
True Power

Marcus Eugene Connors had died due to a run in with a truck. When he finally passed, he awoke to find himself on the West Coast of San Diego. He had a robust body, handsome features, and was head of a multimillion dollar corporation. The big shocker was seeing the Man of Steel himself in his early days. At once, Marcus thought to become a superhero. Then he began to realize something...he had real power. Well besides the odd powers that he already has, he was in charge of a company that spanned the entire west coast of America. He had influence within several government infrastructures. He had true power....and he planned to use it anyway he saw fit.

Cylon_4 · TV
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Chapter 1

Marcus gasped and rose up out of bed, he was in a cold sweat. He panted a bit as his eyes gazed around thinking that all that had happened was just a bad nightmare. He calmed his breathing down and took soft deep breathes. After a moment to himself of recollecting his thoughts he realized something. For one, he was in a bed not his own, the second was that he had abs when he should have quite the gut. Thirdly and lastly, he was in what could only be described as a penthouse. His eyes landing on a spacious bedroom, a balcony was attached to it overlooking a nearby beach. The room looked prestine white, as if to show that he was clean. Last time Marcus checked, his bedroom was anything but clean. He lived in downtown Chicago, this shouldn't be clean.

After a moment of trying to think it through, he felt his mind go blank. It was like a seal had been broken to where he was given memories of a life not his own. As the memories rushed into him, he slowly came to an understanding. It was like a switch had been flipped, his entire attitude had changed in under thirty seconds.

'So that's what this is...fascinating.' Marcus thought, beginning to realize his situation. He had died and his soul had been transported into the body of another Marcus. Said Marcus was more or less just like a human looking version of Marvel Comic's Apocalypse. The fact that he had powers made him estatic, internally anyway, the feeling of being more or less godlike was exhilarating.

However, that didn't belittle a fact that he was still trying to wrap his mind around. Marcus was in the same universe as people like Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and more!

All this information was running through his mind, he had barely noticed another person in the bed with him. A woman who had lush long blonde hair. Her body looked refined like that of a model. She laid under the blanket bare naked and soundly asleep. After going through his thoughts, Marcus turned his gaze onto the woman and nearly froze. That's when he began to realize who this woman was. She was a little known model who he took in as his side piece for the night. Her name was Emilia Rikers, or rather her model name, Adonna.

Marcus stared at her for a moment, taking in those velvet lips, her fine olive skin, even the smudged up lipstick. With a raised brow, Marcus looked to himself and found several hickies across his chest, shoulders, neck, and even below. Speaking of below, his schlong was indeed bigger.

'Right then, so I've been isekai'd into the DC universe....but which one?' Marcus thought, then slowly moved himself out of the bed. He was bare naked, his cloud white skin almost shining once the sun rose over the horizon. He stood a good 6"9, had an Olympian's body, and was quite the catch when looking at his face. A thoughtful look came about him as Marcus walked towards the balcony. The glass door was open for him, allowing him to exit it and let out a breathe. He was going over the life that this version of himself lived.

The Marcus of this DC Universe was more than 10,000 years old. He had all of the powers of En Sabah Nur, or rather his more public identity Apocalypse. The only difference being that instead of trying to rule humanity, this Marcus wished to expand his knowledge. Meaning he became a king in the shadows. He was in charge of many nations and kickstarting many conflicts to hide or keep safe his hidden agendas. As it stands, Marcus is the richest and smartest man in the world. He had tendrils in several governments and even the United Nations. He was capable of leveling cities and continents if he so chose. A slight smile came to his lips as the sun shined down onto him. He placed the palms of his hands on the balcony railings as he leaned forward on it. Before he could think more, he felt those soft breasts from Emilia push against his back.

Marcus barely flinched as he felt the model wrap her arms around his waist. Her hands moving up to caress his chest, then drag her black nails down it. A soft moan left her as he slowly glanced back to take in her beauty. "You had said that I would enjoy last night Mr. Vought...and you were right." Emilia slowly said, sounding satisfied. Marcus smirked before slowly turning around and moved his own arms around her body. She stood at 5"9, being quite shorter than him, but her body far made up for it.

