
Chapter 16

Afterwards, we dressed each other back up and walked out the car. "Do you think they would know what we just did, because of how long we were gone." I turned to Adam a little dreary eyed. I rubbed my eye and yawned as if my energy for the day had been spent. "No, but we do now." I heard Janice shout out. Both Adam and I turned to face the unexpected group. They were smiling and giggling. "W-what are you guys doing here?" I changed the subject. "Really! All that fighting! ALL THAT FIGHTING! Just because you wanted to make love. Jeeze you make me miss my wife." The ambassador flared his arms up as he paced back. "Did you guys know he speaks perfect english?" Jake lifted his thumb to point at him. "Pfft- Hahahahahaa" Sarah broke into laughter. Causing the rest of us to laugh and continue on with the night. Which eventually ended in my house. We bought some weed from the store, luckily Sarah and Jake already had a license to buy weed. Then we went clubbing. The ambassador stayed away from me and Adam the whole time we were there. Once he was drunk and high we all decided to go home for an after party. Austin and Janice took the ambassador to the hotel he was staying at. "So how was it?" Sarah pulled me into my room where magically Janice, Grace, Julie, waited for me. "When did you guys get here?" I asked surprised, Sarah just shut the door and rushed me to my bed. "We've been waiting here for you." Julie giggled as she moved aside to make room for both Sarah and I. I knew now what was going on. This must be the rumored girl talk that you have with a group and not just one friend. I was instantly pulled to my bed and told to spill the beans already. "Okay, okay. Stop pestering me. I'll tell you guys. Geeze." I sighed as I prepared myself to tell the story they all were dying for. "We were fighting again." I paused to add suspense. "Then, out of nowhere we were feeling appreciation for each other. Which made it all the more harder to resist. I felt like he knew what to do. Like for me, He knew what I would like without even asking." Now that I think about it, Adam did pull all the right moves. Maybe he- "Lizzy no, you just found someone who understands your sexual needs. That's not a bad thing. In fact that's a lucky thing. Ohmygosh!" Julie rolled over on top of Grace. "Did he fondle your breast and give it a little kiss? Or was he wild with it?" Julie asked as she demonstrated what she meant. Grace who was being fondled in front of us was moving around at the slightest chance to get Julie off of her. "Hahaha, no way he had to do both. This is Lizzy we're talking about. She's a hard one to crack but once you do she's nothing but a softie." Sarah laughed as she jumped in the fun of the two. I looked around and saw a pattern. Could Janice join in that too? "Okay girls, I think we're doing the wrong thing. Honestly the only way to tell is…." Janice stood up and sat behind me only to fondle me. She pushed and pulled and squeezed as she played. I couldn't help but to let out a small moan. "He did both!" She laughed as she continued her play. "Hey, th-mm would you just-ahh" I couldn't speak. The rest of the girls stopped what they were doing to come over to me. What's going on? Is this how a group girl talk goes? "Alright, you guys asked for it!" I said through my moans. I closed my eyes and grabbed the nearest set I could find. "Ahh" I heard two voices. I peeked my eyes open just a bit to see who I ended up grabbing. It was Grace and Julie. My right hand was on Julie's left boob and my left on Grace's right. "Wow, You're still not satisfied!" "Momma! Lizzy is bullying me!" Julie fake cried to Janice. "Pfft- Who told you girls to awaken her?" Janice laughed as she petted Julie on the head. The wildness that came to be had ceased to exist. We all just started laughing and talking about nonsense. It was a fun and happy moment for me. Never would I have guessed I was someone who would ever have this much friends and a good boyfriend. I can mark this as a check for good times. 2 hours went by and we all fell asleep just listening to the sound of our own voices gently tuck us in. It was at the time of 4 in the morning I woke up for a late night snack. When I reach my kitchen with half closed eyes I prepare myself a drink. I walked right past a mysterious figure that had crept slowly away from my couch. I looked again at the mysterious figure that was moving so slowly. "Who's there!" I raised my voice in hopes of waking up the girls. The silhouette stops in place. Fear of the possibilities spread all over me. Who the hell is in my house at 4 o'clock in the morning? I opened my draw and pulled out a knife. "Whoever you are, drop whatever you took." I spoke loudly letting the girls know this is not a joke. One by one I saw them quietly walk out of my room to sneak up behind the interloper. The interloper said nothing as he or she threw a small item on my couch. It jingled like keys. Is that how he got in? But, that doesn't make sense. "Cálmate mi conejito mullido. It's me love, Anthony." The girls attacked Anthony as soon as they heard his name. One