
Tributes for Peace

Three tribes occupied the continent, two of which aim to form an alliance through marriage, how will the two heirs take this news?

EmilySchneider0995 · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter One

-Bakugou's POV-

The old hag had sent word that I was needed back home, though when I got there I could see people that were unnecessarily tall walking around. They each had a red feather in their hair meaning they were from the Sira tribe. We had been at war with them for a little while, guess we reached a truce or lost based on how they were looking at me. With my head held high I walked towards the center tent. All meetings were held there so that was where my old hag was probably at, with the leader of the Sira tribe most likely.

When I entered the tent I found the hag sitting across from a giant redhead, both looking at me. I moved to sit near one of the women here, feeling more comfortable with the two giants in my sightline.

"You called?" I stated, sounding like a question.

"Yes Katsuki, I have something important to tell you. Try not to get too upset." she stated, causing me to already get annoyed.

"Just saying that makes this worse." I grumbled, getting a glare from the hag.

"Anyways, you of all people are aware of the war." she stated, getting me to nod as I glanced at the other two in the room.

"Ya, what's that got to do with me? You wouldn't even let me go fight to begin with." I growled out, seeing that she was just as upset as me.

"Well it's over now, we've reached an agreement." she stated, staring down the man across from her.

"Great, can I go now?" I asked, wanting to leave and go back to my solitude.

"No, the agreement was for you to marry him or things would only get worse." she said, a bit of venom lining her voice when addressing the redhead.

I was silent for a moment, looking over to the redhead across from my mother. He had yet to even say a word and I already hated his guts. Shaking my head I stood up and left, not listening when the old hag yelled for me to sit back down. It was one thing for her to not tell me to fight with all of the other men, it was quite another to marry me off without the slightest thought of telling me until after.

"Kacchan! Wait up!" the nerd of the village shouted, running after me.

"Leave me alone Deku, I'm in no mood to deal with your dumbass." I growled out to him, hearing him stop as I made it to the woodline.

I headed off to the small hut that I always hang out in, it's away from everyone else and the only place that only I can find. I carefully closed the door, making sure that it wouldn't be too visible to anyone outside. Laying in the small hammock against the far wall I watched through the carefully crafted window to look out at the waterfall. It was one of the few things that could calm me down nowadays.

-Kirishima's POV-

He was beautiful, absolutely stunning. Katsuki Bakugou, the heir to the Folia tribe was perfect in every way. He was petite with a lovely shade of blonde that looked like he had been out in the sun all day. His skin was a lovely tan shade, clear of all imperfections with the white body paint that made him look like a bride already. The way his sharp red eyes looked at me made me freeze, unable to talk to the perfect person in front of me. When he glared at me I couldn't help but melt, trying to figure out how to make him happy.

His walk was just as stunning, with the slight sway of his hips and the demand for attention clear as day. Even if he was angrily walking away I couldn't help but look him over. The thin waist and broad chest that he had was almost matching the muscular thighs and firm ass that he had. The white and gold cloth around his waist being the only thing keeping prying eyes from seeing too much. His voice was rough, with a honey sweet bite to it as he snapped at some green haired kid.

"I apologize for his behavior, he's not one for taking orders well." the chief stated, grabbing my attention.

"No worries, I'm sure he'll come around once he's had time to think it over." Mina said behind me, getting a nod from the chief.

"Still, it's inexcusable for him to act that way. I'll have a talk with him later, would you like us to show you to your huts?" she asked, standing.

"That would be nice but we'll stay in a camp not too far away. Most of the warriors prefer to sleep outside." Mina answered, getting another nod as we both left.

Walking around, the place looked quite peaceful despite the war between our tribes. No one would meet our gaze though, looking away or at the ground when one of us approached. They seemed to be acting as if the mere act of looking at us would upset us, or result in injury. I saw a pair of children running around, orange hair bouncing as they played some hopping game.

"It's too peaceful here, it's unnerving." Mina mumbled, looking around.

"Not everyone is trained young to fight and survive." I replied, hearing her hum.

"I guess so, it's still very unsettling." she stated.

