
"Yi Fan"

"What took you guys so long?" as Rong Hao and Xin Xin waited for them down stairs.

Tang Xing just shrugs.

"Let's just get going," as Yi Fan said. Xin Xin took Xing Er's hand and walked with her.

Yi Fan didn't go with them, and just parted after they got inside their car. In the car, Xing Er and Xin Xin sat at the back. Rong Hao looks at the rear mirror, and notice both girls fell asleep. He shakes his head with a smile and continued driving.

Tang Xing didn't know how long she have slept, but she felt like a heavy rock is on top of her the whole time. "Help," as she weakly calls out. But no one seem to hear her. Tang Xing watches people walking by and ignoring her. "Help me," as she calls out again. She could feel the whole world spinning, and heart starts beating very fast.

"Xing Er!" "Xing Er!"

Tang Xing could hear someone calling out for her. But how come she couldn't move? How come she couldn't respond back? She tried to push herself to move, but she couldn't. "I'm here!" as she tries to say.

"Where are you? Xing Er!"

Tang Xing wants to say that she's here, but all she can see right now is a black out screen.

Rong Hao pulls the car over, and looked at the back. "Xin Xin, what happened?" as Rong Hao looks over worriedly.

"It's older sister. I don't think older sister is feeling well." Rong Hao looks over at Tang Xing whose forehead is dripping with sweat and pale face. "Xing Er!" as he calls out to her. But there was no response.

Rong Hao walks out of the driver's seat, and went to the back. He touches Tang Xing's face and it's burning hot. "Xing Er, hold on. I'll bring you to the hospital." He the quickly drives back to the hospital.

"Doctor!" as Rong Hao screams. They quickly put Tang Xing on the bed, and told Rong Hao to wait outside.

As he waits outside, his phone started to ring. The screen said mom. Rong Hao hesitates, but picked it up. "Rong Hao, where are you guys right now? If you guys are close to be back, then I'll start prepping for dinner." Rong Hao holds the phone tight next to him. "Mom, I don't think we will be back today."

Twenty Minutes later....

"Rong Hao, where's Xing Er," as Zhao Min rushes over to her son.

"The doctor is still checking inside." Rong Hao looks at his mom, and apologizes. "Sorry mom, I didn't take good care of Xing Er and made her in danger again." Zhao Min takes his hand, and shakes her head. "It's not your fault. These things can't be prevented." She sighs, and worriedly looks at the operating light.

"This is the little girl that you said before?" as Zhao Min looks at Xin Xin with a smile. Rong Hao nods.

"Come over here," as Zhao Min calls out to Xin Xin. Rong Hao gives a nod to Xin Xin to tell her it's safe. Looking at Xin Xin, it reminds Zhao Min of Tang Xing when she was younger. Rong Hao knows what Zhao Min is thinking, and puts a hand over to hers. "Xing Er will be fine." After reassuring her, the operating light closed.

The doctor came out, and the nurse pushed out the patient.

"Doctor, what's wrong with my Xing Er?" as Zhao Min asks. The doctor takes of his mask. "Miss. Tang's has an infection in her leg which cause her to have a high fever. We already give her a fever reliever shot. Her fever should go down soon, but we still have to monitor overnight."

Rong Hao don't remember Xing Er got hurt before. "How did she get an infection in her leg?" as Rong Hao asks the doctor.

"We don't know what exactly cause that wound, but it's something sharp. Good thing it wasn't too deep. But I think Miss. Tang know about this. We saw that she must've use water to clean the wound before. But because the wound wasn't cleaned properly, it has caused an infection."

Rong Hao thanks the doctor, and went up to the patient ward with Zhao Min.

"The patient needs some rest right now. So don't stay too long," as the nurse said. Rong Hao told Zhao Min to go home first, and will inform her when Tang Xing is awake. Zhao Min looks at her daughter through the window, and left the hospital with Xin Xin.

Rong Hao walks inside the room, and quietly place a cup of warm water next to the bed. He went to the restroom and wet a warm towel. As he helps her wipes her face, her hand suddenly made a fist.

"Xing Er?" as he gently calls out to her.

Tang Xing didn't answer. She just tighten her fist, and sweats starts rolling down her forehead again. As Rong Hao is about to call the nurse in, he froze.

"Yi Fan." As she quietly calls out. "Yi Fan."