
Chapter 14

It's been a couple of months since that night. My bond with the gang only increased as I began trusting them more and more. I also learned new things from them. Like Jake is getting married, His best man is Sarah. "So, when were you planning on telling us about your mystery woman?" Janice said as she took a bottle from my fridge. "I was planning on telling you guys after the marriage, but my best man here couldn't keep her mouth shut." Jake smiled then looked at Sarah who was laid out on the couch. "I told you I have trouble keeping secrets, yet you still told me." Sarah rolled her eyes. "Enough, guys Julie is flat faced drunk so I need one of you guys to check in on the ambassador in the morning." I said getting up to grab another bottle. "I think you had enough." Adam got up and took my bottle from my hand. "Hey!" I threw Adam an angry glance. "Wait...has anyone seen Grace?" Janice noticed, we all stopped relaxing as we all looked at each other. "Why couldn't they wait till they were alone?" I facepalmed myself and rushed to my room. My room is the only one with a bed in it so the only place to do something would be there. The rest of the gang followed. I opened my room door to find both Julie and Grace asleep cuddled up together. "Aww, they look so cute together." Sarah clapped her hands together as she brought it up to her face. "Damn it, you guys are too comfortable here. Adam mind if I crash the night?" I said crossing my arms. This was one of the things I was afraid of. Once Julie is knocked out due to alcohol, there would be no way to wake her. "I'm not gonna let you sleep all night." Adam joked. Everyone's attention turned to us. "You 2 are gonna get it on? Bro….I thought we were brothers." Jake smiled as he tapped Adam on the shoulder. "Then why is Sarah your best man?" Adam clapped back fast. We laughed then went back to the living room. "Alright, just to clear out any dirty thoughts you guys have….~ahem~ Jake." "Hey!" "No, we did not and will not do the act yet. I just need a bed because mine is being preoccupied by a couple." I went straight to the fridge to get myself another mike and Ike's wine cooler. "By the rate you're going I wouldn't be too sure." Adam laughed causing everyone else to laugh along. "I'm gonna go home now, I miss being cute with my hubby. Lizzy or Sarah don't forget to remind the sleeping birds that tomorrow is girls night, I finally get to show off my boys." "Well, seeing as I'm the only single one in the group….I'll take that responsibility." Sarah got up and followed Janice out. "You know I forgot she came with Janice." Jake bumped in from the kitchen. "Should we stop the hang out now?" Adam asked as he took the wine cooler from me. "Oh, would you stop that!" "Also me and Jake have plans with the ambassador tomorrow so one of us would check up on him." Adam chugged the rest of my drink daring me to grab another. "Hmmm….It's Jake I trust, but you…." I stopped to tease him. "Okay lovey dovey couple, can we go now?" Jake rushed us to the door. "Wait, I need to leave a note. Knowing them, they or at least Julie will go into my secret stash." I said as I rushed to my kitchen to leave a note. I grabbed a post-it note that I keep in my draw along with a pen and write; Be back later, don't touch what I don't want you to. Julie knows what this means. I stick it to the fridge door and leave. I have come to the reality that my house has become the ultimate safe house for the group to be themselves and have fun. Maybe I should start filling the other rooms with furniture so they can sleep over. I don't want to keep leaving my house too. "Alright, Lizzy, Adam. This will be the first time you guys get to see my lovely bride to be. Adam don't stare at her too long." Jake warned from the backseat of the car. "Buddy, why would I stare when I already got Lizzy?" Adam smiled. I blushed at that, knowing that Adam thinks I'm a goddess look-a-like makes me feel more confident in myself. We had been dating for 2 months and so far his attitude towards me remains the same. "Adam you don't need to brag right now, Jake I really can't wait to meet her! How long is her hair? What does she do for a living? Wait, answer this first. Is she friendly, wait wait wait! Is she pretty? How many kids does she want? Does she like movies or books more?" "Lizzy I think you're more eager to meet her than Sarah was." Jake chuckled "Oh I didn't prepare a gift to give her, would she think I'm rude?" "Liz, baby you're fine. You can have a conversation with her when we get there." Adam sighed as he sped up a little. "First of all, I feel left out. Thanks Jake. I just want to know if it would be easy to welcome her to the group or hard to accept." I pouted letting them both know that I was a bit nervous. "I'm sure she's lovely, after all Jake chose her." Adam reassured me. "That's right, my taste in women is good. You'll love her, and she'll love you." Jake smiled and tapped me on the shoulder. I felt at ease knowing that these 2 were so sure that I'll hit it off with her. "Are we there yet?" I asked, not wanting to wait any longer. "Almost, my place is just around the corner." Jake moved up a bit to see better. "We're here." Adam said, pulling up to a driveway. The house was fairly big but humble enough to call comfy. I rushed out the car as I grew more excited to meet the mystery woman. "Hurry Jake, hurry" I went over to Jake and stretched out my hand to get his keys. "Alright, fine just don't scare her" Jake handed me the keys and with that I ran to the front of his house. I unlocked the door and waltzed right in. I turned to scope the place out. The living room was to the right and it was properly furnished. It had a big beige couch and a tv complete with gaming consoles and remotes. I walked further into the house and was in the kitchen. There I saw how the kitchen sparkled with ease and how a girl was getting fucked on the table. I took a moment to clear my head and grasp what I just walked in on. Does Jake have a sister? He might, after all he doesn't talk much about