
Trouble on another world

COVER NOT MINE - contact me if you're the orginal ownerr . . . Working different part time jobs as well trying to write his own novel just to get through and gain money to be able to provide for his family which consist of his two smaller sisters who are in high-school and his mother who is at the hospital. Working his ass off to pay for his sisters education and mothers hospital bills. not trying to worry them as he smiles brightly not showing his weak and tired side where he has to burden everything but will do so for only them. But fate had other plans for him as he died in a unfortunate accident killing him but he saved those he cared about in the event. Now he is reborn into a new world where magic is everywhere and different races other than human roam the world. Many dangers lay right ahead but one thing the people he ever meets are even a bigger danger. That will either be his downfall or the most important thing to him. . . . sigh I don't know about fanfics man, I have been thinking about making my own original novel with my own character and see how that goes. if u see poor grammar my bad.

Belteragon · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Saving a damsel in distress

Rock climbing busy with having that a really fun activity/hobby sometimes i'm procrastinating... I did do some edits on like 2 chapters that had below 1500 words since all chapters will have 1500+ words.


This power of mine is hard because of how, I can't use it without touching the person with it to be able make them unable to fight as they won't be able to cast any type of magic against me. But the thing it's not permanent it will only temporary disable them for a bit. Which my physical prowess comes to light it is the most effective thing to do and catch them off-guard.

Sitting down on the grass having my katana in hand channeling my power into it as it glows a white aura covering the metal of the weapon. It looked cool but it was deadly against magic users , I didn't have to get close combat with only fist, I had my weapon helping me out more with a higher chance to kill them quickly. With the sharpness of the weapon that the dwarfs created it gives me a lot of kill chance on enemies. But transferring my power of nullification into another object that is not part of my body drains me a lot.

Closing my eyes as, I focus on the power within me bubbling trying to at least spread it around my body because even though this power is powerful it totally isn't overpowered if not able to comprehend it.

I'm still yet a beginner but who knows, I haven't fought someone of my age only killed monsters and other creatures with Vanesa since mother had duties to attend. I can't gauge my true strength since my only fighting partner was my sister and mother who always beat me up or defeats me in every fight as she is incredibly strong like, I can't stand up to her but for a maximum of 5 minutes. Doesn't mean, I don't try and give up, I shall get stronger many dangers lie ahead and I don't know what could happen in the future better prepared.

As, I let myself try to last longer in not getting exhausted after 11 minutes, I collapse on my back sweating profusely all over my body feeling my clothes stick to me because of so much sweat being created by my body. Breathing heavily as it takes a toll on me at least, I was able to get 1 minute more than my usual 10 minutes counting the minutes in my head. Smiling as progress is progress no matter how much it hurts getting stronger always brings pain to the person one way or another.

Thinking that maybe , I should explore outside for a bit since my sister is currently with mother. Having that thought in mind, I rest for a bit closing my eyes as the breeze hits my face. Then getting up going to my room to take a nice shower to clean off my sweat.

As, I don't have a maid or anything for some reason my mother always washed me along side Vanesa every single day. So this time, I'll be showing on my own it bit of break from them don't get me wrong love the company but like to sort my thoughts out without having them touch me everywhere when cleaning me.

Getting in my room then grabbing a batch of new clothes which are not noble ones just a simple attire that many civilians wear. Going to the shower and taking my clothes off leaving me naked getting in and started to take a shower.




Outside roaming around the streets where never have, I been around in my life it felt so different but now, I don't know what to think. Good thing no one knows who I'm since mother never told people publicly that she adopted a new son. So no one knows who i'm and it's good don't want to be pestered all the time. It feels calm roaming around not letting my past get to me of how it felt to be homeless, poor and having to resort to stealing in order to survive. No more of that putting my past behind me this is my new life a new future. That, I'll build a new future with my own hands.

But the thought of getting stronger and exploring this vast world makes me all giddy. Excitement bubbles within me, I just can't wait to go the academy with my sister.

Having my walk just going where, I feel like it. Walking around seeing merchants, civilians, adventurers trying to do something or are going somewhere in mind. Each having a purpose to complete.

Then in the corner of my eye, I see people a crowd so to say that are watching some men who who seem to be 1 noble with those types of clothes and the soldiers who were with the noble surrounded her.

Going over there and getting a good look in the middle it was a petite girl with her face having bruises as her violet hair is disheveled her clothes everything of her was in bad condition. Then a memory flash in my mind a bad one were this was me back then, I saw myself in her. Thinking that this shouldn't be my problem but seeing this it didn't cross my mind to leave her.

"Hey mind if you stop bothering my property" telling them to go away and leave her alone mentioning her as my property. They all turned to face me.

The noble had an ugly expression as someone is interfering with his business not liking one bit he turned and glared at the person but got surprised that it was a boy how dare he interrupt him.

"Your property? Hmph how dare you interrupt this noble one's business guards take him down make him kneel to me" hearing this no words coming from my mouth would make this man stop doing what he is doing. Getting surrounded now by his goons looking at them, I scoffed at what they were doing. As they all conjured some element fire, water the most common ones to be born with.

Without further of do dashing in with my putting my fist into the gut of a soldier as they are knocked out and then moving on to the next before they can release their shit on me. Keep on throwing fast punches to all of them before they could react rendering some unconscious but some injured.

*swish* swish*

*Pow* pow*

The noble was shocked and everyone who were looking and not stepping in to help were shocked as well in awe at the boy who was destroying them. Without any elemental magic that they have seen. The girl was looking at the one that saved her made her astonished for the first time in her life she had someone defending her and feeling that light shining in front of her the one that saved her. The soldiers dropped like flies as the noble stood there frozen in shock not knowing what just happened not being able to process the scene before him.

Not staying here one moment longer pulling the girl into a princess carry vanishing before everyone's eye.




"T-Thank you!" the girls thanked me and nodded to her accepting her gratefulness.

"you got any family members? to go to" asking this question to her since, I don't know if she does have a family or not. So, I can take her to them safely without worrying about her anymore.

"...No" hearing that it surprised me but knowing how a mother or father seem to not be looking for her or something because she is like this. "Question how old are you?"


so 4 years older than me thinking that maybe, I should take her in. But don't know how the 2 of them would react. Pulling out a pouch of money than handing it to her as she had a confused expression but then the next words shocked her. "It's full of gold coins you are able to live for a long time with this" telling her that, I turn away then move far from her.

The girls who snapped out of her daze looked at the bad in hand then at him. She ran towards him as he was walking further and further from her he was the light shining in her life and she would not let it get away.

"W-Wait!" she tripped, turning around to hear her call out to me as she fell.

"What do you need?"

"Take me with you, I-I'll be your maid!", the words that came from her mouth made me lift an eyebrow at her and her action as she grabbed my leg.

"Just so you know my Sister and mother are quite strict and never had, I had a maid/servant so you should be the one to see if you can be able to get into their good books" telling her this, I saw a smile on her face filled with determination which made me smile.