
Tributes for Peace

Three tribes occupied the continent, two of which aim to form an alliance through marriage, how will the two heirs take this news?

EmilySchneider0995 · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter Two

-Bakugou's POV-

I woke up in my little hut, the early sunshine coming in to greet me. I got up, sighing and hopping out of the hammock to start my day. I carefully fixed my body paint, as well as attempting to tame my hair. It just poofed up again so I left it, leaving my little place of solitude and hiding it again. I made my way back to the tribe, knowing that mother would send someone after me shortly anyways.

Everything was quiet as the morning went on, the Sira tribe barely noticed. Some of them would walk around, probably doing a headcount to see if we ran and warned the warriors. Not that it would make much of a difference, our warriors were all too young to fight well enough to clear out these people. I spotted one of them from the meeting at the center tent, making eye contact with her before she turned and ran off somewhere.

"Katsuki, getting your morning walk in, I see. Anything planned for the day?" one of the few elders asked, getting a bow from me.

"Not much, just gonna try to get out of a marriage. The nerve of my mother to betroth me without asking." I growled out, my anger bubbling up.

"Oh honey bear, it may not be as bad as you think. After all, your marriage will help everyone here to survive." she stated, rubbing my arm gently and somehow calming me down.

"Tch, she still could've asked me first." I grumbled, hearing the elder chuckle.

"Why don't you try talking with your betrothed, you might end up liking him." she stated, walking back into her tent.

I continued towards the bonfire, knowing that the old hag was probably cooking with the wives. She loved to help them out while my old man was away, especially since we hadn't heard from him in a while. When I got to the area with the fire I saw the girl from earlier talking with the guy from the tent. My betrothed and her looked over at me before I rolled my eyes and walked over to my mother.

"Katsuki used to always play with Izuku, I bet they'd make great travel buddies." Deku's mother said, my old hag chuckling at the statement.

"No we wouldn't, would you quit talking about me when I'm not around." I growled, seeing my mother sigh before looking at me.

"Katsuki, Izuku will be going with you anyways. Why can't you just do as you're told?" she asked, sounding exhausted.

"Maybe I would if you'd stop making decisions for me." I stated, another sigh from my mother.

"You think I wanted to marry you to a different tribe, I would have much preferred that you stay here. I'm only doing this for the greater good of these people, can't you just help me out a little bit?" she asked, a look in her eye daring me to argue with her.

"Tch, whatever. Just came to say good morning so you'd leave me alone, have a great day." I snapped, walking away afterwards.

I stepped into the supply hut on my way out of the settlement, grabbing a few scraps to eat before going back into the woods. I couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching me as I made my way down to the waterfall, the only place I could relax outside. It was loud for sure, but there was a calming element to it if you just laid there listening to it. I snacked on the few pieces of jerky and a pear that I had grabbed on my way out here, planting the seeds in a small clearing before continuing on my way.

Once at the waterfall I found my usual flat rock, shaded with just a few rays of sun making it past the leaves above. I laid down on my back, closing my eyes so that I could just listen. The birds were flying around, chirping away at each other as the squirrels hopped from branch to branch. Yet I still felt watched as I laid here listening to the usual sounds. I figured I was just stressed so I turned onto my side, curling so I was comfortable, and making myself fall asleep. This was one of my few favorite places to nap, the sounds making everything so serene.

-Kirishima's POV-

Mina had come up to me to tell me that Katsuki was back in the settlement, having come out of the woods. I was a bit confused what he had been doing out there all night, but it wasn't anything I could stop. We were told by one of the women from this tribe that food would be ready at the bonfire in a little while. We all headed over, though not planning to eat their food. It wasn't that we didn't trust them, it's just that they weren't known for having abundant food like our tribe or the Miko tribe.

This was one reason why they were much smaller than we were, it was a matter of nutrition available. Once we were in the bonfire area we could see many people just chatting and mingling with each other. Finding a seat somewhere Mina and I just watched everyone, at least until she whispered in my ear.