by one, taking turns and pouting about missing a hit. I stood frozen in place. "Little bunny, help me." My heart skipped a beat as I was taken back to high school. It was just me, I had recently moved to this town and had yet to make friends. I would always walk home alone. However, on this particular day a bunny with a dirty brown coat was hopping around me. So much so that I decided to play with it. I didn't take into consideration of the fact that a wild bunny that's friendly, might be diseased and wanting to spread the awful plague. The bunny was actually docile and didn't bite. I grew fond of that bunny. The next day I saw that same bunny again. This time I named her fluffy and took her home. Later that day I begged and begged my mother to take her to the vet. But, my mother only got mad and told me that we didn't have money for the vet. So I did what any rational teenager would do. I took fluffy to the vet under the pretense of her dying. That way she gets immediate care. It was there that I met him. This cutely dressed hispanic boy was pacing back and forth. "Excuse me, but what do you mean you lost her?! She's not that small!" he was practically losing his mind. "I'm sorry we are doing what we can to find Princess." An attendant spoke out trying to calm the young boy down. "Have you considered working HARDER SO THAT WAY YOU WON'T LOSE YOUR PATIENTS!!!!!" His patience ran dry with each passing word. "Sir, I'm sorry but you really shouldn't have taught her how to open her own gate." "What if I'm not around and there's a fire, who's gonna save her? Clearly not you, you couldn't even watch her under a controlled environment!" I couldn't help but to laugh when I heard how caring the young boy was of his pet. But the conversation also made me want to look elsewhere for a check up. The boy turned to me with sharp eyes. "You think this is fun- Princesa. Ven aca." Fluffy hopped out of my arms to the legs of that boy. "Hey, fluffy!" I said while still processing the situation. That explains why she was so well behaved when I met her. "Fluffy! Ha, her name is Princesa. Thank you for finding her." The young boy picked Princesa up and walked away. I couldn't help but feel robbed. I blinked, taking me out of memory lane and back into my house. The sudden urge to help him overcame me and started controlling my body. I pushed my way to Anthony and guarded his body with mine. The girls stopped hitting when they realized what I was doing. "Lizzy what the fuck?" Julie yanked me off him. When I saw him I didn't see Anthony. I saw the young boy I had just met. "Leave him alone!" I raised my voice in anger. The girls stepped back as they tried to grasp the situation. I pushed Julie away from me and went straight to Anthony's side. "Are you okay? Where does it hurt?" I panicked before realizing what I was doing. I stopped in my tracks. What just came over me? "I knew you still loved me." Anthony smiled as he pulled me close to him and hugged me. Anxiety and fear came over my body giving it one message. Kill him. I fought the urge to do any more damage as I pushed him off of me. "You need to leave." I said while gritting my teeth. The girls not wanting to step in any more just stood in their place with their arms crossed. I put my head down. Did he still have a hold on me? Why? How come I couldn't control myself? I waited for the footsteps to stop and the door that was recently swung open to close. I stood in my place. Does this really mean I still love him? Why was he here in the first place? My mind raced as I picked up the keys from the couch to examine it. One of the girls turned on the light and motioned the rest to sit down. When I saw the keys in the light I dropped to my knees. These were the first pair of keys that I got for this house. Anthony had said he lost them when I asked for it back. Luckily I had a spare and was able to change my locks. But, how did he get in? I was deep in thought. Confusion really seemed to be a loyal friend. "So, are you gonna tell us what that was about?" Janice broke the silence harshly. "I-I don't know" "No, an I don't know is not gonna cut it." Julie said looking at me angrily. I know I was in trouble with my girls, but I couldn't help feeling scared at what had taken over me. It was like I was possessed. I looked at them with teary eyes. "I'm sorry, If at any time at all I start behaving out of character please slap me." I was scared that I might end up in bed with Anthony. Based on what just happened the possibility is there. I looked to Julie as I tried to understand myself. "Huuuuuuuhh!" She sighed and sat on the floor next to me. "Why did you think you did it?" Finally a question I can answer. "I saw Anthony, the little Anthony that I had just met. It was like you guys were beating up a young adalencant teenager. Then something deep from within told me to protect him." I spoke to the best of my knowledge. I don't know what it was that had possessed me, but when it took over I felt like I was that young dumb high school girl again. I let myself fall onto Julie's lap. "It was like I wasn't me anymore. But I was still