

"We hired so many doctors, but they said there's nothing they can do. We thought we will lose you, but during this time Mr. Fan came. Mr. Fan told us that we can't easily give up on you. No matter how long we wait, you will awake from this long sleep. And we did finally waited for this day to come." She holds on to Tang Xing's hand, as she hopes this isn't a dream.

After her mom left, Tang Xing lays down on her bed. She definitely had felt that hand on her face as she was sleeping. "Who is he?" as she asks herself.

Several months later.....

After slowly recovering and doing physical therapy, Tang Xing could finally get back to walking. But she stills need the help of a cane as she walks.

"Wait right here, and I'll go get the car," as Rong Hao tells Tang Xing. Tang Xing nods, and steps over to the side where she won't be blocking the front door.

"Xin Xin, wait for mommy. Don't cross the street by yourself!" as a woman across the other side of the side walks calls out to her daughter. As the mom is busy carrying other things, the little girl walked away by herself. The little girl obediently stands right by the crosswalk and waits for her mom. Tang Xing looks at her, and a warm smile came on her face.

Just then a car drove in front of Tang Xing, and Rong Hao got out the car. "Let's go," as he said.

Tang Xing nods. She uses her cane to help her walk over to the car. But a sudden *BAM* made her heart jumps. Everyone starts screaming, and starts scattering everywhere. As Rong Hao tells Tang Xing to hurriedly gets inside the car, another *Bam* came. This time the gun fired hit the little girl's mom.

Tang Xing looks over and saw the little girl crying as the mom lays on the floor. "Xing Er! Where are you going?" Without thinking, Tang Xing rushes over to the little girl. She forgot about the pain in her leg, and just walked as fast as she can. She pulls the girl over to her, and told her brother to help carry the little girl's mom to the hospital.

As the trigger was pulled and about to fire, another gun shot was fired. It hits the gun man's hand. Tang Xing heard it, but she doesn't care anymore. Once she got into the hospital, the police came and took over the scene.

Inside the hospital...

The little girl's mom is still inside the surgery room, and Tang Xing waited outside with the little girl. Soon the little girl fell asleep inside Tang Xing's arm.

"Xing Er, let me carry her and you take a rest." Tang Rong Hao came over with a bottle of water. Tang Xing shakes her head. "I'm fine." Rong Hao just hands the water to Xing Er and sat next to her. "Do you know who did that?" as she asks her brother.

"They're still investigating it," Rong Hao saids.

The operating lights closed and the doctor came out. Tang Xing totally forgot about her legs, and she almost fell.

"Be careful," as a voice said while supporting her. Tang Xing looks over and saw the man from the other night.

"How is she?" as Rong Hao asks. "The patient will be fine. We have already took out the bullet from her, and now we will push her up to ICU until further check up." Rong Hao thanks the doctor, and looks over where his sister is.

"Yi Fan, why are you here?" as Rong Hao looks at him surprisingly.

'Yi Fan?' Tang Xing heard what Rong Hao called him.

The little girl from Tang Xing's arm woke up, and looks at Tang Xing with red eyes. Tang Xing gave her a warm smile, and puts her down. As she puts her down, Tang Xing could feel her legs about to give in. She quickly holds on to her brother's arm for support. "Xing Er, are you okay?" as Rong Hao worriedly asks. She nods, and sat back down.

"Here." Yi Fan holds out her cane to her.

"How come--" She suddenly remembers. As she was carrying the little girl in before, she left her crutches and forgot about it.

"Thank you," as she takes it from him.

Tang Xing looks over at the little girl next to her. "Brother, can we let her stay with us until her mom is awake?" as Tang Xing looks at Rong Hao and then gently back at the little girl. Tang Rong Hao said yes, and picked up the little girl to his arm.

"What's your name?" as he asks the little girl.

"Xin Xin," as she said in a quiet voice.

Tang Rong Hao gave a smile like an old father. "Xin Xin, do you want to come and stay with older sister and I for now until your mommy is awake?" as Rong Hao gently asks her.

Xin Xin nods her head.

Tang Xing takes her cane, and got up. "You could go there with her first. I have to use the restroom first," as she said to her brother. Rong Hao said he'll wait for her, but she rejected. "Just wait me downstairs, and I'll be there shortly." Without waiting for them to respond, Tang Xing walks away.

In less than three minute, Tang Xing walks out the bathroom and saw Yi Fan standing outside.

"Mr. Fan?" as she looks at him surprisingly. She thought he left with her brother before. Is he waiting for her? "Why are you here?" as she asks him.

"Let's go," as he said nothing else after. "Oh." Tang Xing asked no one to wait, but she followed him out anyway. Tang Xing couldn't walk fast because of her leg, and Yi Fan walks with the same pace as her.

"Mr. Fan, I heard my mom say that you were my superior?" Tang Xing carefully looks at him as she saids it.

"Um." He saids.

"Why do my mom call you Mr. Fan? Your last name is Fan?" as she curiously asks him.

"No." He didn't further explain after.

"no? then why?" Tang Xing kept asking him, but he didn't respond to her.