
Trouble on another world

COVER NOT MINE - contact me if you're the orginal ownerr . . . Working different part time jobs as well trying to write his own novel just to get through and gain money to be able to provide for his family which consist of his two smaller sisters who are in high-school and his mother who is at the hospital. Working his ass off to pay for his sisters education and mothers hospital bills. not trying to worry them as he smiles brightly not showing his weak and tired side where he has to burden everything but will do so for only them. But fate had other plans for him as he died in a unfortunate accident killing him but he saved those he cared about in the event. Now he is reborn into a new world where magic is everywhere and different races other than human roam the world. Many dangers lay right ahead but one thing the people he ever meets are even a bigger danger. That will either be his downfall or the most important thing to him. . . . sigh I don't know about fanfics man, I have been thinking about making my own original novel with my own character and see how that goes. if u see poor grammar my bad.

Belteragon · Fantasy
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11 Chs


I see nothing but pitch black and i'm still able to seem to think straight even though i'm dead. I'm not panicking or scared as, I always think that death will come for us one day. Wondering what the 3 of them are doing now hoping they are good. A sudden light shines in the darkness and I can't help but try to close my eyes but knowing i'm just a soul with no physical body I stare at the blinding light for what seems seconds or more.

"You interest me you should get another chance of life and don't worry about your love ones you will be able to see them again" hearing that from what ever the fuck the light came from. "What do you mean am I able to see my family again!?"

"yes but one thing they will be sent here as they died taking their own lives after they killed the one that ended your life for short here" the ball of light did something and flash of memories burst through me as I saw everything that the 3 of them did for me. If I had a physical body i would cry but I can only cry in the inside they did it all for me. "Can I see them right now!?"

"No, I don't have enough power for that as they will be sent to this new world you will be born in a new world but one thing, I will seal your memories and make you forget you met me as I myself don't have much time to live" Hearing all of this was crazy enough sealing my memories and stuff and not being able to remember them. "don't worry you will remember everything about your past but when you are close to them you will feel a tug in your soul that is when you know they are near.....I shall grant you a gift my last breath is me bestowing you this power you will be born with that contains the power I once cultivated for....forgive me as I hope you are able to defeat my enemies in this world and the realms above be careful and live on"

Not knowing what he was giving me and what enemies? Knowing I won't get an answer I couldn't see anything as everything turned pitch black.


[??? POV]

I hope he is able to defeat my enemies that have now killed me and hope he lives on to see the light and not travel into a dark road. As his time is up and now he will cease to exist.

How trouble some...it's the end of me huh..... making a doppelganger and interfering with the reincarnation system took a huge toll on my soul. As I sent my other self to reunite the souls of the 3 females that killed themselves for him as they wanted to see him again such determination and courage to take ones life. Giving them the same treatment of having their memories sealed only to be regained by being closed to him I admire their will to see him.

But what hurts is that my daughter is stuck in the spirit realm and I needed a candidate to be the new host of my power. And stumbling upon Kaizer's soul and reading his memories I knew he was a good man and a good match for my daughter. it hurts me that she is trapped their because my enemies tried to kill her as she went to the spirit realm to hide. I hope that she can detect my power or now his power that will be a beacon to her attracting towards him as she can be healed by him. Wanting for her to make a soul contract with him upon meeting and hope he can take good care of her while I couldn't do much. as she can't get out of there without making a soul contract with somebody.

what a father i'm...failing to protect my daughter.

I the great kaygolore failed protecting his own daughter one of the strongest beings to ever lived! I leave it to you boy!


[6 years later]

I'm running for my life as, I'm being chased around by people trying to catch me and god knows what they will do to me. Why did I deserve this hell it was food for me to eat since i'm hungry.


Going through a crowd of people as, i try to loose them by hiding behind walls and stuff. Peeking out to the side as i'm on an alleyway next to trash and junk that people throw here. Not seeing the people I stole from chasing me. So breathing in sigh of relief that, I was able to escape from them. Munching on the 2 pieces of bread, I stole from the old men. Not filling me up quite right but it gets the job down. As, I sit down on the ground, I couldn't help but grit my teeth and slam the ground with my fist as tears leak out from my eyes.

It hurts so much that, I had to go through all this starting with my mother leaving me and father too. Even though they left me making me hate them as much as, I could. But time pass by growing up in the slums, I learned that nothing like that would get me anywhere of just having anger clouding my mind. It hurts to be abandoned but I had to make do with how thing changed.

[A/N: His parents are just non existing characters so don't mind them]

I want to move somewhere else and not be here anymore. So lonely wiping my tears, I get up and head towards a direction that at least can provide me with something. As I walk deeper into the alley way, I hear something that peeked my interest.

"Little girl you shall be used for ransom keke! Now don't move and stay quite you're coming with me"

I hear a man speak to someone who was a little girl so, I peeked around the corner and look as a little cute girl who even, I was astonished of how cute she is but it seems she is my age? Looking at her facial expression that shows disgust and no fear in her can be seen. It surprised me but even though she didn't show fear it kinda concerned me.

Wait why am I concerned for some girl but even my body and mind wants to save her. Clenching my fist as I grit my teeth knowing that at least, I can do something here. So, I think of ways how to save her and find a nearby knife which for some reason is laying there. It was rusty but it will do the job, I have killed people but by accident only this time I will do it by my own hands. Couldn't help but gulp down a mouthful of saliva as it made me nervous but I steeled my nerves and sneak up towards the man as his back is facing me.

"You look cute maybe when you are ripe, I shall taste you" Couple steps away from the man, I rush forward putting strength behind the attack as I stab the knife deep into his throat.

"Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh! Y-Y-you!" Without even giving him a second pulling the knife downwards slicing the behind of his neck killing him. Dropping towards the ground as I heave the adrenaline in my veins disappears. Feeling so tired but I get up and look at the girl who was staring at me not of fear but of interest. As, I can see people through their façade and read their emotion well. It made me confused as I fear she would scream at me or run in fear but none of that I saw in her.

"Are you alright?"

"What is your name?" It caught me by surprise that she asked my name but not having a last name as I didn't want it from my parents only kept my first name. "kaizer..." Only telling her this as I feel tired and it took a lot on me since i'm skinny but at least not weak. I felt weirded out and strange as she kept staring at me with those beautiful blue eyes of her. "Whats your name girl?"

"Vaneza...." hearing that and seeing her clothes she was a noble not because of her name but those clothes are what some nobles wear or buy for themselves. Not wanting to even be here any longer I tell the girl to go. "go that way you will exit the alley way, I should get going now"

As I now leave her but still feel her eyes on me I left as quickly as I could as she was weird for me to even stay there for any longer. I felt so hungry now that I used up energy when saving her and I need to scavenge or steal some food somewhere.

So tired.....when will it ever stop....


ello hope you are enjoying the story so far.