
Chapter 15

"Babe, give me the bat." A man dressed in pajamas came rushing out of a 2013 beige toyota minivan. I took a closer look at Janice to see she is dressed in her nightgown with a robe covering up her revealing arms. "JANICE, I THINK THEY LEFT ALREADY!" I shout so that she can hear me through her anger. "Oh really." Janice drops the bat and rushes inside. "Thank you." The man who I assume is Janice's husband says then walks in. I close the door and finally rejoin the group in the living room. "Hey, Jake next time you get a chick. Let us be the judge of her." Janice taps Jake on the shoulder. "Um….hi everyone I'm Austin. Janice's husband." Austin waves his hand in a gentle manner. "Oh, the otaku who named his son Goku" Sarah blurts out. Everyone laughs at that, even Jake. "It was the only thing she let me have….I wanted to name the first born, but she said no. Luckily for me we had twins." Austin started whining. At that moment we all saw who was the man of the relationship. "You know, I feel like there's somebody missing." Jake said as he sat down waiting for everyone to pat him on the back. "They're on the way. You don't exactly live close to me, you know." I said as I sat down next to him. "What I do know is that you slapped her for me. Thanks Lizzy." Jake gave me a smile. Oh thank god, I did the right thing. "Lizzy slapped her!!?" Janice questioned with shock. "Oh you guys should've seen her. She even dropped kicked the bitch right in her face." Everyone's eyes were now focused on me. "I was angry alright. No one's allowed to hurt you guys but us." I said sheepishly as I lowered my head. "Lizzy, you're a total badass!" Sarah laughed and paraded around the room. "Well thank you Lizzy, the mother of the group." Jake smiled, "You still won't let that go." I was embarrassed to remember that night I was sleep high. ~Knock, knock, knock~ "I'll get it." Austin said as he rushed to the door. "Does Grace and Julie know what Austin looks like?" Adam asked with a concerned face. We all turned to Adam before rushing to the door. "Hello I'm-" Austin was punched hard in the face. "Fucking men, most of you are such dogs." Julie was holding her hand in pain after punching Austin as hard as she could. "You should've used the crowbar that I brought. Now we're gonna have to fix your hand." Grace Said holding up a crowbar ready to swing. "Wait, wait, wait, that's Janice's husband!" Adam jumped in front of Grace hoping she wouldn't swing. "What?" Grace said as she eased up. "Wait, so I hit the wrong person?" Julie asked, still holding her hand. "Damn, we are late to the party I see." Grace put down the crowbar. Austin had a nosebleed and was sent to the bathroom with Janice as his nurse. "I guess I need to apologize." Julie said as she walked in. "That was a good jab though, not gonna lie." Jake laughed. "Anyone down for a movie while Sarah calls up her friends for Jake." I ask the group. They look at me with eyes of disbelief. "No, we're all gonna get high and then get Jake some pussy." Sarah said in a monotone voice. "Wait, as in paid pussy? But there's work to be done tomorrow?" I was panicking just trying to understand. "We'll invite the ambassador while we're high, I'm sure he wouldn't mind." Adam smiled. I was astonished at the very idea, it was unprofessional. Just completely immature. I looked at the group then back to Adam. "If this works you're all getting a raise." I said while allowing myself to put my faith in them. They smiled and went on comforting Jake. A couple of minutes went by and we were all drunk. Sarah was the first to burst open the stash Jake had failed to mention. We all decided to party hard, except Janice and Austin. Although, Austin wanted to. "Time to go out and have some fun?" Grace pointed to the door. We threw her an excited glance before following her out the door. "This is gonna be the best night of your life!!!" Julie shouted as she kissed Grace. We all were expecting much from this night. Adam went aside to call the ambassador, who knew he spoke perfect Spanish. "Okay the ambassador is happy to join us. He said this was why he came to America in the first place. Julie what did you promise him?" Adam looked concerned as he tapped on her shoulder. "I promised him some good kush and alcohol." Julie said with an ease in the air. "Oh and we're all getting tatted up too!" Grace let loose. "Wait, we all just can't get too wild." I rushed to Grace's side "Alright, we got the mom of the group." Jake tapped on my shoulder. The group rushed to their cars and hit the town. Julie and Grace followed Janice and Austin, who was talking on the phone with Jake. "Babe, we can't stop them. Let's join them." Adam pulled me to his car. Adam was taxed with picking up the ambassador. "This is not how work should be done." I whined as I got in. Grace sent me an address saying pick up. I put the address in my gps. "Oh, no need I know where that is." Adam said as he took my phone to turn the gps off. "Why do you know which hotel he lives in? Only Julie and I were supposed to know." I began suspecting him. "Alright, ~sigh~ before we started dating….that, that was my go-to spot. Once I saw the address I, I knew. You know?" Adam seemed unsure of himself and a bit uncomfortable talking about it. "Did you get an std?" I looked at my phone acting like I was too busy to look directly at him. "What, no! I checked myself every time at urgent care." He kept stealing nervous glances at me. "So why are you acting like that?" I asked. Honestly, it doesn't matter what Adam did before. What matters is what he's doing now. "What?" I noticed Adam started to sweat. "Adam, you don't need to worry about fighting me because