"Well, I do aim to please Ms. Rikers. I hope that you enjoyed yourself, because I know that I did." Marcus said with a charming tone, getting a slight giggle to escape Emilia's lips

"Oh that I did ..that I did." Emilia softly replied, then stepped up on her toes to place a gentle chaste kiss to Marcus's lips. He returned the kiss, moving a hand up her spine and into her hair. The chaste kiss quickly turned into a passionate one as he let out a breathe. A moment later, he pulled away from her lips, allowing the both of them to breathe. Emilia held a seducing smile as she licked her lips, then removed herself from him as she started to walk away. Marcus watched her leave, thinking about how lucky that the previous version of himself was. He didn't get to feel how good it felt for him to have sex with someone with such a fine ass.

Admiration and envy aside, Marcus was already thinking about what the other version of himself was working on. The man was in charge of several things and even had a company that surpassed Lexcorp.

'Vought Industries, how original.' Marcus thought, already knowing that the past version of himself must have made himself out to he a German Scientist. So his name in this universe is technically Marcus Eugene Vought 3. Coming down a long line of intelligent men who had a hand in creating nukes, planes, weapons, etc.

Speaking of having a hand in creating weapons, Vought Industries was in the weapons business similar to Stark Industries. The only difference being that this Marcus was smart enough to have countermeasures for betrayal. Vought was also in the business for engineering, creating vehicles, phones, watches, power sources, even rockets to go into out of space. Other than that, Vought was secretly in the business to advance mankind. Not simply through technology no, but through the human DNA. This version of Marcus had created drugs or pills rather, that he refers to as "Super Pills". When ingested, it allows the occupant who took it to gain superpowers for a limited time. Though unfortunately it has a rather negative effect for those who are normal humans. For other Metahumans however, it actually activates their Metagene.

'You know...thinking more about it, I am technically the first Metahuman. I wonder how the rest of the world would react to that.' Marcus thought, then quickly shut that idea down. With a shake of the head, he walked back inside of his penthouse. Marcus already knew what he planned to do now, he had been dealt a good hand. A hand that he doesn't plan to lose. He was already thinking about how he planned to make a certain Detective's life living Hell.

{One Hour Later}

After saying his goodbyes to the side piece, Emilia Rikers. Marcus was in a limousine heading for the San Diego branch for Vought. He was dressed accordingly and professionally. He was adorned with a 3 piece suit, with his muscles almost hidden. His suit consisted of a black and blue color combination. His tie was midnight black, his vest a azure blue rose pattern, his suit coat and trousers being both black, and the collared shirt underneath being a silky black. He dressed casually while doing his public job, he was already a celebrity that not even Superman suspected.

"Mr. Vought, we're arriving." His Chauffer called from the front seat, getting a nod from Marcus as he looked out the tinted window. His limousine had a black interior with beige seats. The cushions could be used as a makeshift bed if he chose to...have another side piece. A built in refrigerator with a bottle of champagne was sitting next to his black shoes. He waited for the vehicle to stop, and when it did, the door was opened for him. Standing outside were a group of men, suited up as if they were the United States Secret Service. Each looking to be a different race from African American to Pakistani. All of these men had a robust build, as they should, they were after all Vought Industries paramilitary forces in disguise.

Marcus stepped out of the limousine, fixed his suit, and checked his watched for the time before he started to walk forward. He was quickly followed by his suited guards. Each had a holstered handgun around their chest, as well as a bulletproof vest made by Vought. The reason for the security detail was primarily with the myriad of costumed humans going about. For instance, at one point or another he was "kidnapped" by the Joker. Though he wasn't in danger, he was eventually rescued by Batman.

Dangers aside, the paramilitary was just to show that Vought was capable of defending it's own. It showed this when an African Warlord decided that attacking a medical camp was a wise idea. Safe to say, that African Warlord can no longer make decisions anymore.