I gave the signal for all of us to gather around, seeing the villagers go inside at the sight of us all in one place. There were several people that grabbed children before running off, most likely to their huts. As the last of us made their way over I turned so we were all facing each other so we could talk.

"So how did negotiations go?" Sero asked, everyone turning to Mina and I.

"Well Kiri here is gonna be marrying the heir of the Folia tribe, as a political leg up. They wouldn't think of fighting back with him as a hostage." Mina stated, putting her shoulder on mine.

"Him! You mean he's marrying a guy? What point would that serve, you wouldn't even be able to have an heir?" one of the new warriors stated, getting a lot of pointed looks.

"That's besides the point, anyways the date has been set. If the question of an heir comes up later then we'll worry about it then." Mina hissed out, seeing the warrior bow his head in submission.

We were a tribe of simple rules, though the punishments for breaking the rules could get very severe. There of course were the rules to cover possessions and murder, but the ones about speaking against an order were terribly strict. If you spoke against someone of higher ranking than you could lose your tongue, speaking down on them resulted in death. Questions were to be asked only if given permission, or it was considered a challenge of authority.

Once you reach the age of five you were to start training in a field that you preferred or were sent to. If you singled someone out based on their sexual preference then you could be sterilized or unable to have children. That was usually the end of your life as most people would have kids purely to have help. People who suffered that punishment usually took their own lives after the observation week was over.

"We should start to set up camp, it'll be dark soon and we'll be stuck without supplies." Sero stated, everyone scattering to do different jobs.

I was about to head off to find a field to stay in when I turned to find the green haired boy that was talking to Katsuki before. He looked like he had a question to ask, though he was pale with what I assume was terror. He was small for his age, most likely a teen based on the kids around the area. I gave him a nod, seeing him tense and looking around for a second with confusion.

"D-did you mean I can speak?" he asked, not quite meeting my eyes.

I nodded to him, seeing him take a deep breath, though not relaxing at all.

"I-I was w-wondering, could you answer some questions a-about your tribe?" he asked, making me think before nodding.

I grabbed his arm and headed towards the forest, feeling his whole body tense as I easily dragged him with me. He whimpered slightly as I eventually set him on a rock near a pond of water. He sat there shaking for a bit as I stood watching him with my arms crossed.

"Y-you're not g-going to hurt m-me right?" he asked, making me shake my head no.

"You had questions, ask." I ordered, seeing him nod.

"R-right. Why a-are you guys so tall?" he asked.

"It's genetics, we're just taller." I answered, keeping it as brief as possible.

"You n-normally keep to yourselves, why?" he questioned.

"People ask too many questions and get too greedy." I stated, seeing him flinch slightly.

"What do you want with Kacchan?"

"Who?" I asked, confused by his question.

"Kacchan, the chief's son." he clarified.

"You mean Katsuki. He's a peace offering, his mother said that if I married him then we'd be able to do trade together. It seemed fair to me, desperate, but fair." I replied, seeing him nod.

"So you don't plan to wipe us out?" he asked, confused.

"Not unless you guys start something." I warned, seeing him nod.

"That was all I had questions about, for now." he said, trying to climb down from the rock.

I picked him up and headed back to the village despite his protests. He gave me directions after a bit to a hut that had a small fire started inside. A short woman with straight green hair was pacing by the firepit when I walked over with the boy. She noticed me before him, looking scared before relief covered her.

"Izuku, honey are you ok?" she asked, taking the boy from me.

"I'm fine mom, I just wanted to ask him some questions." he replied, trying to stop her search over him for injuries.

"Questions? You went missing for almost two hours over questions. Do you know how worried I've been?" she asked, sounding exasperated.

I figured this wasn't any of my business so I turned to leave, looking around for Mina. She'd probably beat me up if I was gone any longer. When I did find our camp I walked over and got a smack to the back of the head, finding the culprit to be none other than Mina.

"Eijirou Kirishima! Next time you go running off, tell someone. I turned around for not even a minute and you were gone." she scolded, making me huff as I rubbed the back of my head.

"As the heir of this tribe you are expected to act accordingly, not running off with some child for two hours." she said, sighing before we settled down by the fire with the others.