
Triplets For The Alpha King

Audrey had everything and anything a woman would want and kill for. She was a beautiful, strong and free witted Luna who was loved by both her Mate, Alpha Killian and her pack members. But she couldn't give birth to pups for the alpha king. Three to six years passed, and Audrey's dreams came to pass, she was pregnant!. Audrey rushed home happily to inform her mate only to be ruthlessly rejected divorced, and banished from the pack by the man who had promised her the whole world. She left not knowing that she had three male pups growing inside of her.

Miriam_Mystic · Fantasy
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4 Chs


The next few weeks were a blur for me. I locked myself in my room, trying to distance myself from the rest of the pack. I didn't want them to see my pain, my anguish.

But even in my solitude, I couldn't escape the rumors that were swirling around the pack. They said that Raya was pregnant, that Killian had moved on from me so quickly. It was like a dagger to my heart. I didn't want to believe it, but the evidence was staring me in the face. Killian had wanted an heir so badly, and I couldn't give it to him on time. And now, Raya was going to give him what he so much desired for a long time.

I felt like such a failure, like I had let everyone down. But most of all, I felt like l had let myself down. I had loved Killian so much, and he had thrown me away like I was nothing.

My throat hurt from crying all through the night and yet it never made me feel better, I stood up and walked out of the room, heading towards the kitchen, a place where I could transfer my pain, anger and grievances towards the meat or veggies that would suffer being ripped apart ferociously by my sharp blade.

On my way to the kitchen, I bumped into a young woman who was the very cause of my pain and anguish, Raya Rosslyn Gael was a stunning young woman, with curves that accented her graceful frame. She had a porcelain complexion with Rosy cheeks that stood out against her dark hair, which was styled in loose waves that cascaded down her back in a waterfall of luscious tresses. Her deep brown eyes sparkled in the sunlight, and her long lashes swept downward like curtains.

She wore a red dress, the silky fabric clung to her every curve, tracing the lines of her body with effortless elegance. It had a deep V neck that exposed just a hint of her ample cleavage, and the sleeveless design showcased her toned arms.

As she walked forward, the dress flared around her hips, the hemlines brushing the top of her golden heels. With each turn, the fabric caught the line and shimmered like flames.

She threw her hair over one shoulder and flashed a dazzling smile at me.

"What a coincidence, Luna" She bowed with an innocent smile, "I was clearly on my way to meet you, I wanted to have a small discussion with you, Hope it isn't a bother"

"I'm busy as you can see" I said turning around to walk away but she blocked me.

"Oh dear, don't stand in front of me with your shoulders up high when your clearly about to break" Raya smiled and walked closer to me "This is just the beginning Audrey, I would take every single thing that rightfully belongs to you, starting from the man you so much Cherish, I would take away your position and then...."

Raya raised up her fingers to my jaw, trailing it down my neck, "Then your life"

I pushed her away from me, making her stagger a few metres away from me.

"Stay the f**k away from me! And my Man!, Just get out of our lives for good!" I yelled in anger, however, what occured next was a scene I never expected at all.

"Hah!, Let's see, between you and I, who really needs to leave!" A malicious smile appeared on Ray's face and before I could react, she moved backwards and fell down the staircase, blood tainting the white marble.

"Oh my Goddess!, Is that Lady Raya?"

"She is bleeding! Quickly call the pack doctor!"

"And inform Alpha Killian about this!"

As all this occurred, I stood there frozen as the pack members glared at me with detest. As Raya lay unconscious at the bottom of the staircase, Alpha Killian rushed to her side, concern etched on his face.

"What happened? Who did this?" he demanded,

looking up at the gathered pack members.

"It was Audrey, my Alpha. She was seen arguing with Raya just before she fell," One of the pack members spoke up, pointing a finger at me.

"I didn't do it! I swear, I didn't push her" | protested, my fingers trembling beside me as I tried to make them see reason.

"Enough! I have heard enough. You still dare to lie after pushing Raya down the stairs, If you're telling the truth just like you said then are you trying to tell me that the pack members that were present when this occurred are lying!" Killian declared as he turned to me.

"How could you do this, Audrey?" Raya's voice rang out, weak but filled with accusation.

"I swear to you, Killian. I had nothing to do with this, Raya fell on her own! I'm telling the Truth" I pleaded with her, tears streaming down my face.

"How could you lie, Audrey! You have always been jealous of me because I got pregnant with the Alpha's heir, and now you have gone too far!" Raya spat out, as the pack members looked at me with pure disdain.

"That's not true, Killian, please don't believe her. I have never been jealous of you. I am innocent, Raya, Tell them the truth!" I replied, hoping that someone would believe me.

"Killian, Please save my baby, I beg you!" Raya cried and that was when I noticed the blood dripping out from in between her legs and I knew, that things were going to get ugly.

Upon hearing and witnessing what Raya had said, The pack members begged Killian to reject me and throw me into a prison cell where I would be tortured till I confess.

I was thrown into the prison cell, left to suffer the consequences of a crime l did not commit.

I was immediately thrown into a prison cell within the pack territory, where I was tortured and beaten mercilessly. Alpha Killian stood by the door, watching as his men inflicted pain upon me. I begged for mercy, but he was deaf to my cries. He believed that I had committed this heinous act and would stop at nothing until | paid for it.

Days turned into weeks, and my body was left broken and bruised. I had been starved and beaten beyond recognition. I had begged for death many times, but it never came. The Alpha had different plans for me. Finally, I was brought before him once more.


"Then let us get this rejection over with." He says coldly.

I took a deep breath, my heart hammering as I prepare myself as best I can. "Let's." I reply, my eyes flashing with determination.

I will not show him how this is breaking me.

He observes me for a moment, no emotion showing.

"I, Alpha Killian, Leader of the silver moon pack reject you, Audrey Westwood as my mate and Luna"

I gasp, as pain rips at my chest and I feel the violent pull of the bond tear through me, but I keep my head up, refusing to feed Raya's smug look of victory when they laugh over this moment together. Killian is watching me, almost as if doesn't think I can do it.

"I Audrey Westwood, former Luna of the Silver moon Pack, accept your rejection, Alpha Killian." A whimper leaves my lips as I feel the final threads of the bond between us break, and I'm left in agony. I clutch my neck, feeling it burn.

"You accepted, That's better, I thought I would have to force you." He murmurs in the distance, but I can't focus, as the pain heightens, I'm struggling to breathe. My vision darkens and I turn my head to look at the man I once called my own.

It turned out, he had become a monster I couldn't recognize no matter how I looked at him.

"You are a disgrace to this pack, Audrey. You have desecrated the sanctity of our system. You will be banished from this pack, never to return. And if you ever show your face here again, I will personally execute you" Killian snarled at me.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I had given everything to this pack, and now they were throwing me out like I was nothing. Killian's actions and words were painful, but I had to comply. I was thrown out of the territory and left to fend for myself.

As I staggered away from the pack, my broken body shaking with sobs, I knew that my life would never be the same again. And just like Raya had said, I had lost everything - my love, my family, and my home. I didn't know how I would survive, but I knew that I had to keep going. As I looked up at the sky, the moon shining down on me, I felt a sudden sense of peace.