
Treasure Hunting Through the Multiverse

A boy gets reincarnated into a cultivation world and lives his life peacefully after becoming the strongest. Just when life was good, a huge humanoid black fog thing attacks the world and he had to sacrifice himself to defeat it. Only when he was getting ready to go to either hell or heaven, a system merges with his soul, informing him that the creature didn't die and come again, to attack the world and his loved ones. So, he goes to another world, with a system, to stop that creature from harming his loved ones. All he has is a system which gives him rewards when he opens treasure chests. I changed both the cover and the title as I thought the previous ones weren't that good. The new ones are also not great though. Points to remember while reading: 1.The cover has Nie Li from TDG on it. That means my MC looks exactly like the Nie Li from TDG. 2.I did write harem, but I will make sure it doesn't become similar to the pokemon game and be more like the pokemon show, where Ash bonds with the pokemon and makes the pokemon join willingly. 3.This is going to be a multiverse fan-fic and he is going to many other worlds. 4.A close person of the MC will die. Most probably, there will be no more deaths, well at least till the story in my head. Many readers didn't like it, so I am giving a heads up to the new ones. 4.I am not writing a story for an English textbook. There will be errors and grammatical mistakes. Please bear with me and if considerate, you can correct them and I will make changes. 5.I am writing this, only to feel better and deviate my. mind from studies so, don't expect steady updates. 6.And lastly, I don't own anything except the MC. So, if I use something which the owner is not comfortable with, let me. know. somehow and I will remove it.

Akainu_TheBea5t · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs

Chapter 55

Kenji had his eyes open wide when he heard about the bounty on his head. And he wasn't the only one. Almost everyone seeing the show were shocked with the amount.

Kenji calmed down and started thinking of the possible reasons as to why he had such a huge amount on his head.

"I barely displayed my quirk, only interrogated two people and....." that's when he realised the reason for his bounty.

"I think it's mostly due to that fatty whose quirk I stole. He must be thinking I did something to him and is angry about it. Completely makes sense. And since he could hypnotise people, having this much money completely makes sense." Kenji said in his head.

After the show ended, Saori looked at Kenji and said "You have to be careful kid, this is a bounty which would tempt any criminal and make them come after your head like mad dogs."

Kirito also added "You will also attract attention of the heroes. They would constantly try to outshine you or do. something that involves you to gain popularity."

Sakura also added "Don't worry Kenji, I will help you this time." with a determined face.

Saori chuckled and said "Oh, you want to be at his side and protect him." and Sakura starts blushing.

Saori turned to Kenji and said "It's already late now and would take time to go back home. Why don't you stay here for a night."

Kenji had a feeling that something was going to happen, but when he saw Sakura's pleading face, he couldn't refuse.

He sighed and agreed. Kenji then immediately had a weird feeling, telling him that some cliche anime or hentai incident was going to happen and the weird feeling didn't betray him.

Kirito stood up and said "Then, I will leave for my night patrol. Bye" and left.

Kenji asked about it and Saori replied "He patrols during the night, as his quirk is more suited for jobs in the dark. He won't be visible when he turns into mist in the dark, as much as in the day."

So, Kenji was in a house with two overly attractive women. Well, Sakura was still 15 but her body didn't match her age.

They had dinner and Kenji noticed the lust in Saori's face. It was most likely his charm stat, his looks or his Incubus trait.

Kenji didn't want to ruin the relationship between him and Sakura, who was his first friend in this world. So, he immediately ate his dinner and left to sleep.

Saori had a disappointed look when she saw Kenji avoid her. Kenji also noticed it and said in his head "As tempting as it looks, I am not someone who sleeps with woman whom I don't love. That's if I know them. If I meet someone who only wants to be pleasured and I don't know them, I would be happy to help.

But, Saori is Sakura's mother. I don't care if anyone watching me is offended or something, I can't do it and mess up Sakura's life."

Kenji slept in his room, thinking about everything that happened to him ever since he set foot in America. That's when he realized "I didn't even open a single chest after coming here. And here I was struggling to gain power, when I had the best superpower with me.

The only one I opened recently was the one in that base, but since it was not in America,I can't say that I opened any in USA."

Kenji was thinking of possible places to find chests and was preparing a list as to where he should sneak in next.

That's when he felt something else inside him. It felt as if he was being called towards a certain direction.

He used his x-ray vision to see what was in that direction and found Saori fingering herself while playing with her nipples.

Kenji liked what he was seeing, but couldn't tell why he was sensing something calling him in that direction.

He immediately called the person who might have answers to his questions. The other person picked the call and Kenji asked "Mia, are you busy now? Are there anyone around you?"

Mia replied "No, what happened?" in a serious tone. She knew that if Kenji was taking precautions that no one hears him, it could be something serious.

Kenji them explained what he was feeling and what he had seen. Mia sighs and said "And here I was expecting to hear some national secrets."

"Why would I find national secrets here? Now tell what's happening to me?" Kenji asked.

"It's a trait of Succubus and Incubus. We can sense people who are sexually frustrated and have pent up stress in them. They are usually people who are separated from their loved ones." Mia explained.

"I understood what's going on. Good night Mia." Kenji said and hung up.

Kenji felt responsible for Saori's state. He kept thinking of ways to correct his mistakes when he remembered another trait of Incubus, "Dream Walking".

He could enter anyone's dreams or control their dreams. He planned to release her stress through her dreams. Kenji used his speed force to go to her room and make her sleep through hypnotism. He then used his dream walking to make her see a dream where she is with someone she likes or loves.

He then left the room, after fully admiring her body. Kenji had a smile on his face, thinking that he had corrected a mistake he made. What he didn't know is that Saori of her sleeping with Kenji.

He slept peacefully, without any worries and left the next day. Mia asked about Saori and he told her what he did. She was actually surprised that he didn't burst open the door and have sex with her.

Kenji was having his breakfast when Emily walked to Kenji and leaned over him from behind. She pressed her chest on his back, but Kenji didn't have time to feel them. when he looked at the mobile screen Emily placed before him.

"Is it what I think it is?" Kenji asked and she replied "Yes, it's a fan club I created and is now breaking the internet. I have more than 200,000 members in the fan club and this is only the one I created. I don't know how many other fan clubs are there."

"Great that you are doing something. Just don't do something that would trouble me." Kenji said while eating.

Emily said in a nervous tone "Well, about that. Many want a good picture of yours and some are willing to pay quite a good amount for it."

Kenji sighed. He knew what Emily wanted. Seeing him sigh is a sign of him admitting defeat. So, Emily immediately brought out a camera and took countless photos.

After his weird photo session and an uncomfortable breakfast, Kenji stood before a clothes shop. It wasn't anything fancy to attract his attention, but it managed to grab his attention one day when he was searching for the Abyss' base.

"Let's see how tough it is to break into an info base of the FBI." Kenji said in a low voice.

Note :- In this chapter, I mostly just wrote bullshit of Kenji with women, which didn't come out great. I am. not. good at writing things like this. I can't write relationships properly. So, any advices would be very helpful. Thank you.

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