
Trouble on another world

COVER NOT MINE - contact me if you're the orginal ownerr . . . Working different part time jobs as well trying to write his own novel just to get through and gain money to be able to provide for his family which consist of his two smaller sisters who are in high-school and his mother who is at the hospital. Working his ass off to pay for his sisters education and mothers hospital bills. not trying to worry them as he smiles brightly not showing his weak and tired side where he has to burden everything but will do so for only them. But fate had other plans for him as he died in a unfortunate accident killing him but he saved those he cared about in the event. Now he is reborn into a new world where magic is everywhere and different races other than human roam the world. Many dangers lay right ahead but one thing the people he ever meets are even a bigger danger. That will either be his downfall or the most important thing to him. . . . sigh I don't know about fanfics man, I have been thinking about making my own original novel with my own character and see how that goes. if u see poor grammar my bad.

Belteragon · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Vanesa (POV)

Yeet well I had to go back to add more letter I guess I want all of my chapters to be 1500 words and up.


As, I step out of my royal home with my mothers permission i'm able to go anywhere but have to conceal myself it was boring just staying inside as I take a stroll and hide myself with a cloak. I stumble upon shops as I sight see. I'm smart of my age and stronger than some of them too. Makes me curious to be able to go visit other kingdoms whether it's the elf, beast, and many more. Makes me sad not yet I can visit because i'm to young mother says.

Strolling around, I find myself into an alley way lost as then I stumble with a man who was a normal human and he didn't seem to be able to wield magic or anything of the sort. Of course I could just blast him away but what other interesting thing but to see what he will do before, I kill him.


"Aaaaaaaaaaaaah! Y-Y-You!"

A shadow silhouette came and stabbed the man on his neck piercing it as he slides the rusted knife they have in hand downwards killing him. "are you alright?" Identifying that he was a boy that kill the man seeing now up close as he falls to the ground on his butt. He was breathing heavily seems to be tired but one thing he was skinny but not bony where I could see his bones. It interest me on who he was someone tried to save me which was him but he had no fear or anything of fear when killing the man.

It made me curious on who he was so I asked for his name. "Whats your name" as he hesitates but i'm looking at him intently wanting to know as he now tells me his name. "Kaizer...." hearing say his name makes me interested in him on who he was or where did he come from but with one look. I can tell he had it rough. For some reason it made my heart hurt like something was squeezing it. It made me want to take care of him and put him under feed him love him. Such strange feeling for a boy like him.

But I do not feel disgusted by it but more inclined to make it true in taking him in. "What is your name girl?" hearing that from him his voice but mostly his eyes those beautiful green eyes that makes me so mesmerized for a couple seconds as I snap out of it and answer him. "Vanesa..." he just has no expression and then says something else to me.

"go that way you will exit the alley way, I should get going now" he leaves in a hurry but I keep staring at him until, I can't see his figure no more. It made me want to go after him but one thing, I will go after him. After I go to mother as, I will search for him. Yes, what an interesting boy, I want mother to take him in. Having that plan in mind I get out to the direction he pointed and leave to see my mother.




With my mother as she looks at me with a smile. "My dear daughter who caught your heart that you been spacing out" mother looked at me curiously already knowing that I spaced out time to time remembering the boy his face and those eyes of his. "It was a boy I met he helped me"

"ara~ara~ I want to hear more", mother beckons me to tell her the whole story as, I comply and told her everything to the fullest details don't hide nothing from her. "Such brave boy even though you could've kill that man but I praise him for his courage to save you" nodding to what my mother said as he was like savior so to say in my eyes. Even if I didn't need his help it felt nice because it wasn't somebody doing it for hidden purposes.

"mother I want him and I will go find him"

"Ara~? my daughter wants him then you can let me send the maid squadron to protect you and help you find him"

"Thank you mother!" getting up from my chair, I go to her and hug her with love as she is the only one that loves me truly as her daughter and took care of me since father died when, I was born.

We finish eating our food that the maids cooked for us. As they do their thing as time passes by.




[3 days later]

Searching everywhere for the boy, I want no where to be found thinking that he could be outside of the kingdom but thats just not possible as her instincts tell her that he is close. Feeling that he is close, I keep searching for him any signs of him.

Time passed and I see someone in an alley thinking that he could be hiding here with my servant maids following me. I see something that made my blood boil and made my heart tighten looking at the figure that, I have been searching for. It was Kaizer the boy she finally found but he was beaten up and unconscious. I could still see that it was him even with all the bruises on his face and cuts on his body.

It made her angry but not knowing who did it she ordered her maids to carry him and bring him in to her home. They listened to my order and carried him to her home.




[Time passed]

Being here by his side as the maids had done their job cleaning and treating his wounds. All healed up with no cuts or anything. Looking at his sleeping face, I couldn't help but thin it was cute his face enchanted me. Made me want to look at him more and more as time goes by. I lay myself with him on the bed hugging him my first time even touching a male. For some reason it felt good....

*Sniff* sniff*

Smelling his fresh scent since he was cleaned thoroughly felt good everything about him made me feel warm and cozy hugging him like a teddy bear. So addicting his scent made me want to just hug him and be close to him more. Not knowing why, I felt so sleepy and move myself on top of him laying on his half naked body.




[Days passed]

Awake now eating dinner what was weird is that sister Vanesa slept on top of me it didn't bother me just felt weird. Wonder why she did it I don't know this feeling or such.

"Honey, you like the food?"

"Yes" responding to my new mother felt good knowing, I had someone loving me it felt so good in my heart. Smiling at her showing how much I like the food because the servants cooked the food deliciously.

Elizabeth smiled at her son as he doesn't know that she cooked it for him making her smile how much he likes her food. It made her happy inside but one thing it felt good having him since she hasn't never liked or taking a liking to any other man after her husband died. But seeing how her now new son eating with them it felt nice as she liked him chorused him though not knowing what her feelings were currently at with her son it made her feel not weird but confused. Staring at her son happily eating her food made her heart warm.

"big brother!" Vanesa cried out her to her big brother wanting to get his attention as she saw him finished eating.

"Yes Vanesa?" tilting my head towards her as she called out to me.

"Lets go train! I want to practice my elements with you!" cheerfully said.

"Then lets go, I want to get a good exercise too" smiling at her eagerness, I go to her to train with her but one thing, I don't know is that what kind of elemental magic, I have only know that everyone is born with one. Who knows what, I have been born it be pretty cool to know maybe sparing with her would help awaken it as it should show at the age of 2 for everyone.

"Mother we will go now!" Vanesa shouted to her mom as she scurried away going to the garden to spar leaving her brother and mother alone.

"Kaizer even though we don't know what your elemental magic is go ahead and try to awaken it when sparing with her at the least you have trained a bit on hand to hand combat along with some swordsmanship" Wanting her son to get to awaken whatever element he was born with when sparing with Vanesa.

"Will do! see ya later mom!" I went to follow Vanesa with an eager expression to want to spar getting me all excited at the garden, I go to find Vanesa.