
Triplets For The Alpha King

Audrey had everything and anything a woman would want and kill for. She was a beautiful, strong and free witted Luna who was loved by both her Mate, Alpha Killian and her pack members. But she couldn't give birth to pups for the alpha king. Three to six years passed, and Audrey's dreams came to pass, she was pregnant!. Audrey rushed home happily to inform her mate only to be ruthlessly rejected divorced, and banished from the pack by the man who had promised her the whole world. She left not knowing that she had three male pups growing inside of her.

Miriam_Mystic · Fantasy
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4 Chs


Chapter 2

My whole being wobbled as I gazed at him in anguish, hurt and confusion.

"Why??" I asked, my voice hoarse as i stared at the man I had loved for more than I could remember.

What could've possibly gone wrong?

"Raya, she is back, and she's rejoined the pack "

Suddenly, I look up sharply, finding it so difficult to breathe.

"But I am your soul mate, your wife and the Luna of this pack!" I spoke as my whole being trembled. It turns out that he still cares for Raya who was his past!. He chose A girl who had left him when he needed her the most over me?. "How could you do this to me?, We've been married for six years!"

"I had only one regret in this life and that was marrying you back then"

Hearing those words he spoke were more worst than being stabbed a thousand times, and I could feel my eyes prickle with tears, the agony my wolf is feeling consuming me.

"Raya left you back then when the pack was almost destroyed, she only came back now because the pack is now above all other packs, she never loved you!, She just wants to be Luna"

I watched as an earthquaking rage appeared on his handsome face.

"What about you huh?!, you want to continue being my Luna, don't you?" He growled as he threw an extravagant flower vase next to him making me jump as it lands on the marble floor with a loud crash.

It felt like I could hear the sound of my heart breaking into pieces, no different from the sound of the flower vase breaking into hundreds of pieces.

"No, That's not it..... let me explain....

"You knew very well that i loved Raya and we were in a relationship yet you selfishly agreed to this marriage thinking I would forget all about her and let myself get controlled by the mate bond?"

How could he think of me this way, Yes, I was in such a hurry to marry him back then but I did that because I loved him so much, even before I learnt that he was an Alpha.

Killian's father didn't approve the relationship Killian and Raya shared years back, so the former Alpha hosted a party exclusively for mateless werewolves. A party where a werewolf who is yet to find his or her mate could find theirs easily.

That was where I met Killian and fell in love with him at first sight.

Two days later, we got married and Raya who was Killian's lover immediately disappeared, not because Killian was my mate and we were married, but because the pack got attacked by a troop of rogues. The pack was destroyed, and other business organizations owned by the Alpha began to suffer.

Soon, The companies and every other business turned bankrupt.

I stood by Killian's side and helped him restore our pack to it's former glory, we became closer back then in our darkest moment and now our pack is unbeatable.

Now, that one person can come crashing into our lives again and ruining it all?, Did he even for a moment love me wholeheartedly?

If he didn't love me, then why did he make love to me? Why did you touch me like I was the only woman that mattered to you?


My lips quivered as I asked the question that have been bugging me since he brought out the divorce papers, "Tell me, if it wasn't your father's request-

"Then I would have rejected you and I will soon, for Raya!"

Tears poured down my cheeks after hearing his answers.

"Sign these papers, I don't want this to drag out" He says and I shook my head stubbornly.

His eyes darkened .

"I wouldn't sign these papers! I wouldn't let Raya come into my life and destroy the little we have!" I yelled in tears.

But I came to regret it later.

Killian reached out his hands before grabbing me by the neck.

I gasped in pain as I was slammed hard to the wall.

"Just sign these papers, you dumb b*tch! Just because I was able to tolerate your scheming attitude till today doesn't give you the right to refuse me, your Alpha!"

His fist tightened around my neck, blocking my air supply. I pinched his fist as hard as I could, begging him to stop!

I choked as tears rolled down my eyelids like a river.

"For seven years, you couldn't bear me an heir, I understood you and chose to wait for you but it turned out that you were out there whoring around the pack even to a point that you lost your uterus so that no one will find out about your dirty little secret!"

I felt another stung at my heart, this time more intense than the previous one.

I shook my head feeling devastated.

I looked into his eyes trying to send the message to him, to tell him that No, I would never do that to him because I loved him and only him.

After a few minutes, Killian threw me on the floor.

"Sign these papers!"

I picked the documents before staring back into his eyes, trying to recognize the man I fell so hard for.

I intentionally spent up to two minutes, wishing that he'd stop me from imprinting my signature in that paper but... he didn't.

"I'll sign the papers and have this returned to you immediately " I spoke as I stood up, trying to pull myself together.

He lit up a cigarette before placing it in between his lips then he nodded, clearly unconcerned about my agony and pain that I know he could feel through the mate bond.

I grabbed a pen from my bag before signing my name on the paper.

After doing so, I smiled bitterly and nod at him.

"Here are the divorce papers, hope your dear Raya could give you the heir you want"

I turned around and walked away stiffly.