me." I spoke softly trying to forget the feeling ever existed. "Sarah, help me to pour some drinks for everyone. We got a long night ahead of us." Janice stood up and walked over to the kitchen. Sarah followed behind like a lost puppy. Grace got up from the couch and onto the floor to the other side of me. "Well, at least we got to hit him a few times." Grace was the first to welcome back a warm atmosphere of joy back into the house. Julie giggled a bit. "Yes, and I have waited years to do that." The laughter of Julie made me confident in myself again. I sat up and asked Janice if she can make my drink a little stronger. Janice nodded her head as she poured the rest of my hennessy in my cup. I nodded back letting her know that if she wanted to lace my drink, I would still drink it. Not knowing about myself really does make it hard to live. I wonder how I would act if I tried hard drugs? Maybe I should just give into the temptations of it and let it take all of my stress. Maybe I should just become a drug addict. A single tear ran down my face as I suppressed the urge to cry. I don't want to cry, I don't want to cry. I thought to myself. "Here you go honey, No water." Sarah handed my drink to me. I took it from her hands and started drinking. The better taste of vodka and hennessy going down my throat only to set my insides on fire pleased me. I didn't stop drinking till my cup was empty. I slammed the cup down on the table and demanded for another cup. Sarah looked at Janice and Janice looked at me. Then Janice turned to Sarah and nodded her head. Sarah took my empty cup and handed it to Janice. I started feeling like I was at a bar and not home. I began feeling light and giddy. This was the feeling I was looking for. The very feeling is so fun and light you just forget your problems and let the happiness take over you. If I willed it, I could be on the moon or in the ocean. Haha, this beautiful feeling. The last time I felt it I was at a house party of my sophomore year. My first party. I was taken back to memory lane again. It was some senior's party at which I snuck into. The house was big and so many people were there. It made it hard to actually view the house. I followed the tallest guy there to the kitchen where the kids were smoking. At first I coughed and waved my hand in front of my face. I went deeper in still. I walked over to the fridge to get myself a drink. I was alone so I wouldn't be too sure if I could trust someone else to fetch me a drink. I grabbed the nearest drink I could without looking like I was fishing for too long. Then I sat in the midst of the smoke and took a deep inhale. No one could tell me what to do or when I do it. I felt a huge weight lift from my shoulders as I began to relax. Ah, how wonderful. I thought as I opened my wine cooler and took a huge gulp. I had been stressed out with my grade and my teacher. The bastard asked me to give him a blow job for my grades to be changed. Just remembering it sickened me. Men, were they always so dirty and scummy? All I wanted was a way to get extra credit to help my grades improve. Ugh! Why is this wine cooler not working. It took me a minute to realize I had finished the bottle. "Here" Charles passed me a drink. He was the kid that always hangs with 2 other guys. If I remember correctly they're the tech geeks. I take the bottle from him, open it and chug it back. "Here" Charles passed me another drink. I repeated my actions. Once again I heard him say "Here". Like clockwork, I chugged for the third time. "What's your name?" "Elizabeth, do you have more?" I asked looking back to the other two who were expected to be there. "She's cool!!!!" Charles yelled, igniting the entire kitchen to yell in response. They then crowded me and lifted me up in the air. Carrying me to the living room where the life of the party was. There I saw a keg, in the middle of the floor and a couple of guys chanting chug, chug, chug simultaneously. Instant excitement rushed down my back as I shivered trying to control myself. The crowd put me down and handed me the nozzle. I took it and waited for the two guys in the back of me to lift me up. Once they did it began. The beer rushed to my mouth and down my throat. I had thrown up a lot today so I felt like I was eating. I just wanted more. "20, 21, 22, 23, 24" I heard them count. Was that my count? I've never done this before and had only seen it in movies. Was it a good count? Who cares I came here to get drunk. I just kept on drinking. "60, 61, 62, 63," I came back to reality. I tapped on the keg letting them know I'm good. There were a lot of phones and flashes pointed at me. I looked down to see if I was missing any clothing. "OUR NEW CHAMPION!!!" Some boy raised my arm up in the air and waved it back and forth. By now you think I would be feeling it. I felt nothing. My mother had beat me senseless before I was even able to explain to her my grades. She told me that I was a disappointment. I also wanted to forget that. I looked around the house once the strange boy let go of my hand. I must've stumbled a bit cuz people were helping me