his family. But why would she do this here? "Lizzy are you in the kitchen?" Jake called out from a distance. The couple turned to me and stopped what they were doing. I couldn't speak, instead I studied their reaction. The female's mouth dropped wide open, as the male pulled out. I don't think that's his sister any more. Jake walked up to me and I pushed him back. "I think you should sit down first." I finally spoke. My eyes began to tear up involuntarily. "Lizzy what's wrong?" Adam asked as he came up from behind Jake. "I think we all should get dressed and explain ourselves." I spoke through my tears. I was holding Jake back from entering the kitchen. He gently moved my hands and walked in. I don't want to see Jake get hurt. I don't want to see Jake cry. Adam rushed to my side and hugged me. "WHAT THE FUCK?!!!!!" Jake screamed. I closed my eyes hoping I wasn't there. Jake has always been someone who couldn't get hurt. He was always positive. Something like this would definitely change him. "Honey, I-I'm soo sorry. It's really not what you think. You see, I….I was r@ped!" When I heard that, I suddenly regained my energy. But this time I was energized with anger. I gently pushed Adam off of me and stormed into the kitchen. "R@ped!? You said that you liked it!" The naked man spoke. I had almost forgotten, not all people are good. I rushed over to the female and bitch slapped her. Then I grabbed her by the hair and dragged her past the living room then to the front door. "Let go of me you crazy bitch!" She wailed and tugged at me, scratching at my hand. However, I wouldn't let go. "JAKE! I'm taking out the trash." I said as I let my anger get the best of me. Adam followed right behind me with the naked man in a headlock. "Me too bud." We threw them out the house butt naked. Letting them feel the cold they brought into Jake's heart. "You bitch." The woman rushed to me. I didn't think at all and let my body move on it's own. I kicked her head first, knocking her out. The naked man saw this and stood still. "Never, and I mean never come back here. You both are the scum of the earth which gravel at the chance to get into the life we live. If I hear from the man of this house that you or that slut came back then I will personally hunt you down and make your lives a living nightmare." It was my anger talking. And I let it talk. Me and Adam went back inside and locked the door. Adam went to Jake who was still in the kitchen. "Jake, you okay?" Adam asked as he guided Jake to sit down in the living room. "I thought….I loved her." Jake broke out into tears. It was the first time I saw him cry. I didn't know what I should do. I walked to him and sat down next to him to give him a hug. "Look at it this way, now you can focus more on your work." I said thinking it was the right thing to say. "Pfft- Lizzy, I know you're trying to cheer me up. But not everyone's a workaholic like you." Jake tried to laugh through his tears. "Babe, I got this." Adam shooed me away. "Oh okay." I let go of Jake and walked to the kitchen. There I texted the rest of the group what had just happened. I filled them in then asked for advice on how to comfort him. Instead of texting back they called. All of our phones rang. I heard as the two of them picked up. Grace had called Adam. Apparently she was up. Janice called me. And Sarah called Jake. I picked up my phone and answered "Hello." "I'm on my way, is that bitch still outside….Honey please don't beat up a naked lady." I think Janice brought her husband with her. "Shut up, I only need you to beat up the fucker that fucked that whore." Janice hung up, it sounded like she was already in the car. "Lizzy!" Adam called for me. "Yes handsome." I tried to ease the anger that I knew I started. "Come here." Adam was very stern when he said that. I might as well get this over with. "In my defense I only wanted advice to comfort Jake." I explained myself as I walked back to the living room. "Adam it's fine. She is just a bit ignorant when it comes to stuff like this." There it is! Jake's dark side. I've only seen this once when I had reminded him that I was his boss first. "What were you thinking calling the gang? What if Jake wanted to keep it all low key? Did you even think about him when you told the rest of the gang?" Adam reprimanded me. "I just wanted to comfort hi-" "No, you need to start thinking about how others would feel if you put their business out in the open. Might as well call up his parents and tell them too!" Adam raised his voice. I was realizing that it was indeed a selfish move from me to just tell the gang without asking Jake first. "Come closer." Adam demanded. I moved closer to him with my tail behind my legs. Adam then flicked me in the forehead. "Ow! That hurts you son of a bitch." I cried out. "How do you think Jake felt?" I looked to Jake, who was sitting down with his head hanging not saying a word. "I'm sorry Jake." I apologized. ~Knock, knock, knock~ "I'll get it!" I said excited to leave the trouble I got myself into. I rushed to the front door and opened it. "Where is he?" It was Sarah. She waltzed right in ignoring me. "Jake, I know what she did sucked ass. But….but I just want you to know….I told you so you little dummy. How many times did I have to tell you, the bitch got a man on the side and she is bringing him to your house? Drop the act and get to the club. You're getting laid tonight!" Sarah was tough with her words. "Can you really do it?" Jake questioned and paused for a bit. "Can you really get me laid at this time of night?" Jake stood up full of energy. "Of course I can then after, you can cry your eyes out for however long you want." She hugged Jake and patted him on the back. I was still at the door shocked at Sarah's tough love. "Where is she! WHERE IS THE BITCH!" I heard in the distance. I turned my face to see Janice with a bat in her hand. Fear overcame me. Oh my god, just what did I start?

Raise of hands, who needs friends like this (-_- ) / I know I do....Omg Janice is ready to kill XD

Kittylittle_22creators' thoughts