
Trouble on another world

COVER NOT MINE - contact me if you're the orginal ownerr . . . Working different part time jobs as well trying to write his own novel just to get through and gain money to be able to provide for his family which consist of his two smaller sisters who are in high-school and his mother who is at the hospital. Working his ass off to pay for his sisters education and mothers hospital bills. not trying to worry them as he smiles brightly not showing his weak and tired side where he has to burden everything but will do so for only them. But fate had other plans for him as he died in a unfortunate accident killing him but he saved those he cared about in the event. Now he is reborn into a new world where magic is everywhere and different races other than human roam the world. Many dangers lay right ahead but one thing the people he ever meets are even a bigger danger. That will either be his downfall or the most important thing to him. . . . sigh I don't know about fanfics man, I have been thinking about making my own original novel with my own character and see how that goes. if u see poor grammar my bad.

Belteragon · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Library and spoiled sister

I was going to write like a auxillary volume to put every info there but why not create chapters for yall to read instead :)


Right now at the library reading all about this world like different kingdoms in this world one thing that got me hooked is many races not just humans, wolf people, orcs, elves and many more that mother told me about Piquing my interest to see this school even more wanting to explore more outside the human kingdom which is named Arkan the kingdom that we are currently at but one thing is my mother and Vanesa are one of the most respected in the kingdom. And here I thought she was the queen of the whole kingdom.

So reading from the book I'm reading is about the kingdoms and races- [

Arkan - humans race

Elangor Kingdom - elves race

Argan kingdom - Beast

Lagista kingdom - dwarf race ]

these are all kingdoms which reside here in the mortal realm which interest me. Since there are many other realm going from mortal, Divine realm, god realm which the book had information about. Now here in the mortal realm it seems that these kingdoms had different races and each one had their unique races living in that kingdom. As the most unique one was that beast races that have unique looks like a tail or ears.

Elves never seen one alongside beast people but dwarf people, I had it was interesting seeing such people had a way smaller height than any other race but they are really good at crafting their specialty. Magic is one thing I like the thing is. I don't wield any sort of magic being born magicless but one thing, I was born with that surprised me and my family was that. I can nullify magic meaning can cancel any magic coming to my way. It was so shocking that my mother wanted to not use it a lot or use it to where you will get unwanted attention from evil people.

Which taking her advise to heart, I trained my body everyday physically not being able to wield any magic inside feels kinda depressing but got over it. Knowing that this magic or whatever it is can help me a lot. what surprised me too was that mother had 3 elements and 2 of them are super rare. She has blood, air, lava elemental magic learning all this made me curious what are the rarest elements/magic one can gain. Grabbing the other book which is about the elemental magic here above another book.

Elements starting with the Common - 90%

Air - water - earth - Nature - wind - electricity

Rare elements - 10%

Ice - poison - sound - metal -

Epic elements - 1%

Holy/light - Dark - undead - Lava

Legendary elements - 0.01%

Time - Space - chaos

But even when getting like the rarest type of element or any element in general is comprehending the nature of your ability how it works or how you can make it work. It is by one's hand to make themselves stronger along side the elemental magic they were born with. But even then one can get stuck at a certain point when using their elemental magic and trying to increase their own strength. I learned that their is levels when using the elemental magic one is born with for instance one is a beginner at the start.

To the next book for which says "Mastery over Elements and elemental wielding"

Element - [Beginner - intermediate - expert - Master - God ]

Even with all this what surprises me is that people can have more than 1 element magic. One can even learn other types of element for themselves but it a lot harder because one won't have an affinity towards the element they want to learn. Next page reading that many can wield more than 1 element and saw it with my own eyes witnessing mother and Vanesa.

Wielder Elemental magic

1 elements - common - 90%

2 elements - rare - 10%

3 elements - extremely rare - 1%

4 elements - Legendary - 0.01%

[A/N: Gachaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wait wrong saying oops]

So much luck happens in this world but it mostly depends on one's hard work and will to become stronger than others even if they have a rarer element or multiple ones. Nothing is impossible to overcome unless one tries to overcome their limit. Finishing thinking of my thought and reading the book closing it as their is much to learn.


feeling tired since it's already night time and wanting to go to sleep, I go to my room to go take a nap. Going there, I find Vanesa there playing with her elemental magic. Which hers are Ice, poison, fire she to like mother have been born to wield 3 elements in them.

"Big brother!"

She has been calling me big brother since i'm older than her by not much when it comes ot our birthday. Embracing for impact as she enters into my embrace while I hug her not falling down from such impact since i'm used to it.

"Calm down has mother told you anything about when we're going to the academy?" Going to the bed and putting her on my lap.

Vanesa being put into his lap makes her melt into his embrace having his hands wrapping around her waist. "Yeah we're going there in about 3 years since we can't go there until we are 14 or up"

"Got it" getting the answer 3 years, I can hone my skills with my weapons which are 2 that I love to use and that is a pole which is enchanted a really strong one that mother ordered for me from her connection she has the dwarfs of course along side a katana. My mother even bought a spatial ring for me which my sister already has and her too. But are really expensive that I hesitated in having it. Was really grateful but of course mother ask many many things from me which are very skin to skin contact related of course, I comply not wanting to be put somewhere secluded as she may do things to me making worried.

Nothing less it is what it is.

"Big brother you won't try to get along with any girls over there won't you.....?" the tone of her went to happiness to a possessive and dangerous one. As she emitted a dark aura when she turned around with her eyes growing cold and dangerous that could pierce into one's soul.

"None of them will be worth my time"

"great!" She became normal and seemed satisfied by my response making me relief. Knowing she usually does this as, I pat her head making her into a puddle in my arms.

"i feel tired we'll train tomorrow Vanesa" Getting her off my lap and just laying myself on the bed as she crawls to me and hugs me putting her face on my chest burying herself there as we drift of to sleep.




Sweat is pouring down my face slashing against Vanesa's ice attacks that came raining down on me defending myself with my fist. As her attack coming in contact with my katana in hand parrying all attacks in front of me behind and everywhere that Vanesa is trying to attack me with.

Seeing her big brother hold down her rain of ice attacks makes her smile as she is proud to have him this strong without elemental magic in him and him using his nullifying power that he has which is powerful but still has drawbacks it may seem just has some cons to it. That she could counter but of course her big brother is someone who can overcome such drawback.

*slash* slash*

It was getting easier now able to control this power within me. Seeing an opening dashing forward with lightning speed trying to close in the gap I saw. But she countered my attack with her creating a ice shield surrounding her. But it disappears from my attack then we both stop.

"Lets take a break here Vanesa"

"Ok! come here" she beckons me listening to her, I go to her as she sits down on the grass pulling to her she places my head on her lap stroking my hair. Feeling her soothing hand on my hair, I close my eyes letting the feeling sink in as it was calming to me.

Vanesa seeing her lovely brother closing his eyes she gently strokes his hair playing with it with a smile on her face as she deeply looks at his face always as an enjoyment for her to do. Never getting bored from seeing his face and never will as she loves him more than a brother but wonders will she hate her if he found about her stealing things from him makes her worried but will wait when the opportunity comes she will strike. She will eliminate any pest which are woman trying to get close to him only him and mother are allowed to touch have him!

I hear a giggle coming from Vanesa but not opening my eyes knowing it's her thinking that she might be thinking about something dark. Not like, I can't do anything about it.

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