of your past. It doesn't affect me now so why should I care?" I turned off my phone. "Wait, so I'm not gonna be yelled at right now?" Adam sheepishly smiled. I leaned into him and kissed him on the cheek. "I am not any other female. But I will ask you to get a recent check up." I giggled a bit as I fixed myself back on my seat. "I love you so fucking much." "I know" I smiled. "So were any of them prettier than me." I asked jokily while being half serious. "Haaaaaaaaa, haha. That's a trick question. There's no right answer." Adam paused "You are the prettiest woman I have ever laid eyes on. The other ones, although they tried. They couldn't compare to you." Adam seemed way more experienced dealing with women. "You damn right they couldn't." I laughed off the tiny suspicion that had crept inside me. When we got to the hotel Adam went out to get the ambassador. It's been a minute since he went in. ~Ding~. I checked my phone to see what message I got. Only it wasn't my phone. I looked at the cup holder. Adam had left his phone behind. What should I do? This is an amazing opportunity, I could go through his phone and see if he has a side piece. But if I do this….what would it mean for our relationship? Do I even trust Adam enough? Say I don't check it the time he gets back, would I have missed out on seeing if he really does have a side piece? But, what if I'm caught looking through his phone? A dent would put in our newly started relationship. The dent would've been caused by me. What should I do? I need to calm down and think, if he is cheating on me, would he leave evidence in his phone? Haven't I already questioned the type of man he was when I got drunk? Do I really need to do this? I pick up his phone. No, this isn't a good idea. I move it closer to me. Tap on the button to see the screen turn on. The phone had a lock, but I could see who messaged him thanks to the notifications. This person was saved under as; Lil bookworm. Oh, it's his brother. Thank God. A huge sigh of relief washed out any remaining feelings of the situation. I looked at the entrance to the hotel only to see Adam standing right outside looking at me as I put his phone down. Damn, I think I just dented us. The ambassador gets in the car excited. "We are going to have fun!? Ya!?" He says as he playfully taps me on my exposed arm. Adam gets in knowing he now has the upper hand. "Yes we are." He says as he starts his car. "Oh, by the way did you happen to see if anyone texted me the location?" Adam said "What?" I asked, trying not to feel as guilty as I already do. "Oh you know, since you clearly were going through my phone." Adam sounded angry. "I only looked to see who texted you. I didn't get into it. By the way it was your brother." I turned to the window and sulked. "Wait, wait are you serious right now?" Adam raised his voice just a little to let me know that he was getting annoyed. I turned my head to face him. "What? What is so hard to believe? That I just wanted to see who texted you. For all I know it could've been one of the guys." "But it wasn't, and that's not the point of this. You're not even sorry that you got caught snooping through my phone? No `I'm sorry babe, just wanted to see who texted you.` Or `my bad or fault I was curious.` Just a `it was your brother`." he was now yelling at me. "Ha, why should I apologize for your mistake?" I yelled back. I wasn't gonna let anyone talk to me that way. If he wanted to get me to apologize, he shouldn't have yelled at me. "Um, maybe the bitch can apologize some other time." The ambassador addressed Adam. "Shut the fuck up!" Adam and I said simultaneously. I called Julie to ask her where she was and if she was with the group. "Yeah come to the bar on dickens street. They allow you to smoke there." She seemed distracted a bit. "Where, can you just send me the address. I'll put it in my gps." I was getting more and more annoyed. "Grace, baby, I'm on the phone. I'll be quiet, you just need to focus on being quiet too." Eh! Wow, okay, that's sudden. "I'm uh, I'm uh hang up now." I stumbled on my words. "Where am I going?" Adam cut in. "To the bar on dickens street." I answered a little uneasy. "What's wrong?" Adam asked "Babe, I think Grace and Julie are….you know….doing something." I don't know why it was hard for me to say it but I just couldn't. "Well at least someone is getting lucky tonight." Adam said under his breath. "What?" That was more of a statement with attitude than a question. "What, so you can do and say whatever you want and I can't." Adam made a sharp turn knowing that I would hit the side. "Oh you fucking dick! Why would you do that?" "Was I supposed to know that, that would happen? Or should I apologize like your personal lap dog?" Adam was yelling at me again. "Oh, typical man. My curiosity was just an excuse for you to change up on me and let me see just how disrespectful you are." I shouted. "What, no. No NO NO NO NO. You can't use this as your way of labeling me into an image you think seems to be true. How many times do I gotta prove myself to you for you to get it through your thick, GUARDED SKULL!" "Oh, now you're saying something. You know I didn't ask you to fucking cater to me. I even said I didn't want to be claimed or claim you. I want you to be yourself. But all you fucking do is try to keep me happy like you did something wrong. So of course I would feel like you're hiding something from me." We were arguing again. "You know what." Adam paused a little too long. "WHAT? WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW?" I grew impatient with each passing second. Just waiting for him to hurt me. "That's it. Stop the car. If I wanted an