
The Crash

Two weeks later...

Since the day she woke up, Tang Rong Hao and her mother have been coming here non stop. But slowly, she starts to get use to it and they don't feel like a stranger to her anymore.

Today is her first day for her physical therapy. Tang Rong Hao took a break off from work, and went with her. "If your busy, you don't have to come with me. There's gonna be nurse there that will help me," as Tang Xing said to her brother. Since the day that Tang Xing has awake, she haven't call them yet. Not even mom. They know that Tang Xing needs sometime, and they can't rush her.

Tang Rong Hao just smiles at his sister. "I'm a CEO of the Dream Workshop. Plus, there's nothing as important as my sister." Tang Xing just smiles, and Tang Rong Hao pushed her to the physical therapy room.

Tang Xing haven't walked for three years. And even though in these three years they would help massage her muscles, still she have to slowly gain back her walking skills. The first day, Tang Rong Hao holds on to Tang Xing as she walks. Even though at some point she falls, Tang Xing didn't give up on the training.

The training lasted for an hour. As her brother went to get her water, Tang Xing wipes of the sweat from her face with a towel. Tang Xing seats at the wheel chair as she waits for Rong Hao to come back.

"Oh isn't that Tang Xing?" as a woman from ahead calls out. Tang Xing looks up and saw two body guards from behind the woman. "Who are you?" as she asked the woman.

The woman gives a smirk. "You don't know who I am? I guess the news isn't fake then." She walks up closer to Tang Xing. "Tang Xing." Her voice tenses up Xing Er's body and holds on tightly to the wheel chair as she looks at the woman. "I'm the one that steals everything from you. Even the people that you love." After saying it, she starts to laugh.

Just then Tang Rong Hao came back with the water, and saw Li Wei Wei with Tang Xing.

"LI WEI WEI!" as Tang Rong Hao screams. Tang Rong Hao didn't care about the guards, and just push back them. "What are you doing here?"as he pushes Tang Xing behind him.

Li Wei Wei just smiled. "I just happen to pass by, and just came up to say hi." After saying, she waves goodbye to them and walks off. Watching Li Wei Wei disappears through the corner of the hallway, Rong Hao turns over to Tang Xing.

"Did she hurt you?" as he asks her.

Tang Xing shakes her head. "Who is she?" as she asks him. This person in her memory is a confusion, but gives her a feeling that will crumble her down.

Tang Rong Hao hesitates the moment Tang Xing asks the question. But he knows that he won't be able to keep it from her.

"That woman before is called Li Wei Wei. Li Wei Wei was once your college best friend. But I don't know for what reason, you guys teared up the relationship. And after that, you guys have become rivals. Whatever you do or love, she would try everything to take it away from you."

Tang Xing listens to her brother as he tells her everything. "Don't worry, I won't let her hurt you again." Tang Xing didn't answer him, and just sat there thinking.

After pushing Tang Xing back to the room, Tang Xing told Rong Hao that she needs to rest.

"If you need anything, make sure to call me. Mom will come later to bring you dinner." Tang Xing nods, and closes her eyes.

She falls fast asleep, and her body starts to tense up. 'I can't breathe' as she struggles through the water. But no matter how much she struggles and fight, there's no one there to help her. She couldn't swim, and the water are slowly getting inside of her nose and mouth. Slowly, she loses her conscious and starts sinking down the water.

Back in the present,

Tang Xing is still deeply into her sleep. Cold sweats starts to come down her head, as she struggles through her dream.

A warm hand reached over, and soothes out her furrow eyebrows. Maybe it's the warmth from the hand, that slowly relaxes Tang Xing's body. As the person helps Tang Xing wipes the sweat from her face, Tang Xing suddenly grabs the person's hand.

"Help me!" she screams and awoke from her dream.

Tang Xing's heart still beats so fast, but she notice someone in her room. She looks over and saw a man sitting right in next to her.

"Who are you?" as she asks him. He didn't answer, but looks down at his hand that's gripped by her. Tang Xing quickly releases her hand from him, and said sorry. But she quickly regrets saying it.

"Wait, why do I have to say sorry. If you don't tell me who you are, I'm gonna call the nurse," as she holds the emergency button next to her.

The next moment, the door opens and her mom walks in.

"Mr. Fan, what brings you here?" as her mom politely asks him. Meanwhile, Tang Xing searches through her memory for this Mr. Fan, but nothing came up. He stood up, and said something to Zhao Min. Tang Xing couldn't hear anything they said, and could only see the behind of Mr Fan.

"Mom, who is that Mr. Fan?" as Tang Xing asks. "He's... you just call me what?" as Zhao Min couldn't believe what she just heard from her own daughter. "Mom." Zhao Min cried from happiness and looks at Tang Xing. "You remembered?" as she asks her. Tang Xing shakes her head. Zhao Min brushes Tang Xing's hair, and pushed it back. "It doesn't matter anymore. What matter is that your here with us." Zhao Min looks at her daughter with happiness.

After dinner, Tang Xing took the time to ask her mom some questions.

"Mom, who's that Mr. Fan?" as she asks her again.

"Mr. Fan is your boss."

"My boss?" Tang Xing memory flashes back when he help her wiped her sweat, and the moment that she holds onto his hand.

"Yes, he's your boss. Four years ago after you graduated from college you joined the Army Air Force. Mr. Fan was your superior, and---" Zhao Min stops and tears starts forming around her eyes again.

"What happened?" as Tang Xing looks at her mom with worried. She wipes her tears, and said nothing.

"At your final test, the plane that you were at went out of control and as you were landing, it crashed." Even if Zhao Min didn't finish the whole thing, Tang Xing knows what happened next. This is why she has been in a coma for three years.