
Triplets For The Alpha King

Audrey had everything and anything a woman would want and kill for. She was a beautiful, strong and free witted Luna who was loved by both her Mate, Alpha Killian and her pack members. But she couldn't give birth to pups for the alpha king. Three to six years passed, and Audrey's dreams came to pass, she was pregnant!. Audrey rushed home happily to inform her mate only to be ruthlessly rejected divorced, and banished from the pack by the man who had promised her the whole world. She left not knowing that she had three male pups growing inside of her.

Miriam_Mystic · Fantasy
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4 Chs


Chapter 4

Audrey's POV~


I sat at my desk in the quiet office, typing away at my computer. I paused for a moment, taking a deep breath and looking around at the space. It was a modest office, but it had become my sanctuary over the past few months.

I remembered how I had landed there, my mind drifting back to memories that I had often pushed away. It all started when I was rejected, betrayed and banished by my own Mate, thrown out from my home with nowhere to go. At that time, I felt hopeless and alone with no idea where my life Would take me.

But as fate would have it, I met a human who offered me a job in the human world with no idea that I was a werewolf, a supernatural being feared by the human kind. It was the turning point in my life, as it gave me a sense of purpose and direction. From then on, life had been kind to me in many ways, However, the memory of my past still lingered, and my heart had turned cold, thinking only of revenge. She couldn't let go of the pain and anger I felt towards those who had wronged me. Sometimes when I sat alone in the office, I would revisit those memories,

feeling the anger and bitterness rise to the surface once again. But I knew that those feelings would only destroy not only me but my Triplet babies as well if I acted on them.

So instead, I focused on what I did have: a job, a roof over my head, and the freedom to create a life for myself far away from the people who had caused

Me so much pain. As I returned to my work, a sense of determination and resilience filled her. I may have been hurt, but I refused to let my past define her. I would rise above it and live my life to the fullest, even as the thought of revenge still lingered in the back of her mind.

Suddenly, My boss, Mr Leo, walked into the office and sat down beside me. The woman was startled at the sudden presence of my boss and tried to regain my composure.

Without a word, The boss walked to the window. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath while I watched curiously. When he turned back around, he had a calming presence about him that put the woman at ease.

Suddenly, My boss reached over and took my hand. He looked deeply into my eyes and held my gaze for a long moment, "Audrey, I'm so happy right now, your ideas really worked and thanks to you, my company is now among the top 10 in the country, I never regretted helping you even for a moment..."

He spoke more words softly in excitement, his voice full of care and kindness. He assured me that my work was appreciated, and that I was a valuable asset to their team. I felt tears form in my eyes as I listened to him speak. I had never experienced such kindness before, and it touched me deeply. In that moment, I realized that I wasn't alone in my struggles.

A sense of gratitude and warmth filled me, and I knew that even though revenge still lingered on my mind, I had allies by my side. I would work hard to prove I was indeed valuable, but this time, I would be surrounded by people who cared for my well-

being. After a moment of silence, I spoke up. "Thank you," I said, my voice cracking with emotion. "I've never had anyone express their appreciation for me like that before. It means a lot to me!"

Her boss gave her a small smile. "You're more than welcome. You're a hard worker, and I value your contribution to this team. Always remember that. We are here to support you in any way we can."

I nodded, feeling a sense of belonging that I had never felt before. I thought back to when I was thrown out from my pack, alone and without hope. Now, I had found a sense of family and community

here in the office. Despite everything that had happened to me, I knew that things were finally

looking up. My boss stood up and patted me on the back.

"Now, let's get back to work. I have a feeling we have a lot to accomplish today"

I smiled, knowing that I would tackle anything that came my way, with my newfound sense of confidence and the support of my boss and colleagues. I knew that, with time, I would heal from the pain of my past and perhaps one day, I would let go of the

thoughts of revenge that still lingered in my



07:30 PM

I hummed a soft tune as I stumbled through the dark and deserted alleyways, both hands clutching at my pregnant belly. I knew I shouldn't have stayed out so late, but I had lost track of time at my office. Today was the day I got my paycheck for the month and this time, it was different, it was tripled!.

I couldn't wait to go to the mall tomorrow and buy baby things for my unborn babies. I was seven months in and yet, haven't bought a thing.

Suddenly, I heard the sound of footsteps pounding the pavement behind me, and I quickened my pace in fear.

But it was too late. As I rounded a corner, I came face to face with a group of rogue werewolves. They circled me, teeth bared and eyes glowing in the dim light, too terrified to do anything, I fell backwards in fear and shock.

The leader of the group, a massive black wolf with scars marring his face, stepped forward and sniffed at my neck. "Mmm, what a delicious scent you have," he growled, eyes locked onto hers. "And a little something extra...a baby. How lovely"

I tried to back away, but the pack closed in, one of them lunging towards me. I Screamed and kicked out, but they were too strong. They knocked me to the ground and began tearing at my clothes.

"You'll make a fine meal for us tonight," the

leader continued, his hot breath puffing against

Audrey's face. "And your child...well, we'll just

have to take care of that too."

I knew I had to come up with a plan quickly. I scanned the area around me, searching for any sign of weakness I could use to my advantage. As the rogue leader circled closer, I braced myself for the fight of my life. Suddenly, I kicked him on the head, distracting him for a second then I darted under the clawed paw of the rogue and bounded down the alleyway.

The rogue leader was surprised by my quick move, but he was quick to follow after me, his pack at his back. My heart pounded with effort as I scrambled up a fire escape to the rooftops above. From my vantage point high above a building, I drew upon my instincts and my determination to outwit my attackers. With a

few well-placed moves, I managed to outmaneuver the rogue group and send them scurrying back to the shadows.

After the dust had settled, the rogue leader approached me, his eyes blazing with something I couldn't fathom.

"You truly are a formidable opponent," he said, his voice low and husky. "I have never seen anyone outsmart my group the way you did. Perhaps we can come to some sort of arrangement."