
Triplets For The Alpha King

Audrey had everything and anything a woman would want and kill for. She was a beautiful, strong and free witted Luna who was loved by both her Mate, Alpha Killian and her pack members. But she couldn't give birth to pups for the alpha king. Three to six years passed, and Audrey's dreams came to pass, she was pregnant!. Audrey rushed home happily to inform her mate only to be ruthlessly rejected divorced, and banished from the pack by the man who had promised her the whole world. She left not knowing that she had three male pups growing inside of her.

Miriam_Mystic · Fantasy
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4 Chs


Chapter 1


Audrey's pov~

"Congratulations Luna, you're six weeks pregnant, this massive news could bring a never ending joy to both Alpha Killian and the pack members "

"Pregnant?, Are you sure?" I asked staring down at the test report in my hands.

"Yes, Luna, the test confirmed it"

My heart skipped a beat as my small palm moved to my flat stomach, caressing it softly as I walked out of the hospital, hurrying towards my waiting car.

My driver, Nathan was waiting beside the red jeep and he opens the door for me, bowing his head.

"Thank you, Nathan " I say as I stepped into the car gracefully.

"Where to, Luna?" He asks once he got into the driver's seat.

"Home" I said In excitement, I was so eager to break the happy news to my mate, Alpha Killian, Leader of the silver crook pack.

I was pregnant for the heir.

And just like every other werewolves, I always wished and prayer for a mate who would cherish and love me till death but the only difference between I and other werewolves was that I had fallen head over heels in love with Alpha Killian when I was just thirteen.

The crush never went away until I turned eighteen only to find out that he was my fated mate. It felt like a dream come true and we got married right away.

And it've been six years yet I couldn't bear him an heir despite the countless intimate nights we had. At first, I drowned myself in my sorrows and anguish, I was scared that he would leave me for another female who could bear him an heir without problems, but fortunately, Alpha Killian was understanding and patient enough and now.....

We were going to have our very first child!

Reaching large gated mansion, I stepped inside and head straight into the kitchen, my dark heels echoing on the wooden floors with each step I take. I will make his favorite dishes in preparations for an amazing dinner night.

A night where I would tell him about the baby and show him the pregnancy reports.

I was unable to suppress my smile as excitement coursed through me.

A few minutes later, I wiped my hands with a small kitchen towel and flicked away the droplets of sweats around my forehead. My eyeballs roamed over my masterpiece carefully and beautifully arranged on the huge dining table. Plates of various cuisines were spread on the enormous table. And they were all cooked by me, without the aid or interference of any maid.

I hadn't worked this hard for such a long time but tonight was going to be a special night and the beginning of something new.

"Waoh Luna, This smells so good!" Nina Dobrev, The beta's only daughter and best friend walked in with her nose tilted up in a weird angle as she inhaled the appetizing aroma that wafted around the air.

"You think so??" I spoke with a wide grin on my face, "Have a taste and tell me what you think, would Killian like it?"

Nina grabbed a spoon and took a bite from the remains in the pot. After chewing for a few seconds, she closed her eyes and released a satisfised moan.

"Hmmm, is so f**king delicious!" Nina yelled and wrapped her arms around my waist, sending a flirtatious wink at me. "Come on, Luna, which man in his right senses would reject good dishes prepared by his one and only!"

Those words Nina spoke was enough to drive all my worries and fears away.

Maybe I was so much in a hurry to break the news to Terror that I started entertaining weird thoughts. Sigh..

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

"I guess the Alpha is here, I'll give you both the space you deserve and remember....." Nina brought her lips closer to my ear before whispering "Don't let the Alpha go too deep, it could hurt the baby"


"You have some spices littered around your hair, freshen up and put on a nice dress, it's your date night so look your best. I'm going, bye!!" Nina dashed out of the kitchen before I could complete my statement.


It took more than twenty minutes for me to freshen up and appear in front of him, Alpha Killian, who was my mate and my husband.

Killian wore a high-end custom-made black suit and sat upright at the dining table, elegantly cutting a piece of Philippe steak.

"I heard you prepared these?" He spoke in a deep voice, his voice magnetic and charming. Even if he just said four simple words, It had the power to draw me in.

"Yes" I answered gleefully as I sat on the chair next to his.

"Sorry for making you wait so long." He said.

"It's okay."

Killian looked up at her with a deep gaze before speaking. "I have something to say"

Surprisingly, his voice was cold and distant, something I never thought much about, after all, he just returned from work so he must be stressed out.

"Me too but since you brought it up first then, it's right for you to go first!" I say and watched silently as he brought out a brown file from his briefcase before tossing it towards me.

"Sign it and hand it over to me"

I grabbed the file and flip it open, but the words in bold characters at the top of the first page made my blood run cold.


I scanned the contents of the file again just to be sure that my eyes weren't deceiving me. This was a divorce agreement printed with our names on it.

How was that possible?

What went wrong?

My whole being wobbled as I gazed at him in anguish, hurt and confusion.