
Trouble on another world

COVER NOT MINE - contact me if you're the orginal ownerr . . . Working different part time jobs as well trying to write his own novel just to get through and gain money to be able to provide for his family which consist of his two smaller sisters who are in high-school and his mother who is at the hospital. Working his ass off to pay for his sisters education and mothers hospital bills. not trying to worry them as he smiles brightly not showing his weak and tired side where he has to burden everything but will do so for only them. But fate had other plans for him as he died in a unfortunate accident killing him but he saved those he cared about in the event. Now he is reborn into a new world where magic is everywhere and different races other than human roam the world. Many dangers lay right ahead but one thing the people he ever meets are even a bigger danger. That will either be his downfall or the most important thing to him. . . . sigh I don't know about fanfics man, I have been thinking about making my own original novel with my own character and see how that goes. if u see poor grammar my bad.

Belteragon · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Huh!? time skip!

Feeling a slight headache waking up I feel a soft sensation on my back but on top of me. For some reason I felt rejuvenated feeling my face. I don't feel cuts or any pain thinking it didn't felt real but I pinched myself to see if it was real.

Wincing as, I pinch myself on the cheek it wasn't a dream but looking around I see walls and not the ones outside it felt so weird these walls looked luxurious and when I felt something move as, I was in a bed. The sheets on me were moving pulling them off, what astonished to see who it was none other than the girl, I saved back then in the alley way. Why was she here? and most of all why is she on top of me!? It my mind went blank for some seconds and then thinking more I had this girl on me girl which her name was Vanesa.

For some reason, I didn't mind it but felt weird since this happened and thinking that she was the one that found me on the streets saving me and healing me. It made me feel warm and made me thankful but still I was wary why she did it. Why did she come? what is her purpose? Wondering all these thoughts she moves and looking at her as she woke up and now is staring at me her deep blue crystal eyes.

"You're finally awake" hearing her soft voice rings to my ears for some reason it made me a bit less alert but still I don't know what she wants.

"Can you get off me?"

"No" this reply from her made my eyes twitch as she didn't want to get off not knowing why but let her be. Might as well play nice since she did save me. "So thank you for saving me...."

"your welcome!" hearing her happy tone it made me confused why did she save me and why was she happy about it making me question her. "Why did you save me? What is your purpose with me?" questioning her on the spot which she looks at me with a smile which made me shiver. "From now on you're apart from my family! I wanted someone else to be with" Telling me her reason made me freeze. This girl wanted me to be her brother and join her family it made me warm dropping my guard. Her words were real, I can tell who lies and who tells the truth.

"Why?" asking one last time only to get the answer of her pulling me up as she ran out of the room with me behind taking me somewhere. The halls looked so big it made me astonished that this girl was rich of course because she wore noble clothes when I saved her but didn't know she had this much. It looked like a castle that those kings and queens the royalties would have. Seeing a big door in view it open and I see several maids all woman each was different from one another bowing. Then see someone sitting on a throne meaning that it was a king or a queen who was sitting their meaning I was actually in a castle.

"So this is the boy that caught your interest he's cute" the woman was beautiful when I say beautiful so beautiful that all the woman/girls I have met pale in comparison to her. Her daughter Vanesa who I think was cuter than any girl her age made me think she would turn out as beautiful as her mother here.

The woman in question had long slender legs white creamy legs that make men have a fetish for legs as her wide child birthing hips were nothing to scoff at. Her slim waist and her G cup size breast that seem to stand out from her beautiful blue dress as the dress almost touch the ground covering her behind but showing her sexy creamy legs for people to see. Black stockings making her legs so enchanting that would make men want to be stepped on by her. Beautiful black hair that was flowing behind her back smoothly with an flower ornament attached to her hair. A big beautiful enticing butt hiding behind the dress but if one saw it they would loose their minds and would dream or want to touch her ass and grope it.

Seeing this woman it made me freeze but composing myself as Vanesa answers her and me keeping quite. "Yes mother I want him to join the family as he will become my brother!" Vanesa said with a resolute voice and very much adoring. Making her mother smile at her in content as she nods and responds to her daughter accepting the boy to the family.

Just everything was going to fast.

"Great mother I love you!"