Marcus and his security detail walked into the main lobby. Almost immediately everyone inside straightened their posture upon seeing him. His piercing blue eyes landing on every man and woman who averted their eyes from him. To those who worked for his company, he was both an idol that they wanted to aspire to, as well as a "king" in a sense. He made sure that they were taken cared of and looked after, he also made sure that none of them said anything that they would regret. Even the wannabe "White Knight" individuals who wanted humanity to prosper and unite. Unfortunately they had to lose their careers prematurely each time that they try to peak or speak about what projects that Vought worked on. It wasn't that Marcus didn't want humanity to unite, the problem was that they needed a reason to.

Moments after entering the lobby, Marcus was approached by his secretary and aide. It was a Russian looking woman with long and well taken cared of midnight black hair. She wore a she had pink white skin, velvet red lips, and mesmerizing dark gray eyes. She was adorned with a long sleeved white shirt that showed some of her well developed breasts. Below that was a belt that held her black trousers above her waist. And below that, were black heels that she had no trouble walking in. There was also a pair of black leather gloves on her hands as well as she held a touchscreen tablet in one hand. Marcus' secretary stood at 6"1, being taller than the average woman.

"Good morning Mr. Vought, I hope that you're doing well today." She greeted, before moving to step alongside him as they walked towards the nearby elevator.

"I am doing fine this morning Ms. Romanov what does my schedule look like?" Marcus asked politely and professionally. The woman's name was Anastasia Romanov, one of the only people that he could trust with crucial information as well as personal as well.

"Well, you have a meeting with Mr. Wayne in about 30 minutes sir. As well as that flight that you have to take heading for Metropolis later this evening. Other than that, you have all the time to work on your...habits." Anastasia said, while tapping on the tablet in her hand. She was scrolling swiping away, showing designs for weapons, chemical formulas, until stopping at a picture. She showed it to Marcus, causing him to gently take the tablet into his hands. He gazed at the picture, the image showing a vivid aftermath of an attack. Marcus frowned, showing that he obviously didn't like what he was seeing. The picture that he was looking at showed several operatives of his having been killed, their bodies showing stab wounds, slashes, and decapitatations. A deep sigh left Marcus as he handed the tablet back to Anastasia.

"Do we know who did this?" Marcus asked, already having a general idea as to who would have the courage to incur his eventual wrath.

"Yes sir, it seems as if a shadow group going by the name of Saint Dumas has decided to rob us of experimental weaponry. I should add that they were prototypes for those plasma rifles that you had been working on." Anastasia stated, getting a nod from Marcus as part of her response.

"Very well..." Marcus simply said, those his tone was laced with ice. The elevator doors opened on the top floor, allowing the two to exit and walk out into his office. As they entered, the office was spacious, being the size of 3 living rooms put together. There was a lounge area with 3 couches formed into a circle, with a circular table at the center of it. As soon as the elevator doors closed behind them, allowing Anastasia and Marcus privacy, the man rubbed the bridge of his eyes. "I am getting tired of these people. Do they have any idea what it takes to create inventions that have yet to be theorized or even practiced?"

Anastasia began to shrug her shoulders as a flirtatious air came about her. She began walking to a nearby wall and removed her glove to place her palm against it. There was a mark on the back of her hand, showing an red Arachnid symbol on it. "Not many can think beyond petty ideologies. After all, these are people who believe that burning an entire city would make a difference to the rest of the world." Anastasia replied, her tone sounding more relaxed now. The wall opened up to reveal a refrigerator inside along with several bottles of alcohol including champagne.

Marcus walked over to his desk, his head shaking with exasperation. Humanity had so much potential, yet at the same time it could be so idiotic. History teaches those who learns from it, yet so many human beings whether they be good or bad repeats the mistakes of the past. "Where is Strikeforce, Ana?" Marcus asked, as Anastasia poured both herself and Marcus a glass of champagne.

"Already en route, Hector is with them as well." Ana informed as she walked over and handed Marcus a glass of wine. He took it gratefully and took a swig from the glass. "Good, he'll make sure that they think twice about trying this again. What all did they take besides the prototypes?"

