
True Magician (FatexDxD)

Waking up in the body of a Romani Archiman is acceptable. Getting 3rd and 1st True Magics is nice. Getting Beasts as pets - delightful. The world of DxD is unforgivable. It's a world where some teenagers who aren't even two decades old somehow mystically defeat the descendants of legendary heroes, ancient demons, powerful dragons, etc. Why does this happen? Simply because! Simply put, this world only makes sense because it doesn't. And now, I have to put up with the fact that I live here. Such pain. (DxDxMulti)

Tiir_Rumibul_3715 · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 6

Emiya Residence. The common room.

What can I say? This dead silence definitely gives me a sense of deja vu. Someone was mulling over my explanation. Some were still in shock at Alaya and her performance. And someone else didn't care about any of it. And those others were silently eating Emiya's cooking. It continued until the culprit of the whole situation decided to say something completely inappropriate.

- You're such a good cook, Emiya-kun! Do you have a girlfriend? I don't mind becoming one if you don't have one!

The atmosphere instantly changed. Artoria and Medusa began to let out an intense bloodlust. Merlin fell on his stomach while laughing from it. Everyone else except Grandpa, the Beasts, and the Ophis, who didn't care, stared dumbly at Alaya. Even Hercules, who had stopped growling.

Emiya, on the other hand... Oooooh, guys. Emiya was still standing there staring at Alaya. Well, like looking and standing... His eyes were looking at her, and his legs were still supporting his body in a standing position. But there was one BUT. He was unconscious. Not at all.

I wonder if he was unconscious because the Unconscious Will of Mankind suggested dating him, or from her calling him 'Emiya-kun' like a certain brunette tsundere?

Would I have interrupted this on any other day? Absolutely. But unfortunately, not today.

- Calm down," I said and activated my magic. - We can discuss this matter later. Focus.

After about five minutes, somehow, everyone managed to come to their senses and start thinking. Well, except for Emiya. Artoria was the first to speak.

- What do you plan to do, Master?

- Оh? What makes you think I already have a plan?

- A hunch, Artoria said.

Heh. Well, she's almost right. But a little clarification is needed.

- Aika," I turned to the Collective Unconsciousness of Mankind. - How much can I change in the plot?

- Hmm... - she thought, putting her finger to her chin. - The main events should more or less match the original storyline. That is, the main villain of a particular event should be defeated by the protagonist, say, Kokabiel, Riser Phenex, etc. Other than that? Your hands are pretty much untied, sensei. Plus, you have, sort of, a head start, since Romani Archaman existed in this version of the world.

- So it's not as bad as I originally thought? - I asked. - Essentially, I can take on the role of personalities like Azazel?

- That's right. Even I, the Collective Unconsciousness of Mankind, helped Issei here and there. So, you can breathe easy, to a certain extent.

Hmmm... That makes things easier. The protagonist will have to start his training earlier than he was meant to.

- But I must warn you, sensei,'' Alaya continued. - Because Trihexa and Beast VI are now one, a thin channel has been formed between the two worlds. Therefore, expect the Shadow Servants to appear.

Unexpected, but acceptable. Although we'll have to call in more Servants. Just in case.

- Gentlemen. Show some hospitality to our guest while I get busy summoning Servants for backup," I said and headed for the basement.


Emiya's residence. The basement.

Who should I summon? Hmm... I think Caster and Assassin will be enough to start with.

I activated the summoning circle and it glowed. There was a lot more dust than when I had summoned earlier. After waiting for it to dissipate, I saw, or rather felt, several people.

Kneeling in front of me was a blue-haired woman with a dark skin tone and a skull mask on her face. О? Lucky-lucky.

- We have answered your call, summoner," she said. - We are the Hassan of the Hundred Faces, Assassin class. You are our Master?

- Uh-huh. Step aside, please. I need to summon another Servant.

She nodded and stood behind me, her shadows wriggling back and forth.

I activated the circle once more. And, this time, I summoned someone I didn't expect to see, but was glad it wasn't his counterpart from another class.

- You managed to summon the Wise King of Uruk from the Caster class, you mongrel," he said. - Hopefully, you'll dispel my boredom.

Yep. Definitely Gilgamesh. Well, thanks again for not being Archer.

- Yeah, yeah. You're Gilgamesh and blah, blah, blah. Now let's go to the common room. You too, Hundred Faces.

- Оh? You dare to order the King around, you mongrel? Who gave you that right? - He was surprised and summoned two portals with staffs aimed at me.

- Well, you can at least listen to me, can't you? And in case you haven't noticed, your old friend is here too," I began. - Besides, I'm a Magician who wields TWO True Magics at once, and you don't want to deal with me.