uncomfortable ride of you two annoying asses I would've stayed home with my wife and daughter." The ambassador crossed his arms. "No need, we're here." Adam stopped the car. "Oh good, don't ever think of talking to me again. I'm going over to the lesbians who are having fun." The ambassador stormed out the car and slammed the door. "Are we, are we annoying?" I turned to Adam seriously confused. Adam unbuckled his seat belt and rushed to my side. He picked my head up slightly as he kissed me very aggressively. I pushed him back not knowing what to think. I stared at him as he sulked on the floor of his car. We were just fighting right? Why did he kiss me? "You….you are just too amazing of a woman. I know you have trust issues so I was never mad. I saw how hard it was for you to pick it up. I just wanted an apology for the fact you still don't trust me. But, you're so unfair. You think I go through the trouble of making you happy because I'm hiding something. Haha, meanwhile you never considered I just love how you look with a smile on your face." Adam leaned on the backseat and took a huge sigh. "Pfft-" I held back my laughter. The atmosphere seemed light and friendly making me relax. I unbuckled my seat belt and crawled on top of Adam. "I'm sorry I couldn't help myself with your phone. If it makes you feel any better, I really did just want to know who texted you. I didn't care what the message had said." I kissed Adam gently to let him know I'm not guarded anymore. "You were really struggling." Adam started laughing. "How long were you standing there anyway?" I was a bit flustered. "A good minute. I saw how you kept stopping yourself from touching my phone, even when you shook your head. You were so adorable." He saw that!!!! Oh my gosh I'm so embarrassed. "Then, why get so- ow" I bit my tongue while trying to ask a question. Great, I seem to not have the ability to look like a mature woman in front of Adam. In my self pity state Adam grabs my face and kisses me. The kiss was less aggressive and felt like happiness. It was warming as he slid his hands up my shirt. His hand melting the skin at which he touched. It was like he was covering me with a safety blanket. Which made me wonder if I could do the same. Can I make him feel as safe as he's making me feel? Let's try it. I let my hands roam his body underneath the clothes. I felt as his hands roamed up. A slight moan came out of me when one of his hands reached my right boob. I stopped kissing him. My cheeks felt hot as I now noticed I was sitting on his boner. Adam took this time to take off his shirt. Even though Adam and I have been dating for a couple of months, we agreed to take things slow for me. I knew what he was thinking at this moment, and I am happy to say it didn't bother me. I followed Adam's lead and took off my shirt and bra. Adam smiled as he gripped them. I had forgotten how it felt to be touched like this. He gave them a couple squeezes before kissing my body. Our skins were touching, it felt smooth and warm. My response to this shifted the innocent Elizabeth out of the way for slutty Elizabeth to play. I first started playing with his ear, then moved down to his chest. No words were spoken but Adam knew that this was a side of me that was only revealed when drunk. I explored the top half of his body till I wanted to venture deeper. I tugged at his pants letting him know it needs to go. "Yes Ma'am" Adam said as he picked me up so he could take off his pants. I watched as Adam struggled with his belt. He was taking too long. Without saying anything I moved his hands away and summoned the inner strength I had, and ripped the belt off. "That was a good belt." Adam put his hands to his mouth to let me know just how shocked he was. I unbuckled his pants and slid them down. "Okay, you wanna get aggressive, then let's get aggressive." Adam said before pushing me to the back seat. It was then I wanted to pin him down and ride him like a horse. Adam grabbed both of my hands and held them tightly together in one hand. Did he know I was gonna try to be the dominant one? "Let's get this straight, I am top." Adam declared so sternly it made me cum a little. Do I like this?!! I've always been on top, I don't know how it feels to be dominated. "One more thing, are you sure about this?" Adam asked as he used his free hand to roam further down my waistline. "Yes." I said pouting that he has me in a lock. Adam then began touching me down there and smiling while I moan. He was teasing me. I am gonna make him regret that. Adam let go of my hands to take off my pants. I let him do it. Once it was off I pinned him down "You want to be top, then you gotta over power me, and honey that ain't easy." I leaned in and started sucking away. I played with the balls as I deep throated him. Through the sloppy choking sounds I heard him moan. It only encouraged me to go deeper. "Oh my God, you are good at that!" He said as he sat up a bit. "But, I'm top." Adam then stops me and pins me. "I'll show you why I'm top too." He says as he penetrates me. It hurt a bit but I liked it. Could I be a Sadist? It took me a minute to realize that our first time together was on some road in the back of his car. "Oh, the nerve of you to drift off, I guess I can stop going gentle." Adam smirked. Wait, he noticed! Adam started thrusting and squeezing my boobs. I felt the whole sensation through my body. I could no longer think. My main focus was Adam and Adam alone. Ah, I think I've fallen too hard for him.

Warning this book and espsocially this chapter is for 18+ .....I read all my chapters to my mom T^T this one I might just skip...

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