
Treasure Hunting Through the Multiverse

A boy gets reincarnated into a cultivation world and lives his life peacefully after becoming the strongest. Just when life was good, a huge humanoid black fog thing attacks the world and he had to sacrifice himself to defeat it. Only when he was getting ready to go to either hell or heaven, a system merges with his soul, informing him that the creature didn't die and come again, to attack the world and his loved ones. So, he goes to another world, with a system, to stop that creature from harming his loved ones. All he has is a system which gives him rewards when he opens treasure chests. I changed both the cover and the title as I thought the previous ones weren't that good. The new ones are also not great though. Points to remember while reading: 1.The cover has Nie Li from TDG on it. That means my MC looks exactly like the Nie Li from TDG. 2.I did write harem, but I will make sure it doesn't become similar to the pokemon game and be more like the pokemon show, where Ash bonds with the pokemon and makes the pokemon join willingly. 3.This is going to be a multiverse fan-fic and he is going to many other worlds. 4.A close person of the MC will die. Most probably, there will be no more deaths, well at least till the story in my head. Many readers didn't like it, so I am giving a heads up to the new ones. 4.I am not writing a story for an English textbook. There will be errors and grammatical mistakes. Please bear with me and if considerate, you can correct them and I will make changes. 5.I am writing this, only to feel better and deviate my. mind from studies so, don't expect steady updates. 6.And lastly, I don't own anything except the MC. So, if I use something which the owner is not comfortable with, let me. know. somehow and I will remove it.

Akainu_TheBea5t · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs

Chapter 54

Kenji was taken to their home theatre and it was huge. Kenji's house also had a huge theatre, but he only watched movies in it.

Kenji said to Saori "I am not used to seeing news on a big screen."

"We also wouldn't be here if it was any normal show. The results of R.S high is not just a simple show. I am amazed you haven't seen or heard of it till now. It blows up the internet when it airs.

If this is your first time, its good that you are seeing it here. You will enjoy it. Come sit down quickly. It's almost time." Saori said in an excited tone.

Whereas it wasn't the same with Sakura ams her father. She was nervous. She wasn't confident that she would pass, as she had messed up and Kenji had to save her.

As for her father, his face was emotionless and lifeless. "I would feel very bad if I was saved by him. He looks like he is the one who needs help." Kenji said to himself.

They all sat down and the show was being projected on the huge screen. Kenji was sitting with Sakura and Saori on either side. Kirito sat beside Saori.

The show started and Psywalk appeared with the same smile on his face. He said with a happy tone "Hello everyone, it's the time of the year you all are waiting for. This year, we had participants with excellent potential to become the top heroes.

We had 250 students who qualified for the practical test and the test this year is the to infiltrate the bases of the rising organization A.B.U. Kids sure had a fun time with their assignment."

Sakura and Kenji almost spat out blood like the characters in wuxia novels. They both said to the screen "Nowhere did we have fun in that assignment."

Psywalk continued "Now, without keeping you guys waiting, let's look at the clips of the 20 students who managed to enter the bountyboard of N.H.A."

Kenji asked "N.H.A? What's that now?"

Saori looked at Kenji and asked "Were you living under a rock all this time?"

Kenji replied "I was busy with other works."

"The N.H.A is a an association made up of small time criminals. It's abbreviated version of " Newbie Heroes Hunter Association" and as their name says, they they hunt kids who join the hero course students.

They believe to nip the heroes in the bud. So, they hack into the R.S high database and look at the footage of your tests. The association have a hacker who has a quirk that lets him become a virtual God. We still don't know anything about him or his quirk." Saori explained.

"Didn't you say that it was made of small time criminals, then why didn't the heroes deal with them?" Kenji asked.

"Well, that's because they have many dangerous villains backing them up, including some politicians and criminal gangs. So, complete eradication isn't possible. And even if we try, the heroes would suffer severe losses." Saori explained.

While Saori was explaining Kenji the basics of American society, Psywalk was displaying clips of kids across the five bases.

Kenji looked at the clips and the kids using their quirks. He said "Those are some cinematic clips. I guess they hired a Hollywood director to shoot is in action."

Saori agreed with Kenji and said "That's the reason why this show is famous. They are real and better than movies. And to add to the hype, this is aired only once a year."

(I am just giving an idea about their quirks. Later in the story, I will give them names and explain their quirks in detail.)

On the 20th position was a kid who could change the color of his skin to blend into the surrounding. The kid who was 19th had a quirk that let him float.

The kid who was 18th had a quirk that let him turn into anyone. He turned into a guard to infiltrate the base. 17th had a quirk that let him see through things. It was x-ray vision. He used it to escape from the guards.

16th had a quirk that could let her discharge electricity. She had to store it before releasing it. They figured it out when she would constantly touch any power port she sees.

15th had a mutation quirk where his legs were similar to that of Kangaroos. 14th had a quirk that. let her link sight with anyone. 13th had a quirk to read minds.

12th had a quirk that made him slippery and flexible. 11th had a quirk that let him control emotions of others.

10th had a quirk that let him control the temperature of things he touches. 9th had a quick that granted him telekinesis.

8th had a quirk that let him control sand. 7th had a quirk that gave her properties of a wolf. She grabbed Kenji's attention. Any Otaku who looks at her would definitely like her.

She had wolf ears and a fluffy tail. Kenji wasn't going to simp on her though. Sakura was 6th, which surprised her. She jumped with joy and excitement.

She had a bounty of 20,000$. Fifth was a person who could discharge electricity.

She needed to charge before she discharges. Kenji deduced this when she would constantly visit power sockets constantly. He wasn't the only one who noticed it though.

She received a bounty of 40,000$. A kid with blue hair and red eyes was fourth. Kenji recognized him as he had seen him in the exam Hall.

He was fast. He couldn't move in blinding speeds, but he was faster than any person with enhanced strength. "I used to run at his speed when I four." Kenji said. He received a bounty of 80,000$.

Saori and Sakura just brushed it off thinking he was joking. A boy with messy blonde hair was third. Kenji again recognized him as he was also from the same exam hall.

He had a quirk that grants him superhuman strength. He was able to break a wall with his fists, although it did take time and effort. He received a bounty of 200,000$.

Second was the kid with blonde spiky hair, who was also from the same exam hall as Kenji.

He had a quirk that let him control water to a certain extent. He received a bounty of 400,000$.

Psywalk then said "Now, the candidate you all have been waiting for. He has not only managed to successfully infiltrate their base unnoticed, but he also saved people captured by the organization and also the candidates who were caught infiltrating." and the clips of Kenji infiltrating the base was displayed.

"I don't want to boast or anything, but I actually did a pretty crazy job back there." Kenji said and Saori said "I have to agree kid. Those are some pretty crazy moves you got there."

Psywalk then said "He also managed to set a record with the highest bounty every recorded. He has a bounty of 2,000,000$ on his head."

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