"me too dear and what is your name son?" never in my life being called that made me happy extremely as if feeling the warmness I have never felt for years as a child. "Kaizer" saying my name to her she smiled at me. "From now on you're my son and will now be apart of our family"




[5 years later]

Waking up feeling the a soft sensation on my hands squeezing that sensation.


"Big brother ecchi....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"

"Kaizer so naughty.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"

The soft sensation was none other than my sister Vanesa and my mother Martha who were mumbling. All these years I had the best years of my life finding the joy of having a family as they care about you. Forgetting all those memories of loneliness it felt good to have only good ones. But it's been hectic a lot for me to handle with my mother and sister sleeping with me it's been 5 years since they done this and joined their family. As my full name is now Kaizer Evalon.

But one thing when, I was alone at the time, I wasn't adopted by them. I have read many stories of how woman or girls that show these types of signs like they always stay close to you. Always ask who you were with and if it's a female you been in close contact they will question you why and will be angry with you. They will do a lot of things whether it's killing for their loved ones or tying them up and keeping them somewhere remote as they are stuck with them forever. As they are all possessive and will show a lot with how much they stay stay around you and do weird things to you.

But one thing is that the book, I found in the streets just laying there taught me many things and their is no word to describe these type of people but I came up with one.


That's the word for such possessive woman, I never thought at a young age or when even I grew would see one. Thinking that it must be rare but no, I myself is sleeping with two on me. Vanesa and mother it made me question myself what did, I sign up to but thinking about it it doesn't bother me at the least just worried a bit of their actions. But then they love me and helped me I shouldn't be scared.

I have noticed them being strange when, I was small not knowing why since, I was naïve when it came to them but more and more seeing how they express themselves. I have checked all the things that qualify a yandere and they all fit there. As when, I talked to another girl or woman which for to long they will be scary, I seen their looks so many times. It mostly was Vanesa who was always stalking me and stuff but as more time passes by mother did the same like Vanesa even if they thought I was oblivious. I wasn't always aware of their actions and will stop them form doing anything rash or bad.

They like being with me sleeping with me eating taking walks learning together and stuff even taking showers together. It's all a daily routine and growing up my hormones been acting up it made me feel weird that I'm getting hard from my mother but knowing that i'm adopted but still think of her as a mother makes me dizzy to what do. These two yanderes that love me dearly which i know their feelings I don't know if i'm willing to have them or even be able to love them. Same goes with Vanesa my sister but thinking more deeply

I should embrace the love they show me but don't know how it will be like. As much I want to take them or mostly loose my virginity to Vanesa and then do it with mother. Training my power which manifested in me at 7 as it was a really strong one which I learned i'm able to nullify magic but that's it not knowing what's the limit to it.

Wanting to move but i'm just pinned here their legs intertwining with mines and arms and breast pressed onto my chest.

"Wake up you 2 i'll go train"

Not seeing them wake up but knowing they hear me just not opening their eyes.

"I won't bath with any of you if you don't move"

"No!!!! anything but that!"

Both shouted at the same time made me use that to get out of the bed smoothly.

"have to train now want to be stronger for myself and for you two"

This made their hearts beat fast and faces having blushes.

"Kaizer you will join Welder Academy the best of the best for my little Kaizer" this news made me exited that I'm going to be enrolled in the academy. Wanting to know what it feels like to be there as, I have heard that all races from noble families go there.

"your sister will come with you! I have enrolled both of you there as you will get there in no time"

Making me and Vanesa happy but they both are wearing nightgowns and made me look at their bodies but turned away as they had grins on their faces.


As for the Elizabeth, Katherine, Ariel I have already plans for them and it won't be like Elizabeth with be with another man as she is reborn/reincarnated she will pretty much start like....can't spoil it, I have it planned out.

Sorry for like making it vague for the abilities and shit like magic stuff which I will implement or have like info dump chapters were it mostly revolves around the world and magic, races, this and that. This chapter might not be much but it will get better more and more just bit tired went rock climbing and feeling like sandbag not wanting to move unless someone can physically.

I will be able to post 1 chapter every day even though, I have work to do.

Woudl yall be a such kind people to vote, add it to your library hope my story will be able to entertain you.

Belteragoncreators' thoughts