walk. I remembered how that bastard teacher of mine locked the door after I refused the blackmail. "Do you really want to disappoint your mother?" He smiled. Walked closer to where I stood. I took steps back indicating my uneasiness with this situation. "Listen, I'm sure something could be worked out, but not this. I….um….I really think that extra credit would be appreciated for both parties." I said lifting my hands up to guard myself. "This can be considered extra credit. After all it doesn't have to be a one time thing." The teacher leaned in close enough to whisper the last part in my ear. I jumped back startled at the audacity he had. I hit the wall. Oh no there's no more space. I only realized I was stuck once I hit the wall. He stretched his arms parallel to each other hitting the wall, therefore locking me in place. I crossed my arms covering my breast. "So, little student, what do you say?" He talked very low, forcing me to focus on him and his words. "No" I answered sheepishly. "I'll take your silence as a yes." The teacher said as he ripped my arms open. Did he not hear me? I Just need to speak louder. I opened my mouth to speak but just ushering and sound out of me was futile. Why can't I speak? I was scared, my voice wasn't working and his was. What if a passerby can't hear me? Just then like magic the teacher's door swings open and the young boy from the vet rushes in and punches the teacher straight in the face. Thank God, thank you God! I rushed behind the boy pulling him back off the teacher and out of the room. I of course was the first one out. I felt so numb at that moment. "Hey!" The boy shook me and dragged me down the hall and out the school. I was exhausted but I didn't let that stop my legs. We ran all the way to his house. "Are you okay, Fluffy bunny?" He said. So he remembered me too. I smiled through my heavy breathing. I was taken back to the party where I was in a room all by myself. Whose room did I enter? I sat on the bed only to plop down and rest. But as I fell back I hit something. "Hey cabron. I'm sleeping, oh." The person sat up to reveal his face. I turned my head to face the unexpected person. It was that same young boy. If he was coming here why bother dropping me off? "Did you just call me fucker?" "Fluffy bunny we just got to stop bumping into each other." He picked me up and put me in his arms. It was comfortable so I didn't fuss. "Why do you call me Fluffy bunny? Even after I told you my name?" I was a little annoyed at the name. "You don't like it? I love it. It reminds me of the first word an angle said to me." I chuckled at the sound of that. "It wasn't to you. How's fluffy by the way?" "Princesa, oh she's good." I laughed again. "The names you come up with are cheesy." I smirked, "oh and fluffy isn't?" we laughed a bit as I rolled off of him and into the sheets. I was a bit cold. "What's your name?" I finally asked him. "Fluffy! This whole time you didn't know my name?" He titled his head a bit and smirked. "Haha, I know. Just tell me." I poked his cheek. "Wow, Anthony." I was brought back to the present with a fresh splash of cold water hitting my face. "Lizzy are you okay?" Janice said as she held my hair back from falling in the sink. "I'm fine, call Adam here and tell him to bring his dick." I responded. "Okay cold water it is." She said as she splashed yet another wave of cold water in my face. "Are you okay?" Janice asked again. "Yes, I'm fine." I said and tapped on her arm. "Towel!" Janice turned to Sarah who was holding a cup of water and medicine. She put the items down and picked up a small cloth. "Here you go." She handed Janice the small cloth and picked up the cup and pills. Janice patted my face dry enough for me to open my eyes. "Alive!" Janice stretched out her hand to receive the pills. "Alive!" Sarah repeated as she smacked the pills into Janice's hand. "Open!" Janice said. I felt like this was a drill that I got the lucky chance to partake in. I opened my mouth and allowed Janice to feed me. "Cup!" Sarah passed Janice the cup and repeated the word. I also wanted to be part of it. "Cup!" I repeated. They laughed a bit. "No, you drink." Janice spoke slowly to make sure I understood. I nodded my head as I took the cup from her hand and drank the pills down. Yay, I had my own part. Yeah that's right, ha in your face Sarah! I had my own part! I was happy to be the special one. "Woooo!" I twirled out of Janice's grasp and back into the living room. "Whatever you girls do, don't let her drink." Janice ordered. "Yeah!" I agreed as I looked for which girl she was referring to. "Okay, sit down and play with the cards." Julie sat me down on the couch. "Okay, if you're ready to take this L!!" I said ready to party more. "Sure as long as you shuffle." Julie said, handing me the pack. I took the pack of uno cards from her hand. I began shuffling. I got lost in the process and fell asleep midst shuffle.

First, let me tell you I was on a mission to find inspiration for my writers block. T^T it has been very hard.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Kittylittle_22creators' thoughts