls.

One night, as Jacob's dreams take him back to the dawn of creation, he stands at the precipice of time, witnessing the cosmic dance that birthed the universe. It is in this sublime moment that he first encounters Lucifer, not as the fallen angel, but as an ethereal being of light and love. Their souls merge briefly before being sent on separate journeys to fulfil their destinies in the mortal realm.

Throughout countless lives, they reunite, becoming shapeshifting wolves in the land of Forks, warriors in ancient lands, scholars of antiquity, and so much more. Each encounter reaffirms the deep connection they share, and though they may find themselves in different roles and circumstances, the essence of their brotherhood remains unchanged.

As Jacob's dreams continue to draw him into the vast expanse of time, he learns to embrace the intricate tapestry of his existence. The dreams become not just a vessel of exploration but also a path to self-discovery and acceptance. The knowledge that he and Lucifer are bound together by something divine and ineffable brings him a sense of peace and purpose.

In the waking world, Jacob carries with him the memories of his nocturnal journeys, cherishing the moments shared with Lucifer across the ages. He becomes more than just a teen from a small town; he becomes a witness to the tapestry of eternity, forever connected to the celestial spirit of his immortal brother.

And so, the house in the reservoir of Forks remains a cradle of dreams, a gateway to the vast expanse of time, where a teen named Jacob Black slumbers each night, thrashing around seemingly in a nightmare. But in truth, he is living a profound and eternal tale of brotherhood, love, and the unbreakable bond between a shapeshifting wolf and the celestial being who walks at his side across the ages.

I just want to thank people for waiting on me, hopefully i'll be back to a full time schedule soon but here is a little chapter for you.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

FanFicWriter030creators' thoughts