"Katsuki's here, what should we do? We could just take him and leave." Mina suggested, making me look at the blonde across the fire from us.

Him and I made eye contact before he turned away and walked over to his mother. I could tell they were having a conversation, and he looked irritated, but I couldn't hear a word that they were saying to one another. Eventually Katsuki said something and stormed out of the circular area. I got up, following him at a distance to see where he'd go. I never rejected Mina's offer, because if need be we'd probably have to do just that.

I followed Katsuki at a distance for what seemed like hours before he stopped near a waterfall. I perched in a leafy tree to try and get a better view of him, adoring the way his body moved. He laid down on a rock, looking peaceful for a little while. After a bit though he turned to his side, looking absolutely gorgeous with a perfectly calm expression. I could hear his soft snore after a while, signifying that he'd fallen asleep. Climbing down quietly I walked over to him, kneeling in the grass next to him and just admiring him.

-Time Skip: Several hours later-

I was still next to Katsuki, looking over his perfect features. I couldn't help but to reach forwards, running a hand along the curve of his waist. He had a rather feminine figure, but being so petite he looked like a doll to me. As my hand moved along his skin I could hear a soft whimper from him, making me watch his face. His features contorted slightly in a way I've never seen before, making me drag my eyes over him to assess his condition.

There was a faint tinge of pink on his cheeks and ears, a lovely shudder that ran along his back, as well as a movement with his hips. As my hand rested on his hip, I started to look a bit closer. Under his clothes there seemed to be something that formed a small dome. Moving my hand from his hip to see what it was I nearly fell back in shock when he jumped back. Katsuki had a look of pure anger as his face turned bright red, trembling slightly as he sat away from me a bit.

"What are you, a pervert? Why are you touching me?" he asked, clearly upset.

"You looked so beautiful just laying there." I answered, not knowing I could speak in front of this angel.

"That's not an answer dumbass, why were you touching me?" he asked again, slightly calmer.

"I wanted to see if your skin was as soft as it looked." I replied, finally thinking of an answer.

"Well next time do it to someone who's awake. You scared the shit out of me." he stated, still looking angry.

"I really didn't mean to, I was just curious." I said, a feeling of guilt weighing down on me.

"Ya ya, whatever. Why are you out here?" he asked, sitting up normally though still not near me.

"I followed you to see what you were doing." I stated, seeing him frown at me.

"So not only did you touch me while I was sleeping, you stalked me till I was alone and defenseless?" he said, though it sounded like a question.

"N-no, I was curious about what you liked to do." I said, trying to make him see that I wasn't a bad person.

"Then you talk to the person, not stalk them into the woods you pervert." he huffed, still glaring at me.

"I'll consider that for next time." I stated, seeing him roll his eyes.

"Ya whatever, so you wanted to get to know me. Why?" he asked, turning his glare back to me.

"Because you're beautiful and I think I should know about my betrothed before our union. Wouldn't you agree?" I asked, seeing him think it over before nodding slightly.

"Let's get one thing straight right now, first, I may look nice but I am in no way beautiful. Second, just because we're betrothed doesn't mean I have to like you. Am I clear?" he said, looking upset.

"Crystal, but that won't stop me from describing you that way or from wanting to know about you." I replied, seeing him huff before he got up and started walking away.

I followed after him, still curious about the blonde that I'd be marrying in about a week. He was definitely on the small side, even for this tribe, but I could tell he was feistier than anyone else as well. His waist was the most dainty part of him, just wide enough so that my hands wouldn't fully encompass it. As I was looking over him I felt a sudden stinging pain in my arm, rubbing it and looking up at the blonde who was holding a tiny branch in his hand.

"Stop looking at me like that, I'm not a damned animal." he grumbled, turning to walk again.

"I was simply admiring you, like I previously said, you're beautiful." I said, hearing an annoyed huff.