He stopped and expanded his senses. After a few moments, he apparently realized that I was telling the truth.

- Ho? You mean you're a stronger mongrel? - He said, and the portals disappeared. - But since I am the King, I'll let you entertain me. For now.

And he must have sensed the Beasts to indulge me. Or maybe not. What a troubled guy.

- Yeah, yeah. Now, follow me.


Emiya residence. The common room.

As we walked up with the new Servants, we were confronted with a mixed picture.

Alaya was hanging onto Emiya, who had already come to his senses, and trying to be his girlfriend. Artoria and Medusa were throwing fierce looks at this. Merlin was still laughing while watching this. Beasts, Ophis, and Hercules didn't care .Fou had already returned and was sitting on Tiamat's head.

But Enkidu and Grandfather... Enkidu grabbed Gilgamesh by the arm and took him aside. A hundred faces in the form of a blue-haired woman approached Grandfather and bowed and said:

- Greetings, Great Founder.

Grandfather only nodded at her words and looked at me.

- Orders, Master?

I looked at the Servants and hesitated. Although I have my hands free, I can't change the plot drastically. I would have to settle for the role of Azazel's assistant.

With a clap of my hands, I got the Servants' attention.

- Based on our capabilities, we will limit ourselves to supporting and observing the protagonist here and there. We will intervene only as a last resort. Is that okay with you, Alaya?

- Uh-huh," she nodded.- But you've already started interfering with the plot, Sensei. That's why you need to work on strengthening Issei. Training, let's say .Because Trihexa is stronger than he was originally, you need to speed up his growth .And, of course, prevent him from dying.

- Since the plot has only just begun, then... A hundred faces. You keep an eye on this town. Also send a couple faces of yourself to the Vatican and Kyoto.

She nodded and disappeared into the shadows. Okay, that's taken care of.

- What about the others, Master? - Emiya asked.

- Nothing yet. I don't want to reveal the Servants any sooner than necessary. Tomorrow I will go to the Occult Research Club to find out where the plot stands, and I will contact Azazel. After that, I'll make plans based on what I find out. Until then, go about your business.

The servants nodded and went to their rooms.

- I should be getting back, too," Aika said, and headed for the exit. But I stopped her by grabbing her shoulder.

- Now, now. Where are you going, Alaya-sama? - I murmured, grinning wildly. - You're not just going to run away and dump everything on me, are you?

- Of course not! It's just that a young and beautiful girl like me needs a vacation, don't you think? And what would people think if they saw me, a schoolgirl, leaving the house of a male teacher? - She asked. Her eyes raced and her cheeks flushed.

- No problem at all, Aika-san. I'm happy to host a female student in need of a new place to live, and I'm even willing to give you a room next to Artoria and Medusa's room. I'm so kind, aren't I?

- N-no need. I have my own house, don't I? - She shrank back and mumbled.

- It doesn't matter, Aika-san. Your parents are already aware (Magically) and don't mind it,'' I said and threw her on my shoulder, carrying her to the promised room, under the stares of Saber and Rider.

- I-I...I promised that if I were to suffer, you would share that burden with me, didn't I, Collective Unconsciousness of Mankind?

To my insane giggles, I dragged Alaya to be eaten by the wolves. A very pleasant feeling...


Kuo Academy.The Occult Studies Club building.

As I approached the door of the club, I heard Issei's voice.

- I understand, President.

I entered the Club without knocking and sat down on the vacant couch defiantly. Only Rias, Akeno, and Issei were present in the room.

- What are you doing here, Romani-sensei? - Rias decided to ask, sitting at her desk.

- I came to drink tea, Rias-san," I answered. - Don't mind me. You may continue your discussion.

- You act very casual for an uninvited guest, sensei," she said with a twitching eye.

I paid no attention to her as Akeno handed me a cup of tea.

- Thank you, Akeno-san," I said, taking a sip.- Your tea is as good as ever.

- Thank you for the praise, sensei. But still, what are you doing here? And Fou is not with you?

- Uh-uh. That furry pest prefers to sleep 24 hours a day. And I'm really here for tea. By the way, what were you two discussing before I got here? Did Issei steal someone's underwear again?

 - How could you say such a thing, sensei?! - he shrieked indignantly. - I would never do such a thing!

- Your reputation doesn't agree with you, pervert-kun. But then again, what were you discussing?

- We…

- I met a beautiful foreign nun, and I even helped her find the Church! She was so nice! - Issei interrupted Rias.

Ho? Is Asia already in town? I see.

In that case, my promise to Grandpa will be fulfilled sooner than I expected.


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