"A data chip....that has detailed designs for Project Olympus." Ana reported, causing to Marcus to get a blank expression. Project Olympus to him was how he planned to put all Metahumans like himself in a safe refuge, all while still keeping tabs on them. If anyone figured out what was chip then it would cause quite a few heads to turn and focus on him. That was attention that he didn't need now. After all, he was a little hesitant to initiate Project Scorched Earth..

Marcus remained silent as he slowly looked down at the glass in his hand. Then gently rubbed the bridge between his eyes once more. A chime came from his desk, causing him to turn and press a button to answer it. "Mr. Vought, Mr. Wayne is here for the meeting." A male voice called.

"Send him in, please." Marcus ordered, then walked around his desk to be seated.

"He's early." Ana commented.

"He's looking forward to making this deal, though I'll need some convincing from him on this one." Marcus replied, as Ana finished her glass. Then promptly finished Marcus' glass as well. The two waited, watching the elevator door for several long moments. Eventually the doors opened to reveal Bruce Wayne of Wayne Enterprises. The orphaned billionaire put on a charming smile as he walked in. He wore a business suit, looking as normal as he believed himself to be. However, Marcus was already aware of Bruce's late at night...activities.

"Mr. Wayne, I hope the flight here wasn't troubling." Marcus greeted with a charmistic smile.

"Not at all, I just closed my eyes and here I am." Wayne replied with a charming smile of his own.

Marcus stood from behind his desk, then and gestured to a nearby seat as Ana stood beside him. Bruce walked forward, and slowly sat down in the awaiting seat for him. Marcus did the same, leaning back and relaxing as he did. "So, shall we get down to business?" Marcus asked, prompting Bruce to nod.

"Of course, I have-" Bruce started but paused when he was interrupted by Marcus' raising hand

"Before that, could you tell me what Vought Industries would be gaining from this?" Marcus questioned inquisitively.

Bruce raised a brow and nodded before placing his hands on the armrest of the chair that he was in. "To be frank, you will be part of the shareholders who'll make sure that the Gotham Healthcare clinics are looked after if I'm not looking after them. You're one of the only men on Earth who actually pays attention to his own household...besides myself."

Bruce paused, then gave Marcus a rather serious look before he began speaking again.

"Gotham needs help, It's citizens needs people to take care of them. I'm the only one willing to do it...but I'm not so cold to not ask for outside help. You're the only other man that I know who would be willing to do this with no ulterior motives. Despite your history by making weapons manufacturing deals, you've yet to prove that you're part of the scum of humanity."

Marcus nodded his head after listening to Bruce talking. Then he gave the young billionaire an odd smile. "Alright Bruce, I'll sign the deal with you....only if I'm holding 75% percent of it."

Bruce's face contorted into a glare, as if he were expecting Marcus to say that.

"Don't get me wrong I'm willing to help, It's a noble cause what you're trying to do. That said I've still got to profit out of this, there are people who work under me that still needs to be paid. Besides, Luthor would laugh in your face before finding a way to use your clinics as secret laboratories that has nothing to do with him."

Bruce remained silent for a moment before letting out a sigh. "65%..." He uttered, to which Marcus gave him a grin.

"You've got a deal."

After having signed the paperwork that Bruce brought with him, and a few changes, Bruce Wayne left from his office. Marcus still sat behind his desk before leaning back in his chair. "How did you know that he'd agree to that?" Ana asked.

Marcus sent a "A you serious look", since she should remember that he had telepathic abilities. Ana closed her eyes realizing her mistake and said no other words. However, instead of reprimanding her, Marcus rose from his seat and stared at Ana for a moment.

"Is my suit ready?" He questioned to which Ana opened her eyes and looked at him with an confused expression. Then her face contorted into that of realization.

"That it is, though why would you need a suit for more proactive work?" Ana asked as Marcus began walking around his desk and heading for the elevator.

"Because the world is in need of...guidance. It has been a long time since I've personally stained my hand with the duty that I set out to do so long ago. And I believe that It's time that I do so once again. After all, the world follow blind leaders...and I shall show them how blind that they really are."